Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's the 'little things' that make life special

Like finding that when they added 5 bikes to the spin room - bringing the total number of bikes to 30 - cramped into a small room ---- my bike is angled so I don't have someone's butt in my nose and I actually have more room than I had before.

or playing golf with Mr. Benjamin Lew ..... son of one of our regulars - Les - Ben has always been 'special.' Perhaps it stems back to the sleep over he had with Daniel - both were probably 5 years old and Ben was a tad 'upset.' Rather than call his parents in the middle of the night - we stayed up and watched TV --- great shows are on between 1 and 4 am. Ben and Daniel shared so many great athletic moments - from starring on their kindergarten soccer team - the NETS - to co-captaining the HS soccer team that was 'cheated' out of a league championship by Eastchester HS .... to this day - they speak of that travesty of justice. So playing with Ben was another one of 'life's little things' that is special.

Captain Rich is communing with his golf guru in Ft. Lauderdale and Barry chose to delve into the inner meanings of Annie Hall .... while Neil, Les, Ben and I spent a manageable 4hr and 50 minutes enjoying another Sunday at Maple Moor. For those readers who are wondering when Saxon Woods will re-open .... it's conceivable not before the coming of the Messiah. (Our divinity students will explain this statement.)

Ben emerged from his dad's (Les') car and already made my day. He was wearing a lumberjack's red cap with ear flaps down, brown plaid pants and apparently got a large contract to endorse a prominent Westchester law firm (PMT) and was wearing their blue jacket. We had our usual warm up --- none --- and were out on the course ahead of schedule. The best part of my game was without a doubt - successfully putting air in my push cart's tires. Besides that -- I was as unpredictable as a Toyota .... as a side note - I'm so pleased that we 'encouraged' both of our kids to buy Corollas given their 'reputation' for safety.

Ben hit some real boomers, Les worked hard on his backwards, between the legs putting, and Neil continues to rack up the points for Ms. Congeniality with his good humor, especially when one drive didn't quite make the lady's tee -- which in our rules is an automatic mulligan.

Next week's lineup has the return of the Captain, the Rabbi, the Mayor and your truly.
So until then --- hope you hit your drives long, your putts short (putting on these greens is as difficult as being the PR person for the venerable investment bank that everyone loves to 'hate.')

Peace Out - Max

1 comment:

barry said...

No photo of Ben?