Monday, August 4, 2008


First and foremost -- a heartfelt thank you to the numerous bloggers who have expressed their caring and support. I am off the 'injured reserve list' and back on the golf course and at the gym.

We've all seen a flock of geese flying (and before the avid blogger on Bi-Way corrects me - I'm told by very intelligent colleagues that the right word is flock when geese are flying and gaggle when geese are on the ground) in formation with one goose in the lead and the others forming a V. How many of you knew that it's not the same goose that takes the lead -- but rather, the geese take turns - and when the 'leader' gets tired, s/he drops back and another goose takes point. This allows every goose to take turns being leader while the others 'draft'. (Will the Nascar and Tour de France readers of this blog please explain to the less aware the concept of 'drafting.')

This is happening on the golf course. Rich, without question, has been our leader. He does everything from distributing the schedule, developing the 'rules' we play by - in terms of looking for balls and maintaining the pace of the game and he is the one who represents our interests with the Ranger and the Starter. It's not that Rich was tired - but rather another one of our 'gaggle', (not flock because we don't fly), stepped up into the leadership role when he determined that we were 'slowing down' the play of the foursome behind us. It wasn't a coup - but done with dignity and respect so Rich was able to 'save face' while relinquishing leadership. Our 'new leader' - (name rhymes with Man) - 'quickened our pace' and determined when the friend he brought along (much more about him later), could take a mulligan (another ball - sorry sometimes I resort to golf jargon) and when it wasn't necessary.

Since golf reflects life -- coincidentally another example of 'one of the geese' taking over leadership occurred this morning in Spin Class. Spin class is serious business. You have to sign up 24 hours in advance and if you don't show up in person, or call within 10 minutes of the gym opening - you are locked out. It is a 6 am class - but you still need to be at the gym at 5 am - even though you registered the day before -- because what happens if bikes are broken - which is a daily occurrence - and then there are too many registered people for the number of functional bikes. After you claim your bike - at 5 am - by leaving a towel, water bottle, or taking the seat with you -- you make sure you are back in the room at 5:50 am...even though the class starts at 6:00 am. There is a rule that if you are not on your bike - doesn't matter if your towel is on the bike - if your butt is not on the bike 5 minutes before the start of class - it's a 'free concert' and anyone can take your bike. (trivia question -- what epic event - that I was at - was referred to as a 'free concert' once we shut down 87?)

So this morning - we are all on our bikes at 5:50 am - getting in an extra 10 minutes of cycling. It's 6:00 am and no Gina (the world renowned instructor - whom many of us follow from club to club). One of the newer cyclists got off her bike to ask if she called in 'sick.' Those of us who have been around - would never leave our bike for fear that someone else would take it. The word back was 'no call from Gina.' Ten minutes pass and the tension in the room is rising. A mob mentality was forming - when a voice from the back row said quietly -- "I'll teach the class if someone else has music." A 'new goose' took the lead and the gaggle (once again, not a flock since we weren't flying) was happy. Gina did make an appearance at 6:20 am - but the class response will be chronicled in a new blog I'm starting: BK Gym and More.

Sunday was a magnificent day. The torrential downpours on Saturday were over (granted - they are not like the storms that our readers in Houston experience - and our thoughts our with our brethren as they gear up for a tropical storm expected to make landfall on Tuesday) and the day was sunny, with a breeze. Barry was our on the left coast - an excused absence - attending the Bar Mitzvah of his nephew ... and we'd like to extend the heartiest of congratulations to the entire Gold family. Dan (rhymes with Man) brought a friend - Bill. Bill immediately made a fashion statement by wearing hot pink shorts .... but as is so true -- you can't 'judge a book by its cover.' Bill turned out to be a very religious man -- often calling upon G-d after making an errant shot and a good guy to play with. Bill also was a 'saviour' in his own right. On the treacherous 13th hole -- there is a formidable creek surrounded my a thick ooze of mud - perhaps even quicksand. I had hit a shot that missed going over the creek by a 'goose neck' and disappeared into the quagmire. I was taking a passing look to see if I could find the ball, when my golf cart (carrying my bag, in which are not only my clubs, but also my blackberry, wallet and keys) started rolling into the creek. I was looking the other way, when without thought to his own safety, Bill jumped into the muck trying to rescue the cart and clubs. While he was not successful -- the cart tipped but stopped before being submerged -- he suffered the consequences of a first responder -- he was knee deep in the muck and spent the next 5 holes 'squishing' about. In retrospect -- I must not have engaged the brake on the cart...not so dissimilar to what happened when I learned to drive a stick shift and tried to master that first hill. I will always pause on the 13th hole as I approach the creek and say silent 'thank you' to Bill.
(hope your shoe has dried off -- and feel free to wear those pink shorts whenever you play with us).

Golf was great -- Rich played well -- showed us what a 3 wood off the tee could do. I had a couple of 'lucky putts' ... but none of us came close to reaching that remarkable score of 88 that Barry had ... and is now the goal.

Next Sunday, I have the distinct pleasure of going to a destination wedding in the Nappa Valley and another goose - will step up as he has so admirable these past few weeks - and author the blog.

A special shout out to Ruth Bradburd who will be celebrating her 90th birthday. Any reader of the blog is invited to the party.

Lesson learned: Everyone has leadership potential - and it just take the right circumstance for the individual to 'take charge' ... on the golf course or at a spin class.


wtrjock13 said...

napa valley?

Unknown said...

A very interesting blog! So much about spinning class. I feel I must let you know, should you ever decide to send me any mail, lest the postman think you don't know your own neighborhood, that it's Byway (as in side road), not Bi-way (as in two-way road). But I see I am not the first to comment on your mechanics - could it be that Josh wants to be the lead goose? Could be that's what he is for correcting his girlfriend's father - very risky!
I would have given any amount of money to have seen the golf cart tipping incident - sounds like a movie to me!
Any blog reader is indeed welcome to join the party for my mom on Saturday - 90 is a pretty big deal!