Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's Ugly Out There

A well known and much beloved, soon to be Clinical Psychologist gave me a song - the main theme was - "I know what I was feeling, but what was I thinking?" How could I not blog last week? The e-mails and calls inquiring about my health, concern expressed about my lying in a hospital room, suffering from amnesia - for why else would I not do my weekly bog. Your concerns have put me to shame. "I KNOW WHAT I WAS FEELING - I was lazy - BUT WHAT WAS I THINKING? - I guess I needed to hear that this weekly blog is for many the same as reading the Sunday Paper, or watching 60 Minutes .... something that is looked forward to - with eager anticipation all week. I apologize -- and I will do pentance - having just come back from donating 8 cartons of books to Goodwill. My being lazy is not acceptable - I've taken on a responsibility - not unlike the Voice of America - during the Cold War -- (will one of the historians please explain the similarity) -- to provide information and insight to many people who have come to count on this blog as their way of making sense in this 'crazy world.' Where we have one Governor who sings the song "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" while supposedely hiking the Appalachian trail, and another one who is trying to get the kids in the sandbox in Albany to stop acting like 2 year olds and end this 'parallel play' and learn to share. My blog has become a 'beacon of sanity' in a crazy world. When a pop icon can suddenly die and an Angel becomes one -- I restate my pledge to you to blog on - energized by the expressed needs of you, my loyal readership.

Last Sunday (June 21st) - we woke to the sounds of rain -- nothing unusual since we live in a tropical rain forest and while I was dressed for golf and ready to go - I got a text from Barry -- he's opting out. I called Richie who had previously referenced needing scuba gear in addition to golf clubs, who was also willing to 'call - game rained out.' Only Les expressed some disappointment --- but we did not play. Could we have played - sure - but it was UGLY OUT THERE.

Les and I played the following day in a charity outing organized by a law firm in Westchester (PMT) where the "P" is our friend. PMT deserves this 'free advertising' for they organize an annual charity event - a golf outing - at a beautiful country club in New City, NY for a local charity. They cover all expenses as well as inviting/soliciting their clients to attend. This year's charity was Breast Cancer Research. "P" invited Les and I to be his guests -- and we were quick to take him up on the offer. The format was a 'scramble' - and perhaps our resident golf pro in Miami will give you the rules for this game. Les and I were paired with 2 of "P's" son's fraternity brothers --- and I'm proud of us --- we didn't completely embarrass ourselves .... and even contributed to our total of 'par golf' with more than a few good shots of our own. These guys were 'killing the ball' - so on the occasion where we would hit a drive 200 yards (as Les did) - he was beat by 100 yards. The course was great - greens were so challenging and adulating (not sure if this word is being used appropriately, so I will defer to the English professor at Rutgers who used to be a regular contributor to weigh in ... I learned to appreciate the skill set of the two "Absolute Girls" - dressed in white short shorts and a white halter tops - who encouraged the golfers to quench our thirst with some 'eye candy' and an "Absolute" and a mixer. Congratulations to PMT for performing this community service ... and for this round it certainly wasn't UGLY OUT THERE.

Today was a no-brainer for golf-- it was NOT raining - actually somewhat sunny and hot. The fab four was out by 7:10 and much to the dismay of Captain Rich -- finished the round in what he deems a slow and unreasonable 4 hrs and 40 minutes. Rich figures the reason for this slow round had little to do with our play or the numerous lost balls that were hit in the fairway but given the overgrowth, couldn't be found.....yes - I said overgrowth in the Fairway. Rich figures that people were complaining about the amount of water on the course - given that it rained every day for a month - and the people who maintain the course responded by getting rid of what they deemed excessive water in the only way they could --- they made sure there was NO Water for drinking in any of the large jugs that dot the course and golfers come to expect. The course itself was UGLY OUT THERE ... largely mud, standing water, and rough that was thicker than the fog that rises off the Scottish coast. Essentially, the course has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and the starter distributes malaria pills along with a score card.

