Monday, August 17, 2009

Canned Heat

This weekend is the 40th anniversary of the Woodstock festival and those of us that were there (which is none of us - sorry Bernie), or who saw the movie will remember fondly all that great music and all that rain. The way things have been going for us golfers, we fully expected a repeat of every other Sunday for the past few weeks. Would we have Woodstock like rain one more time? We wished for just one weekend without any rain. Be careful what you wish for, because the Sun was beating down on Saxon Woods. Our starting time had moved back 1/2 hour to 8 o'clock which just meant that we played into the afternoon. Like the group that sang "Going up the country" we felt like we were in the middle of canned heat. But at least it was not raining. This week our favorite blogger took off for Cape Cod in search of the perfect spin class. His substitute was supplied courtesy of Barry. Barry's friend Bob joined us. Bob usually plays at the Rye Country Club, so I'm sure he was not prepared for meticulously manicured fairways of Saxon Woods. I think the course proved challenging as usual, mainly because if you hit the ball 6 inches off the fairway you in deep rough. Bob had played with us before, so he was prepared for the conditions that he would face. As a bonus, the guys who usually play behind us were nowhere to be seen when we started. As we mentioned in previous blogs the guys behind us play faster then we do and are constantly waiting for us. They also are a bit grumpy and seem to be annoyed that their golf game takes an extra 5 or 10 minutes because of us. On the third hole I hit a wicked slice which went into the adjoining fairway of hole number 6. When I go to find my ball who do I see, but the foursome that usual plays behind us (now in front of us). I try to strike up a conversation with them, but they become grumpy (or maybe they never stop) and they yell at me to hit the ball out of their way already. Nice guys! The rest of the round was hot, but uneventful. No clubs were lost in any trees and we ended up finishing in 4 hours and 45 minutes. Les left early to send his son Michael off to college.
To make it more interesting for those of you that are actually reading this blog I leave you with three mysteries that you can take a guess at solving

1. Barry's friend Bob can be heard on a commercial on TV- what is it for?
2. A somewhat attractive women on the course had a conversation with Barry about his banana - what happened?
3. A good friend of ours is selling his place and moving in with his girlfriend. Who are they?

Next week the Chipster will be back - Thank goodness!


Unknown said...

I'm intrigued with question #2 - of course it would be Barry's banana that an attractive woman spoke to him about - maybe we shouldn't go there!

BK said...

Outstanding blog - Captain R. I'm intrigued by the questions and look forward to the answers. (Will we all be bringing bananas from now on?)

why would DD allow the foursome that should be behind us, to go in front of us?