Sunday, May 3, 2009

a four letter word NOT used on the Golf Course

QUIT --- and we didn't....despite rain that got heavier and a chill that cut to the bone, we finished our game today in a record breaking 4 hrs and 30 minutes. It helped being the only ones of the course after the 11th hole. Question of the day is why Barry and Richie didn't use their Golf umbrellas until the 16th hole.

Weather forecast - morning clouds - no rain until mid-late afternoon. Accuracy - none --- we started playing under a light rain and it gradually increased to a steady downpour. I know a lot of my readership are particularly down on the bankers, blaming their 'greediness' for bringing down the economy -- but I blame the weather forecasters -- whose % of accurate forecasts mirror my % of times that I 3 putt. They contributed to the lack of confidence in anything told to us.
Style section - no shorts for any of us.
Culinary section - no carbs for Barry --- Bananas seem to be the fruit of choice.
Sports section - play was swift and soggy. a few pars and far to many 'skirts' on the green. The 'chipster' was driving the ball well.
Inquiring Minds - whose 'new' 3 wheel cart remains in the box?

OP ED: Sensi Gina's mantra at the spin class is "Become Your Dream." I've wanted to be Pete, Hutch, Crocker, and a host of other constables .... and this Wed I came close to 'becoming my dream.' WJCS is doing a series of trainings for the White Plains Police Department and I buddied up with Sgt. Jimmy. As I was leaving - the Sarge stopped me and asked if I wanted to 'have some fun' - which meant going down to the firing range - putting on a bullet proof vest - in case I hit the wall the the bullet ricocheted and hit me, put on ear plugs and safety glasses -- and with Officer Ben - a 6 ft 6 motorcycle cop who is also in charge of the range - instructing me - I shot a Smith and Wesson, 40 caliber gun. The target was a person - with the zone (cardiac area) clearly delineated. From 15 yards away - I'm proud to announce 25 of 27 kill shots. I assumed the position - two hands gripping the pistol - and fired away. The sound was deafening - even with the ear guards and the smell of gun powder evident. It was another check off on the bucket list -- and quite a rush.

Here's hoping for week-ends of fair skies and golf games where long, straight drives and short, accurate putts are predictions that come to be.

Chip out.


demifast said...

I see the next new sport craze - the pistol shooting/golf biathlon. Maybe you can organize a team in time for the 2012 summer olympics in London.

Unknown said...

Maybe since you are such a good shot, you can take up hunting when golf season is over - help alleviate the deer problem!