Sunday, September 14, 2008

just one more .....

As our golf season comes to a close -- (2 weeks to go) -- it was great to be out with the regular four. Coming off Hurricane Ike -- where we've been on storm patrol with the Cahn's who live in Houston and have been staying with us for the past week. While Mike and Susan were understandably concerned about their house -- we were very worried about the condition of the course. (remember that last week we had to deal with the aftermath of Hannah -- a lake that replaced the driving range, pools of water in the sand traps ...) Good news is the course was in decent shape - day started off a bit of a drizzle and turned into a hot, humid day. One of the environmental challenges we faced were these biting flies -- and while none of us are 'tree huggers' - we try not to use the DEET bug spray. We succumb - and used the spray - however these flies 'laughed' at the spray and re-doubled their attacks. As an aside -- having the Cahns stay with us is like having a family reunion or a pajama party. We have 40 years of history and nothing makes me feel better than gathering our friends of many years together. A very special congratulations to Elanna (Mike and Susan's daughter) and Austin on their recent engagement . We also got to meet Matt (Bobbie's son) who was 'set up' with Mike and Susan's daughter, Jessica, at last year's reunion. Perhaps I digress ---

I knew that I would not get to finish 18 holes -- Judi and I had a wedding -- very poignant affair with Judi shedding more tears than at any other wedding that I can remember. Bob is a good friend and Ilene has become one. This is a second marriage for both -- Bob was divorced a number of years ago and has a 20 y/o daughter. Ilene's husband died tragically. He was a hemophiliac and unfortunately contracted Aids during that period when the hospitals did not test donated blood. Ilene has 2 sons from this marriage - approximately 23 and 19 years of age. The boys and Sarah (Bob's daughter) held up 3 poles of the Chupah. (for our large non-Jewish readership, a chupah is a canopy that a Jewish couple stands under during the service. It was very obvious that the younger son was very emotional, watching his mother and bob getting married. The Rabbi delivered a very sensitive service - acknowledging the 'history' that Bob and Ilene brought to the marriage. There were many 'moving moments' during the wedding, including a musical interlude performed by Bob's daughter and Ilene's sons. Ilene gave a very moving toast - acknowledging the presence of her first husband's parents and their unconditional love and 'blessings bestowed' upon her and Bob. Judi and I were privileged to be participants in the blending of these two special families.

Back to golf. We played the first 9 holes - we all played well and the game move along at a decent pace. Dan continues to be our lead off man ... often times teeing off before the rest of us got to the tee. Starting on the 10th hole I began the 'head game'..... just one more hole. I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers 'negotiating' - either with our own parents as children -- or with our children as parents -- just one more TV show, just one more book, just one more (readership - please let us know how you'd fill in the blank). How many times did Judi ask me ... just once more ... (in my dreams.)

Anyway -- after 12 holes -- I decided to leave ... although truth be told (and this blog is all about 'truth, justice and the American way" .... where did this come from? I was playing well - having hit the drive of 'my life and parring the hole -- but made the mature choice and left to give myself time to get ready for the wedding.

Perhaps my co-author will comment on the final six holes.

Lessons Learned: Blackberries have no place on the golf course. Remember although you can't control the wind but you can adjust the sails...

1 comment:

Richard said...

The most important thing to report about the remaining 6 holes is that we passed a stream on the left of the 13th hole, a stream across the 13th hole, the same stream across the 14th hole and finally a stream across the 16th hole and although some balls went in, thankfully no people.