Monday, August 10, 2009

It Just Doesn't Get Better Than This

For the readership who is 'only interested' in the Golfing news -- read no more. Captain Rich will be giving us the 'review' in a soon to be written blog.

This is under the "And More" category and I'd like to give you the choice of learning more about the three MAJOR occurrences that took place within the week: (in alphabetical order)

1. BK is buying his own spinning bike --- is this the first step to disengaging from the gym? Did the fact that his bike (#28) broke and they removed it without telling him?

2. CK is now DR. CK --- coming back from a fantastic week-end where CK was 'hooded' and officially was proclaimed Dr. Kimberly by the University of Florida. It's been a 7 or 8 year journey that she did in 5 years, replete with a near death experience, living in a box like a 'veal' -- (which behavioral psychologist raised veals in a box?), and unpleasant memories of being an indentured servant in a renowned institution. Major disappointment was not playing a staring role in the TV documentary that was filmed in Hopkins. (My major disappointment was not getting JH scrubs). CONGRATULATIONS and WHAT'S UP_____? (courtesy of JH) !!!!

3. DK is now a fiance of AD. Since DK was starring for the NETS only a few years ago - it's hard to believe that he is engaged. He has found in AD the best person who compliments him (and I don't mean only telling him how great he is) in every way. AD and XAG - couldn't be happier for you and us. What a wonderful time for the two of them, and all who love them. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

So I'll leave it to the readership to vote on which of these items should be made into an HBO special.


Unknown said...

A great "and more" blog of great news. What a happy week! Can't let it go by without pointing out that AD COMPLEMENTS BK as opposed to complimenting him (maybe she does that too, but only for the first few years).

Congratulations on all accounts!

Richard said...

Thought the blogger was off this week, so I wrote this post which covers a lot of the same ground.


Gail Sheehy wrote the book, “Passages” to describe those transitional moments when we leave behind the past and move to a new place. We enter the new place with excitement and anticipation because it will present new opportunities, challenges and the hope of being a better place than the past that we have left behind. Each week the Saxon Woods foursome enters the first tee hoping to leave the past problems behind. The slice, the pull-hook, the topped shot, the short putt, the wet course, the rainy weather. Is this the week that we will leave it all behind and put together a round for the ages? Is this the beginning of a Passage to new level of golf where the scores are low and errors are few? As my kids used to say, “Yeah Dad, and then you woke up!”
Since the original Blogger was not part of the foursome, it is up to me to carry on the tradition of BK golf and more. This week the Passages that were achieved were not on the golf course (although one impacts golf), or even in the Spin room at the gym, but more importantly in real life.
The first Passage was mentioned in an earlier blog and is the reason that our favorite Blogger was not on the Golf course Sunday. Cara Kimberg, with family watching on, walked up to the stage and received the ceremonial hood which represented the conferring of her degree. Based the information below we expect that Doctor Kimberg now owns a hood that hangs pretty far down her back. Congratulations on achieving the Passage from graduate Student to PHD.

bachelor - hood length 3 feet
master hood length 3 1/2 feet
doctor hood length 4 feet

Not to be outdone, another Kimberg also embarked on a new Passage. This passage is one that you can’t do alone and thus requires the commitment of two people. Word has it, that in a romantic setting, Daniel asked his girlfriend Amanda to become his fiancĂ©e. He presented her with a ring that he had designed himself in conjunction with a local jeweler. Amanda accepted, but the deal could not be sealed without executing that important Southern tradition of asking permission from her father. Amanda’s father joyfully consented and the rest of Kimberg Family and friends were told and they showered the couple with well-wishes and love. Congratulations and good luck to the happy couple.
The final passage is a bit of sad one to report. One key element of our golf experience is the vigil we keep in the parking lot of the golf course prior to signing up in March of each year. We have each taken turns sleeping in a car in the parking lot, but I seem to have the easiest time doing it. The reason is that I borrow Barry’s Mountaineer, put the seat flat and put an inflatable Aero bed in the back. I am able to get a full night’s sleep with this arrangement and the time passes faster when you not looking at your watch hoping your shift will end soon. Although it is not official yet, it seems that the Mountaineer is a “clunker” and will be traded in for a brand new fuel efficient (read smaller and unable to house an Aero bed) Honda as part of the cash for clunkers program. The Gold family’s good fortune will create a challenge for next March. We have 6 month to figure that out, so in the meantime goodbye clunker hello new car!
As far as golf goes, we got rained on again, but managed to finish the round in about 4 hours and 35 minutes. Michael the Dentist was back and he provided a play by play of the action using many colorful terms to describe shots. One of my shots was categorized as an “Elephant’s Ass.” I’ll leave it up to the reader to try to imagine what the shot looked like and why it was named as such.
Until next time, may all your shots not be worthy of a colorful nickname.