Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes

So what if the temperature is in the teens and there are wind gusts of 40+ miles per hour ..... so what if golf season is months away ...... "Birds got to Fly, Fish got to Swim, and I got to Blog". (will the music critic please tell us what song this is and which play it's from.

As this year - and this decade comes to an end (more about that later) - I had an epiphany at the gym these past two days that needed to be shared with my readership and the countless number of people whose lives are touched by this cyber connection.

Monday started off as any other gym day. I was on line at 4:45 am - with about 15 other people (since it's a holiday week - there were fewer people on line.) My gym buddy was there and we did our usual 45 'killer minutes' on the difficult elliptical - at level 15. This was followed by a quick 10 minute pump and on our bikes at 5:58 am for spin class. For our new readers, the instructor is 'small Gina' and teaches the Monday - Wed class, (as compared to 'big Gina' who teaches the Tuesday class.) Gina and I go back to the start of the decade - 2000 - when they opened the spin class in Scarsdale .... I was in her first class ... and have been 'a groupie' over the years - following her to different clubs, ending in Dobbs Ferry. Gina gives an amazing class - she is the equivalent of Seinfeld's 'soup Nazi' .... you do it her way .... or else.

Gina is a 'bit temperamental' and less than 'reliable'.... but aren't most artists. Do you think Mary J. watches a clock, or Lebron James cares if he is a bit late for an interview? Gina 'took liberties' with when she would show up for class -- coming late -- sometimes 30 minutes late for a 45 min. class. This 'behavior' is more glaring by two facts -- she has imposed a rule that you need to be on your bike two minutes before the start of class or she'll give the bike away. If you need to go to the bathroom - you need to tell her - it's not enough to tell the person next to you. This rule has been tolerated for a while .... however, when Gina is late, she never apologizes. Do you think Van Gough apologized for spilling paint on the floor? Would Derek apologize for getting his uniform dirty? Gina is an artist and artists have their own set or rules.

Apparently, a number of people in the class complained about Gina's tardiness to the management of the sports club. What's humorous is that many people complain about things like the dust balls that are the size of volley balls around the equipment, the filth in the locker rooms and the mold growing in the showers. Management never acknowledges any of these complaints, but they must have said something to Gina.

Gina came to class on Monday and announced she was not going to teach the Monday and Wed. class anymore. The response was similar to when Oprah announced that this will be her final year .... disbelief, shock and a sense of doom. I was hoping Gina would pull a Brett Farve (can one of the sports authorities share with the readership this analogy) - but no such think will happen. During class, Gina came over to me and we shared a moment --- I asked her if there was anything that could be done to change her mind ... and without hesitation .... without a trace of remorse....she said 'absolutely not.' Since some people in the class had the unmitigated (SAT word) gall to complain --- she was leaving. Gina is a Deva -- and didn't feel the respect from the class she richly deserves. Would you complain about a master chef (someone give me a name) dropping an egg on the food channel? Gina is history -- and no amount of pleading will get her to change her mind.

Understandably, I was in a funk for the rest of Monday. Monday and Wednesday spin class without Gina --- who would take her place? Would it be one of the many 'losers' we've had as substitutes? 28% of my spin week was with Gina (will one of the math wizards check this out - I spin with Gina 2 out of the 7 days I spin). It was with a heavy heart and tired legs that I went to the gym on Tuesday. Same routine - 4:45am line up -- see my gym buddy -- heavy duty elliptical -- and then spin class with 'big Gina.' Basically, there is a large core of people who are regulars in the 6 am spin class. We were a subdued group - speculating about who will take 'small Gina's place' and wondering who were the 'complainers' who made her quit. These are the type of people who ruin it for the majority of us who will put up with 'anything' that a superstar dishes out. (Guess Tiger's wife would be considered a 'complainer.' Because of her - the golfers of the world have to miss Tiger's exemplary performances on the course.)

With a heavy heart, I started to spin ... and then ... one woman (who I don't know) was giving out boxers (shorts - not fighters) for New Years. The boxers were pretty outrageous. She gave out 10 pairs - to the coolest people in the class - to the 'in crowd'. (There are 27 of us spinning on a given day.) How do you think this made me feel --- my bike is the one in the corner, closest to the door, chosen because of my 'shyness' and 'insecurities.' This was Junior High School all over again. The popular kids got the best table in the cafeteria, hung out together, while the rest of us 'dorks' just watched and wished we were part of that group. So this woman - gave out 10 pairs of 'outrageous boxers' --- didn't follow the rule that if you bring in cupcakes for the class you need to bring in enough for every child. The popular spinners had their own 'colors' (gang reference) and the rest were losers.

So on top of losing Gina -- I watched as the woman gave out 9 pairs of boxers -- and felt that same feeling in the pit of my stomach when nobody voted for me for GO President in 9th grade ... until ... with only one pair left - this woman looked to her left, to her right ... and threw me the last pair of Boxers. I WAS ONE OF THE "IN-CROWD." The 16 people not getting boxers - these losers - were looking at me with envy -- I was not a doormat to be stepped on. I was COOL. (Truth be told - I think I got the last pair of boxers because of my gym buddy - who is definitely one of the leaders, but who cares -- even if I was the ugly duckling - I was chosen to hang out with the swans. - note it's not always sports metaphors ... I have a very diverse readership that I must appeal to.)

So who cares about Gina's replacement --- I'm in with the "In CROWD", I KNOW WHAT THE IN CROWD KNOWS" -- music critic - which golden oldie am I referencing?

So loyal readership --- as the decade comes to an end --- I'm going to be wearing my special boxers and wishing all of you the opportunity - not for health, happiness and prosperity -- but rather to be chosen - possibly for the first time in your life - as it was for me - to be one of the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.

Peace out!