Barry found himself in the middle of an ethical dilemma, even before he got on the course. He was paying for his round when the assistant golf pro, who takes the registrations, told a woman who called in to ascertain whether she could make a reservation and come out to play -- that there was a waiting list and a long line to play the back 9 (which was the front 9 - but that's another blog). Barry - who is the most ethical person I know, commented that there only appeared to be four names on the waiting list - and no-one waiting to play the back 9. The Assist. Golf Pro said without embarrassment - that he recognized this woman's voice and 'trust him' - you don't want her to play here - hinting that she is horrible and would detract from everyone who either played with or followed her. Barry questioned the 'ethics' of this assistant golf pro -- on the surface he was being highly unfair ... it is a county course and everyone should be able to play. However -- if you think of pro as looking after the best interests of the hundreds of golfers who would be impacted by her 'poor play' then whose needs take precedent? I'd like to ask our resident educator to comment -- should the needs of one individual in a classroom supersede the needs of the class .... I'm afraid this affected Barry's game - although he was driving well and put together a number of pars in a row. I encourage my readership to 'weigh in' on this very charged matter.

And if you think it's UGLY OUT THERE on the golf course -- it's guerrilla warfare in the gym. In order to guarantee a bike for the spin class - you need to get to the gym the day before and wait on line for 20 minutes (4:40 AM) to be on the safe side. The person taking the spin reservations has to balance the needs of those 15 + people who wait on line and are signing up (since you can sign up for one other person - it's the norm for the class to be filled by 5:03 just by the people on line) and then what of the people who call in (by phone - no texting, tweeting or e-mailing) and are 'put on a waiting list' .... even though they started calling in at 4:55 AM.
It's UGLY OUT THERE -- when there is at least one gym instructor (read security agent) at the door signing you in and every instructor spends the first 5 minutes reviewing the policy of not reserving bikes, coming 5 minutes before class begins. There are fights breaking out for bikes - 'bad energy.' You know things are 'off' when I look forward to getting to work so I can 'relax.' Barry had another 'ethical dilemma' -- there was a substitute spin instructor taking the place of a beloved leader .... He was awful -- and the only thing worse was his choice of music. People were leaving in the middle of class ... forget 'bad energy' - this was worse that a funeral ..... and Barry's issue - does he complain to management ... and possibly contribute to this guy losing his spinning job. Once again - the need of the individual vs. the rights of the group. Please log on and let us know your thoughts.

As I bring this blog to a close - want to thank a very special person and his collaborator, whose 'birthday blog' makes me realize that the 'child' has surpassed the 'parent' in so many ways, including blogging. With permission of the author - and if the readership wants to read this 'personal blog' - (please indicate your interest by texting YES) then I will ask my computer consultant how to cut and paste this work of art.

- I will continue blogging on as long as there is a reader out there -- thirsty for the knowledge they drink from my musing.

Keep those drives long and those putts short.

Chipster - over and out.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sunday was dreary and a light rain .... not unlike the preceding 23 days in NY. Barry texted me that he was NOT playing today -- he was going to Sara W's graduation, and we are sending her a collective hug and congratulations. Sara is a 'hero' who survived a very serious battle with Cancer when she was 5 years old, so today was a very special moment in her life. She will be going to Brandeis in the Fall. The only annoying thing about Barry canceling last minute is that we were not able to ask "BOB" ... (see prior blogs). Personally, I think it was Barry making a strategic decision that wouldn't jeopardize his standing with the group.

Rich, Les and I went out and finished our round in RECORD TIME - 4 hrs and 8 minutes. We did not pick up a fourth - The course was wet and the rough was 'amazon like.' Les gets the Green Jacket for his play on the front 9 holes (possibly more) - having a number of Pars in a row. Rich did get a "Bye-Bye" and some long putts. I spent the day trying out a 'strong grip' to prevent from slicing -- which worked fairly well -- other than my pulling the ball to the left. (BW - having a new golf bag -- won in a raffle -- did not improve my game, much to my disappointment.)

