Monday, July 13, 2009

It's not always Champagne and Flowers

sometimes it's just 'calm and predictable' ... and that's OK too. There is something to be said about Routines and Predictability. This Sunday was a routine day on the course. The weather was beautiful - sunny and warm. For some unknown reason, they had us start at hole #1 - not playing the back 9 first as had been the policy since opening day. I liked this much better - it was like seeing an old friend that you haven't spoken with for years and picking up as though you just spoke yesterday. Too often we think that 'new is better' or we need to 'buy the flavor of the month' - metaphorically speaking .... what's wrong with just wanting things to be the same way they've always been.

Both Barry and Les were out of town so we invited my 'gym buddy', Neil. Neil has this wonderful ability to be comfortable in any environment. He is not quite a 5 day a week gym regular, but goes often enough to be considered 'a regular.' He's got a great attitude and what he lacked in golf acumen, he made up in being personable. We picked up a fourth - an aging golfer with grey hair tied back in a pony tail. This guy was once a 'player', shooting in the low 80's and there were examples of 'a stellar golfer' during the day. He was a great ball finder and took a liking to Neil, who sought his advice for the entire round.

That's not to say that Neil doesn't have his faults -- one major one which made me come very close to dis-inviting him to play. Not surprisingly - it was related to spin class. The Nazi who opens the gym at exactly 5:00 am (who remembers the good old days of Max - opening it at 4:45) sometimes makes like even more difficult for us by keeping the door to the spin room locked. This past Friday, the door was locked and we (Jodi, me and the 15 other spinners who line up at 4:45 am had to leave our towels and water bottles at the entrance to the room - and go workout, without securing our bikes.

Neil is one of those 'phone callers' who doesn't come to the gym until 15 minutes before the class begins - and settles for whatever bike is left. This past Friday, he arrived at the spin class just as the door was being unlocked and had the audacity to take Jodi's bike. (Since I am completely honest with my readers let me state for the record that Neil did take my towel and water bottle that was neatly left on the floor in front of the door, and put it on my bike, reserving it for me.) Neil is well aware that he was taking Jodi's bike and did so anyway. When confronted - he shrugged it off - not owning up to the fact that he violated the spinners credo .... would you go into someone's house - even if you knew the person - to use the bathroom - if the person wasn't home and you used a 'hidden key' to gain entrance?

I was in a quandary ... Neil's taking Jodi's bike was incredibly disrespectful. Jodi is my gym buddy and we've gone up against some pretty heavy adversaries during this past year. I consulted with Jodi after the class - and to her credit - she wasn't nearly as distraught as I would have been. She encouraged me to give Neil a "pass" and not withdraw the invitation to play golf with us. That type of behavior speaks volumes about Jodi.

The golf itself was 'comfortable and routine.' More good shots than bad and one outstanding Par 3 hole, where both Richie and I were on the green in one and got pars. The game was played in a very reasonable 4.5 hours. There was nothing particularly outstanding about anyone's game -- it was 'comfortable.'

Just as seeing Richie's parents and Jill's mother after our game was 'comfortable.' I've known them for over 30 years and have seen them experience some true challenges. I don't see them often, but when I do - there is a genuine warmth and caring.

Life isn't always about Champagne and Flowers; sometimes it's meatloaf and TV.... and that's OK too.

Wishing you a week of long, straight drives and short, accurate putts....


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