Monday, May 26, 2008


Growing up in the Bronx - disputes that arose during games like stoop ball, punch ball, stick ball , captain, weren't resolved by fighting -- they were resolved by someone calling a 'Do-Over.' The prior play was forgotten - and another chance was given.

I had a "Do-Over" week-end of golf.

On Sunday, while Dan was throwing out a line and Richie was at Amanda's graduation - Barry and I had a special treat of playing with Sam Gold. "Atta Boy" to Sam for getting to the golf course by 6:30 AM .... and playing the full 18! If this was closer to Father's Day, I would wax poetically about the pleasure of playing with Barry and Sam. (Similarly to how I felt playing with Richie and his dad. There is something special about playing 'intergenerational golf' with your friends kids or their dad.) I do want to note that Sam's play was at least equal - and usually surpassed ours .... the only problem with that is Sam has played less that 12 times, and we've been playing golf almost twice as long as he's been alive. Sam's strong suit was chipping from off the green and getting the ball in the cup. It was particularly heart warming to see the Gold's share some rye bread at the 10th hole. (although it fairness - I need to point out that this was one of Barry's 'substandard snacks' - no butter, no challah, no bagel and cream cheese.)

We were joined on Sunday by U-Taka ... a very polite young man who is known for having the largest 'putter heads' and tees that looked more like tripods. We were chastised a number of times by the Ranger .... couldn't keep up with the foursome in front of us ... but still managed to play the course in a near record 4 hrs and 20 minutes.

My game was inconsistent -- but I was able to call a "DO-OVER" (bet you wondered when I was going to get the title into the blog) because I was playing on Monday with Richie (or as I called him - Rick). The great thing about a "Do-Over" - whether you are 8 years old or 7X that (as Jill is) - is that the past is forgotten and there is the expectation that all that went bad on the course yesterday will be magically corrected today. So on Sunday - my first tee shot went as usual into the grove -- but on Monday - I hit it OVER the trees. But I get ahead of myself.

As teenagers and young adults, Richie and I were most often not part of the 'inner sports circle' when it came to situations at the Van Courtland tennis courts. Although we had tennis permits, and although there was supposedly a city rec employee to 'maintain order and enforce the rules' - the 'street law' always favored the 'insiders.' For instance - if the courts were wet - and an 'insider' cleared the court -- they had unlimited tennis time -- while Richie and I (the outsiders) were shut out. The same thing happened again when we would go to play racket ball at the New Rochelle YMCA - and the 'insiders' would rig a system so we would only get 45 minutes of playing time while they played the night.

Well sports fans - today (Monday) was another DO-OVER. Richie has registered us for an 11:58 tee time and shortly after paying -- it became apparent that there was trouble in Saxon Woods. There were 6 people registered for this tee time. (For the uninformed golfers - since this is much more than a golfing blog - only 4 people can tee off at a time.) There was a huddle with the Saxon Woods Golfing Authorities -- with Richie and I expecting to be told that we'd have to wait -- like we did in Van Cortland Park, or at the Y - so the 'insiders' could play. Since there was a 'parade' of people waiting to play (this being Memorial Day) -- this could have been a deal breaker. And then - out of the Golf Authorities huddle came a 'booming voice' - the Starter - who as many of the readership know is the most important official on the course - because without him you can't -- START -- announced in a most authoritative manner -- that those two (and he pointed to Richie and me) were going to tee off at 11:58 and the other 4 would have to work it out ... because we were 'regulars.' WE MADE IT -- WE WERE INSIDERS -- All the slights of childhood -- all the feelings of inadequacy on the courts -- all the injustices we suffered disappeared some 40 + years later -- because we were among the 'few, the popular, the Insiders' at Saxon Woods Golf Course! The Starter had our backs -- we were one of 'his boys.' And to think - last year we debated getting him a gift and decided not to -- well he earned it today.

The game itself was Seinfeldian. We were on track to play a record 6 hrs - the front 9 took 3 hrs - and we left after 15. The two guys we were paired with -- TJ and Ken were memorable. Literally - the wait between each of the first 9 holes was anywhere from 20 - 30 minutes. But that didn't stop our new best friend Ken from taking 9 -- thats right - count them - 9 practice swings on every ball -- not just the tee shots -- every ball. The 9 practice swings doesn't take into account the 2 or more times he had to stand behind his ball, or the practice - on hand back swing. This is no exaggeration - but he had a picnic basket with him -- and I soon saw why -- he brought both his lunch and dinner to eat while he played. TJ was a caricature -- he could drive the ball a mile -- but was so intense -- He lost one club last week when he played and lost another club today -- my sense is from slamming them to the ground after a mis-hit.

and so - the close of another golfing week-end. Great for me because I got to play two days in a row with great friends -- although DAN -- you are missed! Great because for the first time I became an "insider" and great because it reminded me that in life, like in golf -- you often get a chance for a DO-OVER .

Remember to hit them long and straight this week --


Unknown said...

Well Bernard, this week you only have a few spelling/grammatical mistakes, but your math skills need some brushing up, particularly multiplication.

Further, it is my strong suspicion that the reason you and Richie were declared insiders and allowed to play, was because you were dressed appropriately - golf shirts and golf shorts (which Richie and I gave to you on - what was it - your 59th birthday?). As I tell my students when sending them on job interviews, a good appearance does pay off!

barry said...

I'm wondering if the starter was favoring you and Richie as "insiders" or was actually doing the other four a favor because he knew the round would take so long. I prefer to go along with your glass half-full perspective.

It was great playing with Sam. I highly recommend everyone playing with him (or their own son). I've rarely seen him as happy as when he was mocking me trying to get out of the sand.

Richard said...

Bernie forgot to mention some important points.
1. He introduced himself as "Bud" and I had to train myself to yell out, "great shot Bud" instead of calling him Bernie
2. When asked about the use of his "belly putter" he explained that he used to play hockey and that is why is more comfortable with that style of putter.

Unknown said...

No One should support this fake name nonsense! (Especially "Bud" - no one is named that).

Anonymous said...

Great entry. I'm a big fan of your writing though you beer is quite low brow.


sorry Jill