Sunday, April 19, 2009

Riding the Wave

While surfing, there is an expression "to ride the wave" -- when you catch one just right and take it right to shore -- enjoying the experience and not worrying about when 'it's going to end.' Any surfer knows what I mean and I'm 'riding the wave.' Things are breaking my way --- take the gym ..... In past blogs, I've mentioned the challenge I face every morning --- where there are 5 of us who line up at 4:45 am (in addition to another 10 people, at least) and dash to get one of the 4 'special' elliptical machines that most closely mirrors running outdoors. It was getting out of hand - as another member and I formed an 'alliance' ... whoever got their first would put a towel down on another machine and guard it. This led to some 'stare downs' with the other members and each of us feeling obligated to come every morning at 4:45 --- and not entertain using any other machine. When my 'partner' showed up one morning with a 'boot' on - after seriously hurting her foot - and attempting to go on the elliptical - despite doctor's orders of bed rest for 2 weeks -- we knew the alliance was over and it was back to 'cut throat politics' at the gym. This past Friday - no different than any other Friday - I made a dash for one of the four machines at 5:00 am and stopped -- a 5th machine had appeared --- we all got on one of the ellipticals--- there was some nods and smiles as we acknowledged that while the competition for these machines had been fierce -- no one 'punked out' - and now a sense of peace reigns .... until a 6th person has the audacity to show up at 4:45 am, stand in line and try to get on one of 'our machines.'

My 'ride' continued this week as Dan - everyone remember Dan - one of the original golfers who moved up in the world and now is a member of Canyon Country Club - Dan who entertained us with a myriad of philosophical dilemmas ... like was it all right to return folding chairs to Sams Club after using them for a Passover Seder (I realize that my mentioning the chairs were for a Passover Seder may provide fodder for the anti-Semites in my readership - but I do value freedom of speech - and for accuracy chose not to gloss over the reason for the chairs) Dan invited me on Wed to play at his club. Dan was the gracious host -- the course was very challenging - essentially all hilly -- we used a golf cart - which is required on the course, but still a luxury for me - (sort of like the feeling I had after driving a 98 Oldsmobile for years and then graduating to a Subaru). Permit a digression as I once again need to apologize to Cara -- not only did she have to learn to drive on the Oldsmobile, but that was her first car and had to drive around with a big sign in the review window that said "NEW DRIVER." Fortunately, Daniel was not subject to that type of parental abuse - although he did have to drive the car - just no sign.

Golfing with Dan brought up great memories -- like the time he brought this 'gadget that cost $10 and he put it to his eye - gazed at the flag on the green - and was supposed to get the correct yardage. It never worked properly - and he returned it .... (see a pattern?). Well along with a Country Club membership, was a purchase of a GPS - Satellite guided - laser hand held yardage marker ... that works on over 50 golf courses. It essentially told you to the yard - how far away your ball was, the mileage markers at particular points along the hole - and what club to use.

And to top it off -- "old Dan" on occasion would leave the County Course early to go to New York Sports Club for a steam. Country Club Dan - finished the course (with a stop for lunch) and we enjoyed a steam at his club - while his clubs and his shoes were being cleaned.

Dan is a great guy, a super close friend and very generous to invite me to his club. I'm thinking it was coincidental that he invited me mid-week when we were the only ones there and not because he was concerned that I might 'embarrass him' with my County golf course ways. I didn't feel comfortable 'watering the grass' - but not so uncomfortable that I didn't - so maybe he was right. Dan - you ride your wave and thanks for taking me along. (BTW - made my first Birdie on the course with a 'lucky chip in")

And now to today -- the forecast was iffy - but wrong -- it was a beautiful day -- not to hot, a bit overcast. For the record - Richard looked splendid in his tan pants, black striped shirt and Masters 09 Golf hat. We got off on time - and labored on the first 9 -- following a foursome that thought they were "Tigers" but played more like pussycats. It took us 2.5 hours to play -- (remember they switched things up and the back 9 was now the front 9 with the expectation that would speed things up) and we were concerned that we were on target for a 5+ hour day -- which is obscene when you think that we stayed over night in the parking lot to get an early tee time to avoid things like this. But we rode the WAVE and finished the course in a very respectable 4.35 hours.

We all hit far more good shots than bad with Barry overcoming the 'pull to the left' jinx that the Golf G-ds had placed on his head. His drives were as straight and as long as the section of the Sprain between Jackson Ave and Greenburgh. (I thought some local geography would be welcomed by my Westchester readers who are far from home.) He and I finished with back/back "BY BY's" on the 18th and 19th holes (hint - old time favorite Broadway Show). Les has mastered the use of his golf cart and was playing quite well -- until the 'bell rang' and he had to leave with a few holes to go - to celebrate Ben's birthday .... and we extend to Ben the warmest wishes for a HAPPY 24th Birthday.

And I'm going to continue to Ride the Wave -- not worrying about the eventual wipe out (another surfer term I picked up when I was hanging 9). So until next week

Hit your drives long and straight and make your putts short and true.

Chip Out

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