Tuesday, October 13, 2009

G-d Bless Capitalism

Well my loyal readership -- do I have a great business opportunity to share with you --- I'm looking for investors for a knock-off entrepreneurial venture. Judith and I were invited to attend a 'singing performance' of a UJA friend. No - she is not a professional singer --- anything but -- just someone with a 'dream' and a brilliant business person figured out a way to capitalize on it.

This business is called "Just for Singing" - or something like that. My friend - and 12 other people paid $500 for the opportunity to meet 3 times (as a group) and practice one song to sing 'on stage.' someone check my math - but I come up with $6,000. (that is aprox. $660 per hour -- not a bad wage).

These 12 people then get to invite their family and friends to a small 'room' with a stage that seats probably 200 people. The admission charge is $12 per person ... another $2400 .... and our business person does not have to fill the seats -- her students who pay $500 a pop also fill the room. There is a minimum of 2 drinks per person --- with the cheapest drink being club soda - $7 per pop ... so for 2 people it was $36 - including tax and drink. Most people order liquor which was $12 + a pop .... let's use round numbers since I'm math challenged and say that 200 people averaged $25 in a beverage fee - another $5,000 (only cash). So for one night's performance the owner took in $7400 (3 hrs of 'performance) and not counting the $6,000 in tuition. This is for ONE NIGHT -- and not sure how many nights she works.

Remember the 'worst acts' on American Idol .... multiply that by 10 ....It's bad karaoke without the good music. The 'star' gets up and performs a song - accompanied by a pianist - and the place -- filled with her friends and like minded people go crazy with applause, whistles, hoots, etc. The response was similar to that afforded to Bruce when he finished playing his set at the Meadowlands (now that's another story.)

So I'm calling all PHD's , PHD candidates, Teachers, Executive Directors and other people who like the idea of selling someone a 'dream come true' and making a fortune to join me in this venture.

Maestro out!

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