Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Dr. is in

Barry and Dan were off this week and we were joined by the eminent Psychologist and soon to be published author ... Dr. Ken. Our fourth was another Barry -- very nice guy - shot an 86 ... but didn't have a bagel to share on the 10th hole.

and let's talk GOLF ... On Saturday - Barry (the original) and I went to the Golf store in Stamford, Conn. to 'redeem' my birthday gift certificates -- generously given to me by my buddies and Judi. In less than an hour - I was fitted with new clubs (hybrid irons, a driver & 7 wood). This was nothing short of a miracle -- ask any of us who have gone with Barry shoe shopping .... this truly was like playing a round in under 4 hours. Although I have some doubts about the veracity of the computer that measured my swing and distance --- if I played the course like I hit in the store - I may think twice about my day job .... it was a most successful experience. And since our readership will be dramatically increased thanks to the APA (American Psychological Association) interest in how Dr. Ken played ... let it be said that counter to my 'Bronx/depression mentality', I was able to buy the clubs that I wanted. Since I will be on a medical leave (more on that later) for a number of weeks ... I'm saying 3 ... I paid a bit extra to take the clubs with me so I could play with them on Sunday.

Biggest concern was whether the weather (Jill - note the proper spelling and grammar) would allow us to play. The Golf G-d cooperated and we played under cloudy conditions. So much for the Ambien I took -- still couldn't sleep -- attribute that to my realization that by staying awake, I was able to will away the rain.

I will keep you in suspense no longer --- the first tee -- my first shot with my new clubs -- a 7 wood ... went over the trees and landed on the fairway. That essentially was the story of the day. The CLUBS DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. So thank you to all who made this happen.

Truth be told - inviting Dr. Ken to join was not a 'no-brainer.' It's not that Dr. K isn't a great guy - he is - and a friend for 24 + years (our daughters and wives met at a mommy and me program at the Mid-Westchester Y -- free plug there) and it's not that Dr. K isn't a good player -- he's a very good player -- it's just that he is - to put it politely - very slow. Playing with him last year was like watching "paint dry.' Coupled with the fact that the foursome behind us are always waiting -- hands on their hips -- occasionally hitting up on us - to the point that I'm considering wearing a batting helmet -- Dr Ken's deliberate style of play was a source of concern. If memory serves me -- Dr. K would take between 9-11 warm up swings -- step back, behind his ball, and start the routine over again. The only advantage to playing with him last year - was that I took cat naps between his preparation and his shot.

During the pre-invitation screening, I was assured by Dr. K that he had been admonished by his son -- and he was a much quicker player. So after consultation with Rich -- our foursome's 'super ego' (Dr. K is an analyst by training and that reference is for him and the other 'Freudians') who makes sure that we are following all the rules and doing our best not to be admonished by the golf police, we extended the invitation.

Daniel B. -- we and golfers throughout Westchester and wherever else your dad plays -- owe you a debt of gratitude. I'd call Dr. K. deliberate -- but certainly within 'norm' of golfers on the continuum. It took us approximately 15 minutes longer to play -- but we didn't get scolded' by the Ranger and it was a pleasure to be joined by our favorite shrink.

About my Medical Leave --- not to worry -- Rich has demonstrated that he is an outstanding blogmeister and I'm looking forward to his postings. I'm having a non-functional kidney removed - which I'm counting on helping me with my slice -- since it's the left kidney and I slice to the right. The support I've received from family, friends from home and work, and now you my loyal readership will inspire me to get back to the course in short order.

today's lesson - having the proper tools is essential in golf - and probably in life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First things first - Kudos to you on your excellent grammar and spelling. Was it my constant bugging you that did it? Don't think I did not notice that you went back into last week's blog to correct the mistake upon which I commented. I will let you slide this time since it shows you are paying attention. Also, I figure I should be nice to you with your upcoming surgery and all..

This was a very entertaining blog - hope The Dr. has a good sense of humor!

Seriously, I am very glad you were able to use your new clubs before your hiatus - hope it is not too long before you are back on the course. Perhaps you can ride along in a golf cart and comment on the rest of your foursome! I look forward to Richard's blog entries and to your speedy return too!

Now you have learned that it is important to have the correct tools, as well as the proper attire!