Monday, September 7, 2009

Julie's Blog vs BK Golf and More

Let's get golf out of the way --- a beautiful day - nicest of the year - only made better because "Mayor Neil" joined us - as our Captain was on Shark Patrol at the Cape. Four of us started - two of us finished (the Mayor and me), with B and Les leaving early. Best shot of the game - if not the season - occur ed on the 13th hole -- as Barry hit a beautiful drive - which landed before the stream. He took a 3 wood and placed the ball 1.5 ft. from the hole on two. On the verge of getting an unheard of - and I believe never witnessed by any of us - EAGLE - B approached the putt and .............................. As exciting as this was, Neil did meet Golf Cart Girl and was charmed into purchasing Gatorade and chips .... It's just a pleasure seeing someone enjoy her job as much as she does. We finished in a very snappy 4 hrs and 20 minutes. It was a typical round - more good shots than bad, a few pars, Neil was able to call upon his draw when necessary.

Did anyone really like Julie's Blog? Can you compare a blog on someone else's recipes with my Synfeldian Blog? Where are you - my 'invisible readers?' She got a movie out of her blog - and I got 'nuthin.' Best part of the Julie/Julia movie was each of their husbands .... their total devotion to their self indulged wives was admirable. Who cares about how to 'de-bone a duck' --- compared to the classic episodes: should Dan return chairs to Costco after using them for a Seder? is it OK to pee in front of the Golf Ranger? Is it possible to get a golf club, followed by a sneaker stuck in a tree? Come on out there -- it's no contest. If Julie get's a movie, I've earned the right to a TV series --

Summer's over, the their will be more traffic on the roads, with the school buses and teachers, and the gym will be crowded again. Jodi and I are 'in synch' - checking often with each other - making sure we are signed up for tomorrow. We'll have to re-establish ourselves - be there extra early - lining up at 4:40 am for a 5 am opening. We'll need to work as a team - one of us signing up for Wed spin, while the other secures the bikes and then the ellipticals. We need to assert ourselves - make sure we are the alpha gym rats - and as everyone knows - it's hard to hold on to your crown where there someone someone looking to knock you off your pedestal. It takes a little longer to get out of bed at 4:00 am .... but we have to do it ....

It's official now -- Dr. C, the big guy, Xag and T-ea-C-H will be running the Miami 1/2 marathon with me on Jan. 31st. We are all signed up -- and training has begun in earnest.

and to end with a brief story that 'truth is often more unbelievable than fiction" .... This truth involves Judi - the person who we count on to know 'right from wrong' and never deviate. Well 'deviate' she did -- in a way that most if not all will not Believe. Last night -- in less than 15 minutes - our Judith inhaled a pint of Ben and Jerry's Phish Ice Cream. Hard to believe you say --- well apparently Judi is full of surprises ....

Let me give a shout out to Downtown Boat House --- Judi and I went kayaking on the Hudson this morning -- pier 40 - by Houston Street --- and the cost of this - complete with locker, life jackets, kyaks/paddles .... a big O... free! It closes in October - so go for it.

and if you really want - I can give you a recipe for making corn on the grill -

I'm looking to get double digit comments ... don't let me down.

Keeping your drives long and straight, your putts short and true,

The Chipster.

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