Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dobbs Ferry Gym RATS RALLY

If you think the Tea Party was a phenomena created because of the disgruntled populace banding together to speak out against big government, or that the riots in Bangkok where the " have nots" are rioting against the "haves"are is newsworthy (front page of the NY Times), you haven't seen anything yet. There is a groundswell of opposition against the announced change in policy to take place effective June 7th at the Dobbs Ferry gym. The management must be in bed with those 'la de da' pseudo gym people who come to the gym right before spin and think they have the G-d Given, unalienable right to get a bike and have proclaimed that there will be NO MORE signing up one day in advance, and EVEN WORSE ... you can only sign up 20 minutes in advance for a spin class. That means that the hard working gym grunts that line up at 4:45 am every morning to get in their 58 minutes of exercise before spin class (there is a ridiculous rule that you have to be on your bike 2 minutes before the start of a class -- and can't leave the room for any reason - including going to the bathroom with getting a pass from the spin instructor (see previous blog) will have to stop their exercising 20 minutes earlier to stand on line to sign up for a class. Those 20 minutes of exercise time is precious to us working class stiffs .... remember the days of Max who would open the door at 5:50 am because he was 'one of us.' Remember what they did to him? And needless to say - this will be the end of the nascent running club --- whose members would arrive 15 minutes before the gym opened, wait on line, deposit their belongings in their favorite lockers - (remember we are the working class who are not 'gymming at leisure and going out to Starbucks for our morning coffee after our workout), put a towel on our bikes (always the same one) and then go for our run -- which was carefully timed to get us back to the gym in time for the 2 minute class warning bell to ring.

This is a carefully constructed plot by the gym elite - those with the matching tops and shorts - those who never really sweat, but glisten to stick it to the proletariat. We've been pushed before - we've accepted the nonsensical changing around all the gym equipment for no reason other than for management to flex their muscles .... but they have gone too far.

I have proudly participated in civil rights marches in the early 60's when I was barely old enough to walk, protested against the war in Vietnam, even if it meant missing classes, stopped consuming tons of red meat - because cows are our brothers - but nothing like the actions I'm prepared to take if this ill-begotten policy is not changed.

To my faithful readers I make this pledge -- if come June 7th - I am NOT allowed to pursue my rights guaranteed to my under the Constitution of this fine Country and work out without stopping 20 minutes early for fear of not spinning .... then I declare to all my readers around the world that I will join the other great leaders - Max Fielding and the news anchor who prefers that I not use his name - but his cry of "I'm fed up and I won't take this anymore" - and promise to do the following, without regard to the consequences .....


BTW - golf was fine - Neil didn't get into any altercations, Les had the shot of the day - chipping in from off the green, Rich played his usual solid game and on most holes, my drives were longer than my putts.

I will be selling tee shirts and organizing marches on the Dobbs Ferry gym if indeed the Secretary of State - who obviously has a personal interest in the injustices happening in her home state - doesn't get the tyrants who run the gym to listen to the 'little guy' - the hard working, sweat producing drones who tirelessly come to the gym and look the other way at the dust balls that are now larger than the basketballs. We cannot afford to be silent any longer.


a very angry but determined Max - out.

1 comment:

barry said...

This new policy is a travesty of a sham of a mockery. Power to the people! Off the pig!