Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Economic Crisis affects Saxon Woods Golf Course

No-one is immune from the economic crisis -- not Rick Wagner, not the 615,000 people who lost their jobs last month, and not the staff at Saxon Woods Golf Course. Barry and I had our last pre-season round today -- when we walked to the clubhouse to register - we were greeted -- yes greeted -- by the starter (same guy as last year) who gave us a big smile and shook our hands. This may not seem like much to some of you -- but to us this is the ultimate in being accepted into a club that we felt never wanted us. After years of trying to curry favor with the Starter, with no success, we are now part of his 'inner circle.' Saxon Woods golf course has finally become our 'Cheers.'

Barry quickly assumed Richie's role of 'captain' of our foursome and chatted up the starter. We were crushed to learn that his hours have been cut - with management having to take up the slack -- and that the snack shop will not open. It's not that we ever bought anything there -- but we, (really the others and not me) were quick to appreciate the 'cute girl' who worked there and was usually working on her tan. So there are two more victims -- people we have grown to know or at least ogle from a distance. Perhaps some of the stimulus money will be allocated to bring back the level of staffing that we have come to expect and count on.

The change that was announced in the prior blog -- (this is a bit like 24 when I give you the summary of the last blog) -- where the course was trying out making the back 9 the front 9 has now been institutionalized. The theory behind this is that the back 9 plays quicker and there will be less delays. Today's round took a mind boggling 5 hrs and 20 minutes - I have much more faith in Geittner's plan that the golf course's strategy to quicken play.

Barry and I were partnered with two singles -- nice guys - John and Carl -- good golfers. The weather was sunny, a bit breezy -- but no complaints. AND OUR GOLF GAME WAS like Michigan State's experience at the Big Dance. We were 'on' and 'owned' the course .... many more good shots than bad ones. More fades and draws than hooks and slices (please google to find out the differences in the terminology for golf shots and let me know).

And it appears that there are more changes -- as though playing the back 9 as the front 9 wasn't enough (and I totally screwed up keeping score - marking down the back 9's strokes on the front 9's card ... anyone following this blabber?) there is BREAKING NEWS: Barry did not bring a bagel with cream cheese or butter, he did not bring challa, he did not bring a sandwich .... BARRY BROUGHT A YOGURT ... and have you ever tried sharing a yogurt? (he did bring granola bars for that purpose).

One of the people I played with today shared this golf joke and while a bit 'risky' - I know I have to conquer my Puritanical values .... 3 friends went out on the course and picked up a single .... The single was an excellent golfer and at the end of the round, the 3 friends asked this guy to play with them the following week. The guy said he'd love to -- but he may be 20 minutes late. Next week comes - the guy is on time - and they play a round (he's playing right handed as he did the first time). The three friends invite him to play again next week - and he again accepts with the stipulation that he may be 20 minutes late. He arrives next week on time, but this time he plays the round left handed. At the end of the round - the three friends ask him to play the next week again - and he says he'd love to but he may be 20 minutes late. The three friends say to him --- You are a great golfer but why do you always say you may be 20 minutes late and why do you play left handed one week and right handed the next week. The guy smiles and says that when he wakes up he looks over at his wife -- if she is sleeping on her left side then he plays 'lefty', if she is sleeping on her right side then he plays 'righty', and if she is on her back -- then he'll be 20 minutes late. my thought was why 20 minutes? wouldn't 10 be more realistic? JUST LIKE SAXON WOODS TRIED SOMETHING NEW - I'M LOOKING FOR FEEDBACK TO SEE IF PEOPLE WANT THIS SLIGHTLY OFF COLOR HUMOR TO PERIODICALLY BE INCLUDED IN THE BLOG.

A Major Shout Out to our buddy Studley who had major surgery to replace a valve in his heart. (not sure how many valves?) He's doing great -- and we wish him G-d Speed (can someone please tell me what that means) and a quick recovery.

so until next week - OPENING WEEK - have a great one -- remember to keep your drives long and straight and your putts short.

Chip signing off


barry said...

I am compelled to report how difficult I found it having to remember to call Bernie "Chip," rather than Bernie, thourhout the round. I was a total failure at it and the psychic energy I expended impaired my effectiveness around the green. My suggestion is that Bernie officially change his name to "Chip," "Pitch," "Slice" or whatever else suits him.l

Marni said...

Your attempts at humor are appreciated. Does Barry bring Matzah at Passover?

Unknown said...

A great blog! Full of good humor and lots of information. However, I am not sure it is all accurate. How can you be sure that the other guys' names were really John and Carl? I agree with Barry - I would never go along with this name nonsense.

This is a family blog - our children read it, so I'm not sure you should include these "risque" jokes.

Anyway, welcome back. Look forward to a great season of good blog-reading!