Monday, August 31, 2009

The Way We Were ....

How many of us have made a decision that has had a dramatic impact on others - - that we wished we could have the opportunity to 'do over'? Mostly, we can't --- the decisions we make have lasting consequences that we and others have to live with. Hopefully most of these decisions have long term positive effects and hope that those resulting in negative consequences are truly not life altering.

Saxon Woods Golf Course made a decision at the start of the season to make the front 9 the back 9 and vice versa. (read the past blogs that go into great description about the confusion caused by this decision and how it altered the way we approached the game.) Well - the Golf Powers that Be determined that this decision could be reversed and now we are back to the WAY WE WERE --- the front 9 will always be the front 9. We will be able to think about the club selection and whether we want to go over the trees or lay up in the center of the fairway all week. Dom (our buddy the Starter) is happy - because he has greater control of the tee box. Fortunately, this was a decision whose negative consequences will not have a lasting impact on the life of the golfers.

The day was overcast - and the torrential downpours of the night and days before had rendered the course into one big quagmire (SAT word). We needed to put 'water wings' on our golf balls and the ball retriever was the 'club of the day.' B's friend Arthur joined us - (Les was attending the dedication of a theater in a family member's memory) and he was as good/bad as the rest of us. The most exciting time on the course was when 'Cart Girl' -- in prior blogs referred to as "Banana girl" made an appearance. (For the record - it was quite an appearance - somewhat like a mermaid with flowing blond hair, big beautiful 'eyes' and a smile that made you feel that her desire to quench your thirst or satisfy your hunger was the most important thing in the world - and something she was put on this golf course to do.)

Another vision of loveliness was captured on the 4th hole -- a par 3. There was a golf cart stopped and watched as 3 of us place our tee shots in the center of the green. It was a moment to remember - made better when the golf cart approached us - and driving was the course's GOLF PRO. His comment was that our balls looked like 'Orion's Belt' - who knew that the Golf Pro was also an astronomer. More important -- we were 'caught' doing something right. Not peeing in the woods, looking for errant shots, or any other typical behavior --- we were caught by the Golf Pro hitting three drives that landed on the green. This once again reinforces the value of positive praise and that timing is everything.

Our Captain could learn a thing or two about 'positive praise' as he was determined to underscore just how poor we were all putting. His negative assessment did nothing to improve our outcome.

B's commitment to a friend (Arthur) was tested as he was tempted to leave the course early on a number of occasions. And I was happy not being in a car .......

A number of readers have commented that there hasn't been much about Spin Class. Jodi and I still have each other's backs -- although she is playing it a bit dangerously -- waiting until 7:04 on Sunday morning to call for Monday class to find that we were 1&2 on the waiting list. I'm much more relaxed now that I have my 'home' spin bike. Amortized - to date it's only cost me $25 per ride.

So - to those of you who wish you could go back to the "Way We Were" - hopefully you can ... and if not - let's hope the 'new normal' won't be as disruptive as the attempt to re-make the holes on Saxon Woods was for the first 5 months of this short season.

Hoping your drives are long and your putts are short .... and Cart Girl is there when you need her.

Chipster out.

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