Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I would hire someone to ghost write my blog .... I apologize for not blogging for 2 weeks ..... truth be told - not much to say.

The two prior Sundays were polar opposites in terms of weather. Two weeks ago it was 90 and humid, last week it was in the 40's with wind gusts equalling the temperature. The only thing that was consistent for the past two weeks was my game .... which was so bad that if I knew how to - I would have put my clubs up for sale on E-Bay. Perhaps the most noteworthy thing is that Les is slowly but surely being outfitted by the Maple Moore golf shop .... having bought a black Maple Moore golf hat one week (the hot day) and a new black golf glove the next week (when it was snowing.) Other than Neil almost getting beat up because he had the audacity to pick up a golf ball on our fairway - and not seeing anyone around - pocket it. A couple of thugs playing on the fairway next to ours wanted his head because they were playing for money and it was one of their balls that Neil 'stole.' Fortunately, the fourth guy we were playing with was 'big' and wearing shorts despite the single digit temperatures .... The thugs had second thoughts about starting with us - after seeing him.

Although my game has been less than stellar -- I accepted an invitation to play at the Trump National Golf Course today. My host was a 6 figure donor to WJCS who is a sports enthusiast. We've made multiple bets during the course of the year - He's a Philly's fan - I'm a Yankees fan so I won a lunch; He operates a hedge fund so he's a gambler by nature and hates to lose. At the start of the big dance we bet which team (Georgetown - he's an alum, on the Board of Directors and 3 of his kids have gone to the school and of course I have jogged on east campus numerous times and have spent 7 years on the campus which almost makes me a Duke alum) would advance further. The bet was a round of golf -- Trump vs. Saxon Woods.

IF I WERE A RICH MAN, I'd be comfortable with the trappings of a country club - and Trump puts the others to shame. It starts off with the valet parking your car and making sure your clubs are brought to the driving range. It ends with the valet bringing your car, which they washed - with your clubs in it. In between there are people who do everything from putting the tee in the ground for you - why should you bend - to polishing your golf shoes and changing the laces because they were starting to fray. We had a caddy who carried two bags - and of course I don't have a light 'stand up' one and managed to always appear with the correct club to use. He virtually drew a line on the green for you to follow when putting. He wipes your clubs down after every swing and would iron your shirt between holes if you asked.

and for the record - let me state emphatically that I did NOT piss in the woods. The caddy carried a urinal for this purpose.

So why am I so neurotic that I can't just play the role of a 'rich man.' I dressed the part today - dressed in work slacks, a white collared golf shirt and a grey golf sweater. I wore a new Titlest golf hat and didn't blow my nose in the cloth napkin at lunch.

Who amongst my readership would be able to 'tolerate' being king/queen for a day. I'm like Cinderella - although she was able to enjoy the ball - and I didn't lose my shoe (just got them back a lot cleaner.) How would you handle this culture shock for the day ... IF YOU WERE A RICH (WO)MAN?

Status quo at the gym -- The two young women at the front desk sign Jodi and me up for spin without asking; no-one is stealing our bikes, and the ellipticals seem to have lost their popularity. Another way of saying -- no GYM STORIES.

I'm boring myself with this blog entry ..... any suggestions for future blogs? How about a section of "Ask the Blogger".... you write in questions and I'll answer them.

Until then - How do you sell things on E-Bay?

Wish my drives were as long as my putts -

Max out


wtrjock13 said...

the irony of course is that you are a rich man, maybe not necessarily in the monetary sense (or maybe you are how should i know), but is that really what counts anyway?

Unknown said...

Way to go Josh!! As for you Bernard, perhaps instead of selling your clubs, you should reconsider your position of not practicing at the driving range. Even yesterday in the rain, I passed by and there were people there, perfecting their games for the upcoming weekend. Maybe there is something to it.