Friday, September 25, 2009

once a Dump always a Dump

Our Jewish following will realize that this past Sunday was Rosh Hashana and probably assumed when the blog wasn't up within a few days that we didn't play ..... The Captain and I did -- although not at our usual place or time. We went to a course we episodically play at - Dunwoodie in Yonkers - always swearing not to come back. It's an old, tired course -- plays short -- with fairways and greens that have seen as much action as the motel across the way that rents rooms by the hour. (I'm told this - don't know from personal experience.) We played in a reasonable 4 hrs and 20 minutes -- for 9 holes we were paired with a 'novice golfer' -- which was ok. We both shot in the mid 90's - more a reflection of the relative ease of the course than our abilities. Two 'truisms' were reinforced -- Once a Dump always a Dump and a day on the golf course with a 'brother' is always great.

There was excitement at the spin class this week ..... The spin Nazi - appropriately named by Mayor Kusherman - went on a tirade because people put towels on their bikes and were not sitting on them two minutes before the class begins. It wasn't enough for the person on the next bike to say that you were 'coming right back' - not even enough for the person to go into more detail and say 'you were in the bathroom' .... the NEW RULE dictated by the instructor is that you MUST TELL HER and she MUST ACKNOWLEDGE that you were in the room and now going to the bathroom. So in a room of adults you essentially have to raise your hand and loudly (because there is music playing) request permission to go to the bathroom. And because we are all intimidated by her (she teaches the Monday and Wed. 6 am class) - we go along with this. I have a habit of working out on the floor until the last minute - which gets my gym buddy Jody very nervous because there are people lined up outside of the spin room - like vultures - ready to take off your towel - throw your bottle of water to the side and claim your bike. So to recap what happens daily - we get to the gym at 4:40 am and line up. We go in at 5 am and need to make the decision - do you reserve a spin bike or an elliptical first. Depending on what you decide - you dash to the other and hope that you are not too late. Next you go to the locker room and try to get a locker that you think won't have 6 hairy men hanging around when you are finished working out. Finally, your on the floor and work out - always keeping an eye on the clock - because the Spin Nazi stands outside the room, taking attendance and then allowing the 'stand-bys' in when HER watch says 5:58 am. There is a good 5 minutes of her yelling about some injustice -- could be as simple as we ALL don't have heart monitors.

The time between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is a time of reflection and introspection. It's also a time to seek forgiveness from someone whom you may have intentionally or unintentionally 'wronged.' In keeping with this tradition - I most humbly apologize to my loyal readership both individually and collectively, for any 'slight' or any words or actions that may have offended you. I seek your forgiveness and will aspire to be both a better person and golfer in the year to come.

Long and Straight,
Short and True

Chipster OUT

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