Sunday, May 4, 2008

May 5th: I want to welcome two new readers to our blog --- You can't get Better than these two. Also - thank you to our blogger from Hamilton, NY --- your encouraging words are appreciated.

We start watching the weather on Wed. -- distressed that the reports are for rain Saturday night into Sunday. Will you or won't you .... play in inclement weather. The four of us showed up - the weather was cold and dreary -- and our mood was quiet ... perhaps it was seeing your breath as you approach the first tee that dampened our spirits.

Once again we were faced with another example of confluence of "golf and life". We spend the upcoming week thinking about the first hole -- what we did the prior week - what we were going to try this week .... We think and re-think what club we are going to us ... because that first tee can set the tone for the game. I decided to try a new club after ending up in a grove of trees week after week. I selected a new club -- and looked up at the tee box -- only to see that they had moved the markers where you can tee off -- so much so, that the week of planning, the visioning of what club to use and how the shot would land was for naught. and once again - a truism of life -- "Man plans and God laughs." A new tee box placement required flexibility -- the same way that one has to adapt when 'life throws you a curve."

The game reflected our spirits -- muted -- some good shots -- far too many flubs. There wasn't the reflective comments, the ethical questions, the week's dilemnas as we've had in past weeks. And I realized...perhaps this Blog was an inhibiting factor. A PhD scholar in Rutgers is studying the effects that media has had on all forms of communication ... how ironic -- that this blog, whose creator wanted a vehicle that would capture the vissitudes of life found on a golf course might actually serve to quiet the conversation.

Past blogs document the torment of one of the players -- to engage in a 'victimless crime' -- although are any crimes truly victimless? This same player was questioning the role gender plays in the domestic functions of his foursome. This player was reduced to suggesting a competition: "Who can pee less frequently?" Is it possible that this blog has reduced the conversation to this level of banality? What's next -- "pull my finger before putting?" Before this 'new competition' could begin ... a member of our foursome who is truly the 'moral compass' of this group reminded us that 'he never pees for 18 holes.' This leader of men could easily have gone along with this competition and come out ahead (or not having to use a head) ... but felt a moral calling to tell us that this competition was over before it started. For the huge number of readers who are land locked -- " a head" is a 'bathroom' on a boat.

People have thanked me for the 'fashion review' in last week's blog. Since I value the breadth of our readership's interests -- Richie was lauded for his sleeveless vest that perfectly matched his shirt and pants.

If one measure of one's success is the time in which one finishes a round of golf -- we set a record of the four of us finishing 18 holes in under 4 1/2 hrs -- walking. There is something a bit 'oxymoronic' in looking forward to something for a week -- studying weather patterns -- mapping strategies -- living for the chance to redeem oneself on a hole misplayed - a put missed -- and then to value finishing the round in as short a period as possible. Would a marriage that lasted a shorter period be deemed more successful that one that continues? Readership Comments will be responded to in the order they are received.

And yet -- even a 'depressed outing' has it's surprises. The four of us had an 'informal understanding' that we bring our own food -- and never overstep our bounds by encroaching and eating another's food. (Let me note that without fail - Barry offers a bite of his bagel on the start of the 10th hole -- but only a stranger has ever taken him up on his generous offer.) One brings food from home that is intended to last 18 holes. No-one brings 'extra food.' It's no different than the explorers who climb Mt. Everest -- they need to carry their own supplies - not depend on others ... While it's unlikely that one of us would result to cannibalism during the course of 18 holes -- we don't put another golf in a state of deprivation because we 'eat' his supply. Until today -- when one golfer on the 15th hole indulged and took precious trail mix from a buddy. Luckily - that generous golfer was able to make it through the round -- malnourished but would not give up.

and finally our tee time has been changed -- from a time of 7:42 -- which encourages 'lollygagging' at home to a crisp 6:52 am .... golfers are required to be paid and ready to hit by 6:30 am ... Spring training is over -- real golf starts next week.

This week's take away --- approach life with a sense of purpose and an ability to be flexible. Make plans but don't be 'handcuffed' to those plans. Plans are based on an analysis of the past and prognostication of the future. Like a camellion -- the need to change can be life altering.

"hit them long and straight... or short and true"

Peace out!


Unknown said...

You started something that has taken on a life of its own. Kind of like how you got Richie into golf to begin with, and now he is perhaps the most avid golfer of your foursome! In any case, you can not stop blogging now!
Not to be picky or anything, but I believe the word is "putt".

Anonymous said...

I know spelling is off limits but that camillion - chameleon factor was beyond my Schwartzian ability to ignore. By the way your spelling sounds more french.

FYI- Related psychological fact- The behavior change due to being a blog character is refered to as the Hawthorne Effect.

"Individual behaviors may be altered because they know they are being studied was demonstrated in a research project (1927 - 1932) of the Hawthorne Plant of the Western Electric Company in Cicero, Illinois."

Lovely blog this week. I encourage future couture description and anaylsis.


LPT Mike(Studley) said...

Interesting discussion of the internal "water hazard". I fully expect to see you guys on a commercial for some prostate drug!

dan said...

One of the anonymous golf buddies did take up the offer of receiving some leftover trail mix and to set the record striaght, it was exactly 7.5 raisins ( one was half eaten ) and 3 half cashews. I will replace them next week with 15 raisins and 6 full cashews. And they will be organic. This anonymous golf member was the one who did not return the chairs after using them only once and does most of the food shopping. But my name will never be disclosed due to out secrecy code and since we are all superstitious if my name is disclosed, my golf buddies will be shooting over 140 for the rest of the season and those are the individual scores and not the cumulative score.