Tuesday, October 14, 2008

breaking up is hard to do or Monday Morning - Don't Trust that Day

Brett Farve and I have much in common -- not the least is that we both came out of retirement. It's only been a few weeks but being a blogger is such a part of my identity that I couldn't stay away.

It's been a busy time. Daniel and I were featured speakers at Rosh Hashana services. The reviews were outstanding - I say with great humility - and we will be including them in the Christmas CD that will be available by mail order - or via the Internet right after Thanksgiving. We are in negotiations and anticipate that the CD will also feature some of the greatest hits from our Rock musician in Miami and a few 'easy to do' science experiments for our High School readership, courtesy of our science editor in Arkansas. For the first hundred people who order the CD, we'll throw in a free psychological profile, courtesy of our favorite Intern.

This past week-end was a highlight for our family. Three of us ran in the Baltimore Half Marathon made possible by the support of our number one fan. It was a beautiful day - lots of runners and plenty of spectators. The first 7 miles flew by -- and we were averaging better than 8.5 minutes per mile. The last 6 were a bit more challenging and we ended the race running holding hands as we crossed the finish line to the thunderous applause of the crowd. ( there is a commercial that involves special needs kids in a race. one competitor falls and the other competitors stop running, pick him up and they link arms and run together. This was essentially what happened, as Cara and Daniel slowed their pace and basically carried me to the end.)
The balance of the week-end was spent eating, drinking, more eating and the requisite game of darts in the pub. first person to guess the teams and the outcome of the darts game will get a free autographed CD.

and then there was Monday. I'm feeling sore, barely walking - but needed to get to my Monday spin class with Gina. I'm contemplating telling her that I need to 'take it easy' after racing this past week-end, when she asks the class to be quiet so she can make an announcement. and with no fanfare and not much in the way of explanation, Gina told us that this will be her last class -- that she is starting a new job and teaching spinning doesn't fit into her schedule. It was like getting a shot in the stomach --- Gina leaving -- without any notice. Didn't they teach these spin instructors that endings are difficult and termination is a process and not an announcement? The rest of the class started asking her if she knew who would be her replacement - and they gave names of instructors. Well friends -- my first thought was "Gina First." Gosh Darnit -- am I the only 'Joe 6 pack' in the class who is not an elitist? I've never palled around with a terrorist and I'm from a small town call 'the Bronx.'

I don't remember much about the class - I was in shock. After all, I have been waking up with Gina once a week for 9 years. Ours was not a fleeting affair - at least not on my end. I cared. and to be told on Monday that it's over -- a flimsy excuse about a job in Central Jersey. I debated going up to Gina at the end of the class, telling her that I deserved better after 9 years. She made the unilateral decision to end the relationship and she could have let me down in a more sensitive way. I thought of slamming the door as I walked out of the room - or getting the last word - telling her that I was the one that lost 25 lbs since we first met while she, now in her 40's is 'middle aged'. I chose to do neither -- I left without saying a word -- a wave of the hand and a nod of the head. I believe the towel over my head shielded her from seeing the tears streaming down my face.

and as I titled the blog - "breaking up is hard to do" .... but there is Dave -- a big, cue balled spin instructor who is a drill Sargent and leads a Friday class. and Humphrey would say ... "this could be the start of a beautiful relationship."

Lesson learned - there is always another tee shot, always another putt and always another spin instructor.

The title of the Christmas CD is "Dogs Don't Bark at Parked Cars" .... and that my friends is a serious statement of how we never know what tomorrow will bring.

Peace Out