Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is a direct quote from a faithful reader: "I don't want to put too much pressure on you, but you can't just stop and leave your readers' hanging. It is like if the Mets just decided not to play any more baseball this season or if Obama decided just not to show up to work ...."

My apologies to this and the scores of other loyal readers whose world has been turned upside down because it is now Wednesday and I haven't blogged about Sunday's experience. Even I need the occasional 'outside verification' of the importance this blog has to so many people and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience, sleepless nights, free floating anxiety and suicidal ideation that may be attributed to my tardiness. (Our psychology consultant in the Baltimore region is available to provide evidenced based treatment to anyone whose issues over the lateness of this blog continues to affect their activities of daily living)

ON A SERIOUS NOTE - this past Sunday morning was the annual Marisa Run. A yearly event that marks the tragedy that befell a very close friend whose daughter lost her life (19 years old) after succumbing to the toxic affects of medications she was taken to combat her second bout of Hodgins. Those of us who lived through that unimaginable period of Marisa's illness, compounded by her mother's multiple hospitalizations and ultimate death that was taking place concurrently will never forget. Only Dave knows where he got the strength to continue, and to touch so many young lives - HS students who 'owe' their futures to the caring of Mr. G, to the countless numbers of babies he helped to deliver - in the public hospitals of NYC or in the bowels of Africa. And we, his friends from childhood - who stood ready to do what we could for Sharon and Marisa - how did we cope - because of the caring and comfort we gave to each other -- because we were - and still are - a " community".

The sense of Community extends to the gym where I go - every morning at 4:45 am. There are at least 10 of us who are 'hard core' spinners ... we look out for each other ... we respect each other's turf (you won't see one of us get one a bike that is used by another spinner) ... and we care. Although we don't know each other's names - if someone tries to remove a towel we've place on the bike to reserve it (class doesn't start until 6 am) they have to deal with all of us.

We've spoken of our Golf Community in past blogs -- where the Starter (Dom - or Di Di) looks out for us .... where we try to 'brown' the ranger so he doesn't yell at us .... where we now the best places to take a piss.

Community - a sense of belonging - having people care about you and you them -- isn't that what everyone yearns for -- and how lucky is the person that is involved in multiple communities.

ONTO GOLF: There is one loyal reader whose only interest is in the golf segment of this blog and questions the need for 'and more.' I would encourage that reader to broaden his/her horizons, get out more, discover the wonders of the world - be it in museums, restaurants, street fairs, or Central Park. For it may be hard for him/her to understand this -- but there is more to life than Golf.

That said - Rich and I couldn't let a week go by and not play golf - so we arranged tee time after the Marisa Run. We played at a different course (Sprain - which was once a strong consideration for the site of the Masters) and to our pleasant surprise - despite a week of rain - the course was dry and played short. It was also like playing golf in a nature preserve. At one point - I was hitting a shot surrounded by geese, a robin, a muskrat, and a 'fake coyote'.

Rich proved the theory -- Bigger is Better -- untrue. He kept his big stick in the bag and used his 3 wood and consistently drove the ball 200 + yards and straight down the middle. We had another player join us for the first 9 holes - and then left - complaining about pains in his back. If Joe is reading this blog - and I have no doubt that he is -- lose the cigarettes on the course and smoke stogies like the 'big boys' do.

We had been warned about playing Sprain on a Sunday afternoon -- with prognostications (SAT word) of a 6 hour round. That prediction - like the weather - turned out to be false. The weather was supposed to turn sunny and warm -- it was rainy and could. The round took us 4 hours and 20 minutes -- another new record. I had another 'by-by' and a few pars ... that made a couple of 7's easier to handle.

It was strange playing at Sprain - because we weren't part of that "COMMUNITY". we didn't know the starter, weren't sure of the protocols and 'nobody new our name.' Joe did ask if I got the nick name Chip because I was playing well (chipping well) around the green. I told him no - that my name went from Charles, to Charlie.

This upcoming Sunday (Memorial Day Week-end) will feature a bar b que at Dan Forman's lake house after the round of golf. I believe Rich sent him the e-mail, and his secretary will read it to him.

So to all those who have found COMMUNITIES and all of us still searching, I say:

Keep your drives long and straight and your putts short and true.

the Chipster

1 comment:

Judi said...

BK - Thank you for sharing your feelings on life, community, friendship and loss. And if any of Marisa's friends who show up year after year at the run are reading this - you are truly remarkable young men and women.