Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sunday was dreary and a light rain .... not unlike the preceding 23 days in NY. Barry texted me that he was NOT playing today -- he was going to Sara W's graduation, and we are sending her a collective hug and congratulations. Sara is a 'hero' who survived a very serious battle with Cancer when she was 5 years old, so today was a very special moment in her life. She will be going to Brandeis in the Fall. The only annoying thing about Barry canceling last minute is that we were not able to ask "BOB" ... (see prior blogs). Personally, I think it was Barry making a strategic decision that wouldn't jeopardize his standing with the group.

Rich, Les and I went out and finished our round in RECORD TIME - 4 hrs and 8 minutes. We did not pick up a fourth - The course was wet and the rough was 'amazon like.' Les gets the Green Jacket for his play on the front 9 holes (possibly more) - having a number of Pars in a row. Rich did get a "Bye-Bye" and some long putts. I spent the day trying out a 'strong grip' to prevent from slicing -- which worked fairly well -- other than my pulling the ball to the left. (BW - having a new golf bag -- won in a raffle -- did not improve my game, much to my disappointment.)

Most important was the Lesson the I learned at the start of the round. When signing up - we were told that because of the extremely wet conditions, the course was playing with the first hole being the first hole, instead of the 10th hole being the first hole. (new readers may find this confusing and I suggest you refer to prior blogs.) This raised questions about the pace of the game since the change over from 1 to 10 was made in order to quicken the pace ... and it was working. When we gave Dom (the starter) our tickets, it became evident that he was trying to 'sneak' another foursome in, in front of us. Rich pointed this out to me -- and I was about to have a 'conversation' with Dom --- when Rich suggested that I wait and see what develops, now that Dom realized it was us that he was 'screwing with.' I must admit that I didn't have the same faith in Dom that Rich had -- and to my surprise, but not Richie's, Dom made the foursome that he was sneaking in front of us wait until we went, even though they were essentially on the tee. I 'assumed' the worst - and was wrong. Rich 'assumed' that all our sucking up to Dom was not in vain - and he was right.

Allow me to digress for a moment. I was the target of a 'false' assumption on Saturday, in spin class. I waited on line for the gym to open - noted that there were few towels left, but took enough to save bikes for Jodi, Barry and me. I 'assumed' that there would be additional towels available as soon as the 'towel guy' came. I did my work out and at 8 am went into the spin room. Jodi had decided not to spin -- she is practicing to take on Ralph Fedderer -- so when I went to the room I took her towel off the bike and put in around my neck, essentially giving me two towels. Having two towels when spinning is nothing unusual given the amount of sweat that is generated. Some time during the class, my favorite instructor (and neighbor) comes around and points out that I'm "lucky" having two towels because there was a shortage of towels and most people didn't have any. She 'assumed' I was a selfish, narsasistic, (Jill - please correct the spelling) , 'towel hog' and I can only imagine what the rest of the class thought. I quickly took the towel off my neck and tried to make as though I only had one towel -- but I don't thing anyone 'bought it.' I fear that I will be referred to as 'crazy towel guy' - although that label is already taken by 'crazy towel guy' in Cameron Hall. I'm not looking forward to facing my spinmates, all because of their 'false assumptions' of me having a towel fetish.

After golf - Richie, Barry (post graduation), Jill, Dave (never find him on a golf course) and I went to the Riverdale Y where an informal reunion of Unit 2 Campers was held. Barry had been the Unit Head for this group, Richie was the other unit head and I was the Camp director. This was the summer of 75 and to my shock, the 'kids' who showed were now 48 y/o, many having 20 somethings of their own. Most seemed to be doing fine, a few were casualties of a down economy and at least one was very proud of all the 'work' she had done on her face/body. Nice to hear the importance that these 48 y/o 'kids' placed on their summer experience.

Dave made my parent's day by coming with me to visit them. They haven't seen Dave in years - but I've kept them up to date with the vicissitudes (SAT word) of life that Dave has dealt with. So it was another reunion of sorts.

and another week-end draws to a close ... remember to hits your drives long (a strong grip is supposed to take care of slicing) and your putts short.

Chipster OUT

1 comment:

Richard said...

Wow your life at the gym sounds like the old joke about the man who goes to the psychiatrist and says, "Doc I keep having this dream every night and I don't know what it means." He says I dream I'm a tepee then I'm a wigwam, then I'm a tepee and then I'm a wigwam." "What does it mean?" The doctor says "You're two Tents!"