Sunday, September 7, 2008

Return of the Fab 4

The torrential downpour which was the aftermath of Hurricane Hannah to strike NY on Saturday night was bad enough to raise questions about whether we should play the next day. Common sense would be to recognize that the course would be flooded and our game would be compromised. Two of our foursome were truly wavering (initials being "B and D") -- but I realized that we were not 'just talking' about a round of golf -- we were determining whether or not the four of us would play together for the first time in months. Life got in the way this summer -- be it 'fulfilled wishes' of spending weekends on Golden Pond, 'medical speed bumps', or vacation plans -- and this was the 'reunion round.' I was determined we were going to play -- come "hell or high water" and we did. (it was a bit disconcerting when Barry called the golf course early Sunday morning to be told the course was very wet and the driving range was closed because it was a Lake --- and upon seeing this -- it was not an exaggeration). Barry and I were prepared for the 'elements' -- quite a sight in shorts and construction boots -- while Dan and Rich stuck with the traditional golf shoes. It would turn out that wearing the boots were just the beginning of what Barry would need -- but I get ahead of myself.

The day was beautiful -- course was relatively empty and we played without major incident - except for that one time that Barry .......

As we gather around the first tee -- I tried to reflect upon the importance of this moment -- thankful to be surrounded by good friends -- which was met with questions like: "are you going to try and go over the trees?" and "What club are you using?" Despite the lack of 'appreciation for the moment" demonstrated by these three 'manly men' --- I do want to pause and note that there was something very comforting about being together again -- about catching up on children, work, vacations .... and knowing that the bond that exists within our foursome - "may no man bring asunder." (can someone please tell me who I'm paraphrasing and the situation when these powerful words were first uttered.)

I believe Dan 'birdied' the first hole -- and we all played 'good golf.'

Golf is a game of rules and how you chose to adhere to the rules is a matter of individual choice. The four of us have a very different approach to our games. Our foursome consists of an investment banker, an attorney, a 'super fund raiser' and a social worker. One of us cares most for 'the experience - the process of being together,' another one is a student of the game, carefully analyzing each aspect and making strategic moves to maximize his outcome, a third is more of a 'gambler' -- always going for the 'big hit' and often succeeding, while the fourth is an adherent to the 'rules' and believes is a strict interpretation and acts accordingly.' (audience participation -- after reading this blog for all these months -- I believe there are in excess of 30 entries - can you put the name with the occupation with the description for each golfer. There will be an autographed golf ball for the first 100 people who write in with the correct answer.

And then there is the dreaded 13th hole .... the site of prior blog entry where Dan's friend was willing to sacrifice 'life and limb' to save my golf cart. The 13th hole has a creek on the left and a stream at the midway point between the tee box and the green. It takes two good shots to clear the stream. Today was particularly challenging given the intense rains of the prior night. The banks on either side of the stream are soft and marshy. Barry and I hit on the left side of the fairway. Our second shots were well struck -- but mine landed in the stream and Barry's ball landed on the downslope of the stream. Three of us would have looked at Barry's ball and if it were ours -- moved it a few feet to 'safe ground.' Our 'strict constitutionalist' - slight hint to prior quiz - chose to play the ball were it 'sat' and with an extreme downhill lie - Barry addressed the ball, took a swing and then he took what others spend 'mega bucks for' -- a mud bath. He "swung and slid" down the embankment going thigh deep into the muck. Dan and I rushed to his aid -- Rich followed his 'proclaimed' golf etiquette - he first hit his ball and then came to help.
It was a good thing that Barry was wearing his boots -- too bad he wasn't wearing his 'hip waders.' (will the fishermen in the readership confirm this is what those rubber things that go up to your hips are called.) He was a sport and played the remainder of the course -- squishing ever so much and attracting an unusual amount of flies. (BTW - he hit the ball in the stream.)

And so ends another round -- or more important -- created another memory. lesson learned - sometimes it's better to take a penalty stroke than a spa treatment.


barry said...

So far, no signs of infection.

BK said...

one more thing -- Barry has two nicknames -- "B and Ginn" . We've added a third -- after a historical 'hero' whose exploits were captured on a TV show a long time ago....SWAMP FOX

Unknown said...

Excellent spelling and grammar - I am "commentless"! Except to say that Richie and I had a harrowing trip home the previous night from visiting Amanda, due to the torrential rain all through Connecticut. I have a suspicion that the reason he did not want to pull off the road and sleep in a hotel was the magnetic pull of Sunday's golf game. Thankfully, all turned out well.