Most important was the Lesson the I learned at the start of the round. When signing up - we were told that because of the extremely wet conditions, the course was playing with the first hole being the first hole, instead of the 10th hole being the first hole. (new readers may find this confusing and I suggest you refer to prior blogs.) This raised questions about the pace of the game since the change over from 1 to 10 was made in order to quicken the pace ... and it was working. When we gave Dom (the starter) our tickets, it became evident that he was trying to 'sneak' another foursome in, in front of us. Rich pointed this out to me -- and I was about to have a 'conversation' with Dom --- when Rich suggested that I wait and see what develops, now that Dom realized it was us that he was 'screwing with.' I must admit that I didn't have the same faith in Dom that Rich had -- and to my surprise, but not Richie's, Dom made the foursome that he was sneaking in front of us wait until we went, even though they were essentially on the tee. I 'assumed' the worst - and was wrong. Rich 'assumed' that all our sucking up to Dom was not in vain - and he was right.

Allow me to digress for a moment. I was the target of a 'false' assumption on Saturday, in spin class. I waited on line for the gym to open - noted that there were few towels left, but took enough to save bikes for Jodi, Barry and me. I 'assumed' that there would be additional towels available as soon as the 'towel guy' came. I did my work out and at 8 am went into the spin room. Jodi had decided not to spin -- she is practicing to take on Ralph Fedderer -- so when I went to the room I took her towel off the bike and put in around my neck, essentially giving me two towels. Having two towels when spinning is nothing unusual given the amount of sweat that is generated. Some time during the class, my favorite instructor (and neighbor) comes around and points out that I'm "lucky" having two towels because there was a shortage of towels and most people didn't have any. She 'assumed' I was a selfish, narsasistic, (Jill - please correct the spelling) , 'towel hog' and I can only imagine what the rest of the class thought. I quickly took the towel off my neck and tried to make as though I only had one towel -- but I don't thing anyone 'bought it.' I fear that I will be referred to as 'crazy towel guy' - although that label is already taken by 'crazy towel guy' in Cameron Hall. I'm not looking forward to facing my spinmates, all because of their 'false assumptions' of me having a towel fetish.

After golf - Richie, Barry (post graduation), Jill, Dave (never find him on a golf course) and I went to the Riverdale Y where an informal reunion of Unit 2 Campers was held. Barry had been the Unit Head for this group, Richie was the other unit head and I was the Camp director. This was the summer of 75 and to my shock, the 'kids' who showed were now 48 y/o, many having 20 somethings of their own. Most seemed to be doing fine, a few were casualties of a down economy and at least one was very proud of all the 'work' she had done on her face/body. Nice to hear the importance that these 48 y/o 'kids' placed on their summer experience.

Dave made my parent's day by coming with me to visit them. They haven't seen Dave in years - but I've kept them up to date with the vicissitudes (SAT word) of life that Dave has dealt with. So it was another reunion of sorts.

and another week-end draws to a close ... remember to hits your drives long (a strong grip is supposed to take care of slicing) and your putts short.

Chipster OUT

Monday, June 8, 2009

Do you allow Perfection to be the enemy of Good?

I get to New York Sports Club on Saturday morning - a bit late - 7:20 - because I first go for a run. This puts me at great risk. The way the parking works at the Dobbs Ferry Club is complicated .... there are a limited number of spots on the parking level that is right outside the main entrance to the club. If you don't get a spot there, you need to go back around and park below --- and then there are two flights of stairs before you get to the main level. (It is a bit oxymoronic that one goes to the gym to exercise but one (who is this one?) gets upset if s/he has to climb another 2 flights of steps. (even more humorous if 'one' then goes on a step machine.)

