Sunday, August 17, 2008


I know there are quite a few TV Western fans out there --- who remember Sunday nights watching Bonanza and eating Chinese food. The most special episodes for me were those that included the older brother Adam, along with Hoss and Little Joe. Today's golf game brought us back to "Happy Days" with the inclusion of Stu in the foursome.

Barry, Rich, Stu and I grew up in the Marble Hill projects. For those readers who are out of state - Marble Hill projects are either in the Bronx (as I believe) or in Upper Manhattan. It was a haven for working class people and the best place a kid where a kid could grow up. Along with Dave - the five of us were inseparable -- and as only someone growing in the Bronx could understand -- we didn't have organized leagues or play dates --- we just went to the oval and depending on the season - played tops, football, marbles, johnny on the pony, ring a levio, stickball, and more. How many times were we chased off the grass by the Housing Police, with poor Weinbaum being the slowest and thus the one always caught. (A shout out to 'E' is appropriate.)

While Barry, Rich and I live in the same neighborhood, Stu went across the river and we don't see each other much -- those bonds formed in the projects are forever.

The golf game itself was in most ways -- no different than so many experiences that took place decades ago. Stu's self report had him playing an outstanding front 9 (a 42) -- and unfortunately -- a prior commitment prevented him from playing the complete round. But in the short 2 hrs and 15 min. -- we were reassured that although Stu was a victim of the recent round of layoffs experienced by the Financial sector --- he could retire at 56 yrs of age -- but he already has multiple offers, to the point that an opportunity to interview for - his words - a 'mega position' at the renowned Bank - GS - was not work pursuing because of the number of interviews they put you through. Stu continues to defy the odds and not only land on his feet -- but like Little Joe -- turn potentially adverse situations into outstanding successes.

The back 9 were not the same without Stu --- although it gave the 3 of us opportunity to reflect that despite the intervening years -- people don't change.

Bottom Line -- beautiful day, enough good shots hit, and an opportunity to go back 'in time' with a one of kind person -- it was special!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A little suspicious that you grew up in the Marble Hill projects but aren't sure if that is in the Bronx or Manhattan.