Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's the 'little things' that make life special

Like finding that when they added 5 bikes to the spin room - bringing the total number of bikes to 30 - cramped into a small room ---- my bike is angled so I don't have someone's butt in my nose and I actually have more room than I had before.

or playing golf with Mr. Benjamin Lew ..... son of one of our regulars - Les - Ben has always been 'special.' Perhaps it stems back to the sleep over he had with Daniel - both were probably 5 years old and Ben was a tad 'upset.' Rather than call his parents in the middle of the night - we stayed up and watched TV --- great shows are on between 1 and 4 am. Ben and Daniel shared so many great athletic moments - from starring on their kindergarten soccer team - the NETS - to co-captaining the HS soccer team that was 'cheated' out of a league championship by Eastchester HS .... to this day - they speak of that travesty of justice. So playing with Ben was another one of 'life's little things' that is special.

Captain Rich is communing with his golf guru in Ft. Lauderdale and Barry chose to delve into the inner meanings of Annie Hall .... while Neil, Les, Ben and I spent a manageable 4hr and 50 minutes enjoying another Sunday at Maple Moor. For those readers who are wondering when Saxon Woods will re-open .... it's conceivable not before the coming of the Messiah. (Our divinity students will explain this statement.)

Ben emerged from his dad's (Les') car and already made my day. He was wearing a lumberjack's red cap with ear flaps down, brown plaid pants and apparently got a large contract to endorse a prominent Westchester law firm (PMT) and was wearing their blue jacket. We had our usual warm up --- none --- and were out on the course ahead of schedule. The best part of my game was without a doubt - successfully putting air in my push cart's tires. Besides that -- I was as unpredictable as a Toyota .... as a side note - I'm so pleased that we 'encouraged' both of our kids to buy Corollas given their 'reputation' for safety.

Ben hit some real boomers, Les worked hard on his backwards, between the legs putting, and Neil continues to rack up the points for Ms. Congeniality with his good humor, especially when one drive didn't quite make the lady's tee -- which in our rules is an automatic mulligan.

Next week's lineup has the return of the Captain, the Rabbi, the Mayor and your truly.
So until then --- hope you hit your drives long, your putts short (putting on these greens is as difficult as being the PR person for the venerable investment bank that everyone loves to 'hate.')

Peace Out - Max

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Opening Day

So many firsts --- the first time Tiger competed after his publicized dalliances, the first time the Yankees received their world series rings in the 'new' stadium and our first official time out on the course this year.

If you recall - and how can you not, being true devotees of this blog - Saxon Woods is under repair - but that didn't stop us from sleeping in the parking lot, paying $1,000 to reserve Sunday tee time. The course did not open - and it was only because of the persistence of Captain Rich - that we found out we had been given time at Maple Moore - a course up the road - at an earlier start time, which is what we wanted all along.

Thankfully - the crowds following us were diminished because of the 'other firsts' and the original foursome (the Captain, Barry, Les and me) ..... just like Pete Best - Dan Forman is no longer remembered ..... audience participate - who is Pete Best? (Only people under the age of 40 are allowed to answer) started the season. It was a cool morning - but Barry being the forward thinker of the group wore shorts. We all should have worn 'waders' -- the fishing crowd knows what these are -- given how muddy sections of the course were. We finished in a reasonable 4 hrs and 40 minutes .... and played our usual game of 'advancing the ball' - with an occasional good shot thrown in. The greens were multi-tiered and lightening fast. It didn't stop Les from attempting his behind the back, between the legs putting that he has mastered.

Since I pride myself on 'complete disclosure' - on the first tee - on a course we never played on - in front of people who would be following us for an extended period of time, until Saxon Woods opened - which some believe will be in time for the Rosh Hashana Open - second day - I dribbled my tee shot and barely made the women's tee. I didn't take a mulligan - ran to the ball and took another 'huge swing', topped it and had it roll the length of the club .... maybe. The people behind us were starting to mutter --- and use the name of our Lord in vain .... so I hightailed it out of there - pushing my cart - only to get stuck in the mud and just about needed to call for a ranger to give me a tow. Not the best of beginnings.

For those of you who requested an update on the scatological challenges on the course --- the 'official' restrooms were closed, the natural ones (read the woods) are always available, and at one hole there were porter pottys. Three of us went to the bathroom at that time. How many used the porter potty and how many used the woods right behind them? For an added bonus - give names and what they did.

