Sunday, June 1, 2008

Time --

Hey Blog readership. This week's golf outing featured the 3 caballeros (Dan 'had gone fishin') and our 'newest and bestest' golfer to ever join our foursome -- Jim. It was Teddy Roosevelt that said "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick", (wasn't it?) .... and that was Jim. He has a 3 handicap -- which in regular speak means he hits the ball at least 30 - 35 times LESS than we do. There was some idol worship going on - as we all stood and watched his drives -- 300 yard drives - and thinking to ourselves ... "I want to be like Jim." This 37 y/o construction worker - he lays iron -- living on the East side, plays Saxon Woods and Beth Page when he's not spending week-ends in his house outside Syracuse .... was low key, patient, and humored us by saying that he enjoyed playing with us. Jim -- when you read this blog -- know that all other 'golfers who play a round with us ' will never measure up to your standards. Jim - we raise our putters in salute!

Let's get the particulars of the day out of the way ... weather was ideal ... we played with an idol... and on the first hole I looked like an idiot. Faithful followers of this blog will remember that the first hole is the 'pressure hole.' The starter is watching you as is the foursome going to follow you. All ready to judge 'your game' and thus their Sunday golf experience based on your first drive off the tee. I've had mixed experiences on this first hole -- last time hitting a nice shot over the trees, more often hitting into the grove. I was first up -- addressed the ball -- swung -- and landed on my butt. Yes, the grass was wet, yes I was wearing sneakers -- and yes -- everyone was watching. The only thing that beat my fall - was my shot -- with the golf ball landing 150 yrds - straight out in the fairway. I'm not graceful -- but I got the job done. (perhaps a life lesson here somewhere.)

The balance of the day was booming drives (from Jim and Barry that is) with Richie and I playing 'army golf' --- left, right, left, right .....

But back to the title: I need the music buffs out there (can I get some help Sammy?) to tell me the person who wrote and sung: "Time, Time, Time, .... It's on my side ... Yes it is" For me, it's just the opposite -- Time is my nemisis (SAT word) ... Time is a 'countdown' ... and most of you know my philosophy -- "there is no tomorrow" ... or even more bluntly and to quote another song title ... "Live life like you were Dying."

We measure our golf game by time: On Monday - rich and I played a 6 hour round, today we played in 4 hrs and 25 minutes ... We felt the pressure of time today - because the foursome behind us were right on our backs. Whenever we turned around - like Butch and Sundance did - they would be there - scowling - hands on their hips. During the 6 hour round - the pressure was internal -- would we finish before we ran out of breakfast and lunch food.

And now for you TV viewers -- you know how on Cold Case -- they juxtapose (another good SAT word that I can't spell) the current person with the person who committed the crime decades ago - we had a very special few hours this afternoon. My parents haven't been to our house for over 15 years -- because of my mother's physical disability. We recently got a portable ramp - and at Judi's suggestion - told them we were going to take them out -- but wouldn't tell them where. I picked them up - their new wheelchair accessible van - makes going places so much easier -- and took them back to the house. The look on my parent's faces - when they were in our backyard -- reliving 'happy times -- was poignant. The bigger surprise for them was when Barry, Richie and Jill came over. My parents know them for 40 years -- and to see them - not in a hospital - but in our home - a very special time.

Perhaps I can get an assist from our English consultant in Jersey. Who said "These were the best of times, these were the worst of times?" Today was definitely the "BEST OF TIMES."

Lesson learned today --- wish I would have taken Jim's e-mail address in case I ever am invited with a partner to play in a scramble. Secondary lesson - glad my parents got to see my childhood friends, hear about their children, and be so happy being together with us - in a relaxed (everyone but me) environment. For all of us today - There was NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT.

Hit em long and straight.


Unknown said...

It truly was an honor for Richie and me to be part of your parents' surprise outing - we were so moved to be with them at your house - and they are so terrific! Of course it was all Judi's idea - and I must remind you of the fantastic zinger she shot at you tonight. For all of you interested parties, last evening Bernard was saying how he could not wait to move out of Ardsley, and would not mind leaving his friends behind. Tonight, he remarked to his parents how wonderful it was for him to have his best friends so nearby - the Iturbes and the Golds. In a flash, Judi shot back at him reminding him that not 24 hours ago he had said he would like to move away! Even Bernard himself was impressed with Judi.

I don't need my English PhD son to tell you that the Best of Times quote is from A Tale of Two cities - Now you can wonder - did I read the book ro read the Monarch Notes?

Amanda said...'ve really turned my mom into a blog fan! before this, I don't think she knew what a blog she's reading *and* commenting.

I played my own form of golf yesterday--the miniature kind. That's probably as close as I'll ever get to a golf enthusiast!

barry said...

Rolling Stones.