Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

as stated by the commercials for the upcoming Season of the Biggest Loser. Golf epitomizes this slogan --- Everyone Deserves a Second Chance. In golf, every errant shot provides an opportunity for an outstanding recovery shot. Our Captain Rich demonstrated that repeatedly this past Sunday. On the 11th whole - which is now the 2nd hole - Rich hit the ball into the other fairway. The next shot required the Captain to hit it low to avoid a hanging tree branch, but far enough to cross a wide marsh. Like when Casey was up --- 'the outlook wasn't brilliant ...." Rich took a 5 iron and lined up the shot .... he wasn't going to play it safe and just punch it out into the fairway .... not our Captain ..... He swung and silenced the crowd (basically the four golfers on the other hole's fairway where Rich's ball landed). His shot was perfect -- not good -- but perfect and landed on the green. Captain, My Captain beat the odds, took advantage of his 'second chance' and succeeded where most others would have failed. Rich repeated this many times over the first 11 holes (I wasn't there for the last 8 holes - but more on that later) ..... hitting a less than satisfactory shot only to be followed by a great one.

In golf we get second chances all the time....in life it's a bit more complicated....

The Sunday saw the reunion of the original 4 (that is like the Beatles - they soon forgot about Peter Best when Ringo joined and we forgot about Dan Forman when Les joined). The day was overcast - some light showers - and a tad humid. The course could have been declared a flood zone -- standing water everywhere thanks to a torrential downpour the day before. I was hoping to see the Banana girl (read last week's blog) but she wasn't to be found. The game progressed well -- I hit more good than bad shots and was putting well. (I had practiced while playing Mini Golf at the Cape. It was a close contest between Daniel and Josh - until Daniel chocked and got a six and I left my ball balancing on the cup for a hole in one. Rather than tap it in - I wanted to 'risk it all' and see if someone would hit my ball in. Josh was up - hit the ball and it DID hit mine ---- away from the cup and his went in for a hole in one. From there on - Josh dominated. The real contest was the play for third place between the good doctor and me. It came down to the last hole and with great confidence, I followed Cara -- who took a six on the hole. All I needed was a 5 and I would BEAT her. In this case, I like Mighty Casey, did strike out - by flubbing a 'gimmee' and ending up in dead heat for 3rd.

I've been playing golf for a long time and NEVER left early .... always played the full 18 ... so what happened now? Ella Frank was to be liberated. She was being taken from the attic where she had been living and hiding for the past 3 months. But on this Sunday, Ella Frank left the attic - hid in a cat carrier and made it to Philadelphia where she was traded for a Blue Honda CRV. We can now answer the question that kept the Captain up at night -- Where's Ella? She was released after her mother signed the papers
and the big guy witnessed them, that she was alive and breathing at the time of the transfer. Ella is now roaming the 3 floors of an apartment in Coconut Grove, in the wittiness protection program, since her life was threatened by the actions of the diabolical BK. (ask the Dr. if you want more details.)

Much could be said about the logistical challenges that were encountered over the past month as various members of our 'crew' went through numerous states -- North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Arkansas, Florida, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, Connecticut, Massachusetts; Illinois, .... A, C, D, J and J - did I miss any? All worked out and "little J" was the happiest camper being with her 'little ducklings.'

Second Chances -- we all deserve them and frankly - at some point - whether it's the golf course or in life - all need them.

keep your drives long and straight and your putts short and true.

Chipster Out.

1 comment:

Richard said...

If you had stayed for one more hole you would have seen Banana Girl. I'm happy to report that she had quite a bunch and both Barry and Les took advantage. For the record we finished in 4 hours and 35 minutes and again the foursome that normally plays behind us was 2 groups in front of us. Say it ain't so Dom!!