Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Reunion

Simon and Garfunkle (not Garfinkle - Mr. Mayor ... who is a avid reader of this blog), the Brady Family, but not the Beatles were able to stage reunions that brought us back to better times. We also had a reunion of sorts -- the four of us golfing together after a very long stretch where at least one and sometimes two of us were not present.

Being together brought a tear to my eye -- or at least that was the reason I gave when I hit my tee shot on the first hole into the grove. It felt good -- you know how it is when you haven't seen an old friend for a long time -- and yet there is that special relationship that allows you to pick up as though it was just yesterday.

Golf itself was 'uneventful' - unless you count me playing in every sand trap on the course newsworthy. There was a lesson on counting strokes that was given by two of the foursome to a third member (you can speculate about whose who -- but I won't divulge). And there was the question that continues to stump me -- since Dan lost his Blackberry (or to be more accurate - learned it's never a good idea to drop it in the Lake) - why was he still wearing the empty case on his belt? Then there was the time that Dan escaped serious injury because he was only grazed by a golf shot of Richie's .... it is a dangerous sport.

Perhaps the most poignant remark -- one that captures our feelings for one another -- was made by Barry ... after Dan declined his offer of a bite of his Cinnamon bread on the 10th tee. Dan - not only a central character of the blog - but obviously a reader of it -- responded to Barry's sincere offer by saying, and I'm paraphrasing now, that he was not like the 4th golfer they picked up at the beginning of the season - who although a stranger - did take a bite of Barry's bagel when offered .... for those new readers - go back in the archives to an early blog --- Barry's response was "Dan -- you're family -- nothing like the other guy." It loses something in the translation - but trust me when I say it was a special moment -- one that guys don't often share with one another. (I'm hoping this 'love' will be enough to have Dan sign up for next year.)

and our golf game ended - with us not knowing when the original Fab Four would see each other again - Next week (July 4th ) Barry will be golfing at St. Kipps, Dan will be up on Golden Pond, and only Rich and I will be playing.

Wishing the loyal readership of this blog - a Happy 4th (except those of you from England) - and a lesson learned -- when in the sand trap - a hand wedge is often the club of choice.

Barry want it noted that he did not pee once on the course.


Unknown said...

Well, finally! Let's try to be a little more timely with the blog that we all wait for each week! It certainly was a heart-warming issue, and one that would have lost less in translation if you had used the correct form of "you're family" rather than "your family." We really need to have Craig edit for you - only grammar, though - not content.

I look forward to the tales of just you and Richard next week, but also to your next foursome reunion!

barry said...

Bernie, your blogs are getting funnier and more profound. Since Jill is such an avid reader of the blog, I suggest you fill in as a fourth one week (or, more realistically, that she walk the course with us for at least nine holes.)

Unknown said...

No fair going back and editing your blog after the fact! You only get one chance to use correct grammar - can't make any corrections after my comments. You can only hope to learn from the comments and apply that knowledge next time.

Sara said...

"Barry want it noted that he did not pee once on the course."

Way to go, Dad! Thanks, as always, for the updates, Bernie.