So I pull into the lot, anxious about my ability to find a parking spot on the main level. As soon as I pull in I notice a spot on the right .... my dilemma .... do I take the first spot I see or do I venture further into the lot and see if there are other spots --- steps closer to the door. Raising the stakes is that there is a car behind me and if I don't take the spot and s/he does and there aren't other spots on this level, then I will be forced to go to the bottom level. So the question that we all ask .... do we go for the 'perfect spot' or take the 'good one?' Does one settle for good or strive for perfection?

It's been a rough time at the gym. Max - our buddy Max - who used to let us in at 4:45am (15 minutes early) has been gone for 2 weeks -- seems like a lifetime. For a few days everything was the same - as Max's replacement maintained this 'informal understanding' until one day she was gone and a MANAGER was opening. And he waits until the stroke of 5am before unlocking the doors. This morning three were 23 people waiting to get in....and then the 'nightmare' begins ... it used to be 'high anxiety' when there were 5 of us competing for 4 of the 'special ellipticals'. That pales in comparison with this latest problem. Max would sign up the people who were at the gym at 4:45 am for the next day spin classes and then take phone reservations. This MANAGER makes the people who come religiously wait and first takes phone reservations .... I was at the gym at 4:50 am this morning --- putting me towards the end of the line of people waiting to get in and much to my shock - I got the 26th bike (there are only 27 in the room). I came so close to being put on a Waiting List and the reason was the MANAGER says he has to 'play fair' and allow phone reservations to have an "equal chance" of registering for the next day spin class. (It was one of Judi's friends who complained that people calling in weren't given the same opportunities to register. Can you guess who?) I tried to argue my case -- that in person registration should get priority - but I was 'put in my place' by the MANAGER. Seinfeld experts will remember the Soup Nazi - well I know am subject to the whims of the Gym Nazi.

Back to the age old question -- should you strive for Perfection or be happy with Good.

The weather this week was PERFECT. Sunny and warm -- shorts weather. Dom got us off on time and we finished the round in another record breaking time - 4 hrs and 15 minutes. One might attribute it (who is this 'one person?') to the fact that Barry left early to go to the Yankees game although truth be told - as it always is on this blog - I was playing only slightly better that 'horrible' and the number of strokes I took were more than enough to make up for one less player. My three buddies were playing well -- with Rich taking home the trophy for the second week in a row. In accepting the award, again, Rich gave full credit to his Golf Sensei.

On the course, one is often confronted with the choice of going for the perfect shot -- over the trees, crossing the brook, or going over the sand trap ... versus the safe shot -- laying up (hitting it safe and usually short of the hole). Going for the Perfect shot between two trees or the Good 'enough' shot of playing the ball back into the fairway.

My problem is that I will often go for the Perfect shot and end of with an 'ugly' one. What would happen if I just played for the 'good?' In life 'outside of golf' - I'd characterize myself as being 'cautious' -- going for 'good', not striving for 'perfection 'for fear of winding up with the 'ugly.' Think about your own strategy on Life. Do you treat "PERFECTION as the ENEMY of GOOD?"

I'm already panicked about tomorrow's gym. Should I get there at 4:30 am to insure a spot in Spin and a good chance of getting the elliptical of my choice .... or do I live dangerously and 'stay in bed' for another 15 minutes and learn to cope with the possibility of missing a spin class. No question -- I'm getting up early .... I can't control my golf game, but I certainly can be first on line -- and use the 30 minutes before the gym opens to answer e-mails. How's that for 'time management?'

So my loyal readership - I wish you what you wish yourself -- either a Good Week (which is more likely) or a Perfect week (with the chance of your being disappointed with something that isn't quite 100%). As part of a research project - I'd appreciate if you would record your answer as to what you wish for yourself, clearly stating your age, gender, race and favorite TV show.

BTW - Bill from last week's blog - says 'Hello'. We ran into him -- and he recognized us and remembered our names. Now he's Perfect.

So until next time -- hoping your drives are long and your putts are short.

Chipster Out

For those who need to know -- Barry had Rye Bread plain - no butter; Les continues to eat healthy with an apple, and I'm guessing that Rich had his gorp.