Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Day of Reflection

For all the golf enthusiasts who read this blog -- read no more -- this Sunday's outing was cancelled because of rain. So for the readership who want 'and more' this week-end was a time of reflection.

Daniel K. (not to be confused with golfer Daniel who is featured weekly in the blog and who has inspired many of the great ethical discussions that generally start on the fourth hole and often continue beyond the eighth hole) - came north for the week-end with Amanda (who has graciously given permission to be referred to as his 'girlfriend.' Daniel and Amanda's 14 hour drive (usually it's a 9 hours but in this case crossing the Verrizano (and yes I know it's misspelled for the spelling bee winners out there) Bridge into Brooklyn and then doubling back to go to Philadelphia on their way to Westchester will add hours) started what was for me - a heart warming week-end. You always want your child to be in a good place and that's where Daniel is -- a wonderful 'girlfriend' who tolerated my incessant questions and 'good natured kidding' ... for those movie aficionados - remember the scene in "Diner" where the young woman about to get married had to pass a sports quiz in order to 'qualify' .... well Amanda put up with lots of 'quizzes' with a smile, good humor and some great comebacks. (Sara - golfer Barry's daughter who is a film major at UP is at the Cannes film festival (France) and is welcomed to add any comments about movies, which could become a regular feature, along with food and attire sections.)

As my loyal following know - I am most grateful to having my closest friends living in the area (with the exception of someone who em migrated to Houston) and for them to meet and spend time with Daniel and Amanda was important - to all of us. Also - seeing Daniel, Amanda, and my father wearing ridiculous hats and playing kazoos with my mother singing and waving an American flag is a site that no-one could have anticipated a few short months ago. (note Mother's Day Blog.) It really doesn't get any better than to be able to share the 'good' with childhood friends. (For those of you concerned about how Daniel and Amanda will be getting back to North Carolina -- I'm happy to report they are now in possession of a GPS navigator system -- here's a thank you to Marty who 'sung the praises' of GPS before they were popular -- as well as Diane's praises before she was popular --- and a car that has 4 new tires and brakes -- thanks to the sharp eyes and strong directive of another one of my brothers - Mike. There was no equivocation when Mike saw Daniel's car - and called his mechanic saying that Daniel was NOT ALLOWED to drive that car until it was 'repaired.'

While I really try never to take my kids for granted -- today highlighted the fragility of life as we honored the memory of another one of my brother's daughters, whose untimely passing after battling the rigors of cancer two times in her short life has forever changed the lives of all who loved her. Today was the annual Marisa Run --- a run organized by Dave to raise funds for the Marisa Fund -- to make sure other children do not suffer from the toxic 'cures' for cancer like she did and to make sure that families who are going through such life wrenching experiences receive cash assistance for things not covered by insurance but can make such a difference for those living through such hardship.

I would not do justice to Marisa and her memory if I tried to capture the essence of this remarkable person. Suffice it do say that she will always be an inspiration, as is her Dad. I was so moved by seeing the students who Dave has worked with for the past four years -- come to give their support. I spent a couple of minutes asking them about their experience with Dave and their comments included: "He had confidence in me when I had none in myself." "He believed in me when no-0ne else did." "He cared so much ...and so many more similar tributes." Those of us know Dave as the consummate educator - and his good works will live on in these graduating seniors and the thousands of other student's lives he's touched over a rich career with the NYC Dept. of Ed.

So readers -- there you have it - a week-end of heart warming experiences and poignant reflections.

Remember to hit 'em' long and straight this week - and hope for good weather for the upcoming Memorial Day Week-end. A hearty congratulations to Amanda, Richie's - the best dressed golfer - daughter on her upcoming graduation from Hamilton


Unknown said...

This is quite a departure from the usual light-hearted commentary you post. However, it is well worth the diversion from the path to pay tribute to Marisa and Dave, and to all of us who have been part of this great family for so many years and have stuck with each other by choice, through the best and worst life has to dish out. We are truly lucky.

Also, your spelling has significantly improved!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done BK