Monday, October 5, 2009


"The Party's Over" .... It's Time to Call it a Day ..... sung by ? and so official Golf Season comes to a close.

There were many highlights - but after careful consideration - the "GOLEMMY" goes to MICHAEL LEW. Allow me to re-create the scene on the 14th hole. It was raining - not a light mist but rather a heavy downpour. We were soaked and the course was a virtual lake. Michael was playing a ball on the other fairway and was attempting to hit it over a line of trees. He took a full swing with an iron and the club slipped out of his hands - and got STUCK in a high branch of the tree. Being resourceful, Michael took off one of his sneakers and threw it at the club....and the sneaker also got stuck in the tree. So Michael and Les are looking up in the tree - and hanging from a branch well above their outstretched arms - like two Christmas tree ornaments are the club and a sneaker.

Since the rules are that you can only carry 14 clubs in a golf bag -- and both a ball retriever (to get the balls in the water holes that once were sand traps) and a machete (to hit balls one foot off the fairway) were required - we decided to go last Sunday to a NEW COURSE with the thought of switching for the coming year.

A decision to leave Saxon Woods is not made lightly. We are close buddies with the Starter - DiDi, who will be joining us at the annual, end of year B-Q at the Formans. We have been attacked by nesting Hawks, intimidated by geese, embarrassed by our poor play, and yet - it's our home course.

After playing Maple Moore, we decided that it was much better maintained -- there actually is a fairway that doesn't resemble a Brier patch -- but it was as interesting as watching 'paint dry.'
We anticipate 'lower scores' and few lost balls.

Is this enough reason to change -- we'll let our readers weigh in ... either by responding to this blog or by texting - GOLFCHANGE - 1 (for yes) and 2 (for no).

As far as a personal goal for next season -- I'm hoping that I can change a pattern of having my putts be longer than my tee shots.

Until next season -- or a good gym story --

Chipster signing off!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Party's Over was written by Jules Styne and sung by Judy Holliday in the musical Bells Are Ringing.