At the end of the round there wasn't the same emotional response that Phil demonstrated - but there was a sense of calm and normality because Golf Season is back.

Quick snapshot of what's happening at the gym --- without any notice - management took out 14 of 26 spin bikes for 'maintenance'. That didn't sit well since 26 people had signed up for the bikes and there was the potential for civil unrest. They were smart enough to put the two biggest trainers - in sleeveless shirts - outside the door - and take the first 14 registrants. Naturally, I was one of the 14 - given that I get on line at mid-night the day before to secure my position of being in the top 5. The notion of 'maintenance' is suspect - since my bike was removed - and my long time readers will remember that I switched my old bike for a brand new one.

The fruits of my professional 'labor' are starting to pay off - with 'promises' from donors and board members to take me to their country club - as their guest. With a bit of luck - I'll have played on four different country club courses within the month. It's a tough job - but someone has to make nice and fortunately my boss sees himself as a basketball/softball player. If anyone is starting a pick up game - please let him know.

Looking forward to this Sunday when we switch it up ... Captain R is in golf camp down in the sunshine state, Barry is leading the Jewish world in an in-depth look at the importance of Jews in film over the years and stepping up is our Mayor - Neil and the best car sitter we have (pictures can be seen on a prior blog), Ben.

So until then -- Hoping that I can get my drives longer and straighter, my putts shorter and truer, and my spin bike back .....

Max out!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Passover Open

Not all the excitement can be found in Augusta ..... The two day Passover Open created quite a buzz in this part of golf town, USA.

Captain Rich and I had tee time at the jewel of the County courses - Mohansic - noted for its hilly terrain, long walks between holes and its racing fast greens. While most of the noted journalists were waiting to catch 'the eye of the Tiger' .... Rich and I were paired with the Executive Producer of ABC Sports and a former Sports Anchorman who hung up the microphone and is now a MD practicing sports medicine. This was not a chance coupling - rather one strategically arranged by my spin buddy. As an avid reader and commentator on the blog, she realized the potential to create a show like Entourage - it has all the ingredients: young, cool guys having fun playing a rich man's game .... with their Bronx roots showing. I understand that she enjoys a special relationship with the Executive Producer and willing to do whatever it takes to get this blog onto the small screen.

The producer and anchor were a well coordinated unit --- the producer directing the anchor - setting up the shots, reading the greens and providing 'gentle but firm directions' --- which more often than note resulted in bone crushing drives and a number of 'birdies.' The Executive Producer is not only a 'behind the scenes' guy - he was out front making two long putts that will be remembered at future Passover Opens.

It all comes down to business .... The ABC TV sports gurus acknowledged that better than Seinfeld - who had a show about 'nothing' - we had a show about Golf and Life. What they need to see is that the number of people commenting continues to increase ... that there is a buzz about this blog and that we are on ready to go BIG TIME.

The second half of the Passover Open was played with a different mix of characters. The Captain had to return to work and turn orders into GOLD. The TV moguls were focusing on admittedly less important things -- the Yankees first loss and the Mets first victory of the season; the Masters tournament and Tiger's return, and the NCAA's - David and Goliath .... Bulldogs vs. Blue Devils.

Taking their places was Frank the Hammer, and a golf psychologist and a clinical social worker whose love of God was reflected in his continuous repeating his morning prayers .... "Oh God, Oh Jesus .... or when he was moved by some internal calling ... Pastor Bill would exclaim - Jesus Christ. The venue was changed to Maple Moore -- where the mud was thick enough to suck your shoes off your feet. The day went well - with the Hammer crushing the ball and the shrinks analyzing every shot. I played as well as I would hope - Drives that were purposely placed to give me maximum exposure to every part of the course.

The Passover Open came to close with the Hammer asking for the closest fast food place and my giving him my last box of chocolate matzah. Frank's parting words -- 'until the Shevout Open' - were uttered with the heartfelt prayer - 'Baruch HaShem' ......

a few personal shout outs -- the world is a much BETTER place as we welcomed the newest reader of the blog .. Lila Ray Endick; April birthdays including Dr. C., josh, Amanda, anonymous whose expertise in car and house repair are always in need, and one of our car sitters - Ben.

Opening Day of the E-Z reserve system is this Sunday. Saxon Woods - our home course - is not available and we'll be given the opportunity to play at the Mud Bowl ....

Until then - keeps your drives long and straight and your putts short and true.

Peace out - Max