Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Golf

Here's a shout out to my blogging family that is growing exponentially. A point in fact is that I received a text message at 7:15 PM wanting to know where was the post for today. It took me 15 minutes to figure out I had a text message and another 5 minutes to figure out how to access it. So my loyal bloggers -- All I am Saying is Give Me A Chance .... Every where I go -- at work, on the golf course, out with friends, dinner with my parents --- all I hear is "blog, blog, blog...." I know how John felt, how Bruce, Bob and Mary J. feel ... the pressure to live up to the expectations of loyal fans is at time 'overwhelming.'

So here it is --- The best day of weather we've had --- and the only good thing about my game was my attire -- I dressed in shorts -- anticipating that the short term 'discomfort' would be worth it as the day

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