Saturday, March 6, 2010

It all begins in the Parking lot

Another year, and another parking lot adventure. This year as in previous years we performed the parking lot sleepover to get our tee time. This is not your average slumber party, but a carefully orchestrated tag team event in which a constant vigil occurs in the Saxon Woods parking lot. This year we were joined by three new participants. Jill started us off on Thursday morning giving up some of her work time to hold onto a precious spot on line. Neil sent Ed in his place to maintain the flow. Finally, Ben Lew did the final leg of the relay and was there asleep in the parking lot when Bernie arrived to claim our prize. Here are some photos capturing the scene


Whereas this situation was similar to last year, the same cannot be said for the course. Saxon Woods is undergoing major renovation to fix the drainage and generally improve the course. Here are some more photos of the changes to the course. The first is hole number 3 where the stream that runs along the right side as been significantly widened. This scene is looking from the bottom of the green back toward the fairway

This change was followed with one that will make the course slightly easier. On the 4th hole they have cleared away most of the trees on the left hand side. Les in particular will like this change, because he seemed to frequent the woods on the left side. Now he and other will be able to hit our from that area. Here is a picture of the new cleaned out area looking from the fairway.

The next change is the most radical and some might say puzzling. The 6th hole which used to be one of the easiest holes on the course is now being changed to one of the most challenging. They have cleared out the entire right side of the hole and elevated the green to a huge hill, which invites you to miss and have the ball roll down to your feet. We expect some high scores on this hole. In addition to this change, they have moved the tee box for the next hole over about 20 yards making it slightly easier. Here are some pictures, that don't really do the scene justice.

Another change occurs on the 13th and 14th holes (and to some extent the 8th). The stream that runs along the 13th hole has been significantly widened. This was the scene of a previous encounter where the hand cart ended up in the marshy swamp. It is not longer a marshy swamp but is now a full fledged water hazard. Here it is, picture taken while standing on the bridge.

The final pictures show the 11th hole where again they have taken an ugly marsh and turned into an attractive, but imposing water hazard. As Barry observed, it seems like to solve the water problem on the course, they have added more legitimate water to the course. Who would have imagined that was the solution to the problem. Here are 2 photos looking from the 11th green.

The course is more challenging, but the question remains "Will it be ready by opening day, April 11th?" Stay tuned.

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