Monday, July 27, 2009

Major Accomplishment

Thank you to Rich for last week's blog and providing me with a springboard to this posting: (note Tom Friedman's editorial in Wed. NY Times (July 29th) - which is a follow up to Rich's comments about the 59 y/o golfer.

Major Accomplishments

Cara - excuse me - Dr. Cara's first comment after receiving her PhD was, "it's great because I can take it off my 'to do' list. Obviously, getting a PhD in Clinical Psych - with a specialization in Neuro - and doing it in 5 years rather than the standard 6 + years is a greater accomplishment than 'going food shopping' .... CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Cara -- I want to give a shout out to the big guy in the sunshine state who flew up to Baltimore, helped pack the car and drove 21 + hours to Miami. It was something I thought would be on my 'to do' list .... and glad to have handed off this opportunity to you.

Another Major Accomplishment was our learning to eat HARD SHELL CRABS --- taught to us during a trip to West Point, Va where we spent a great week-end with my favorite 'teach for America' teacher and her parents. I will forward any inquiries on the proper etiquette of locating the tabs behind the eyes and lifting it while simultaneously breaking the crab in two to Principal D.

There were other Major Accomplishments worth noting this past week:

I was awarded the highest honor that one can receive from the biking 'gang' we travel with on annual bike trips - the Yellow Bandanna. This yellow bandanna has been the equivalent of an Oscar - given to a member of the group who has demonstrated a 'memorable' behavior during the week-end. I am very humble and feel inadequate to wear the bandanna that most recently was worn by the most tireless rider in our group. I plan to use my 'bandanna pulpit' to further the mission of our group and to insure that we continue to spend as much time off the bike as on the bike.

Late last night, after returning from our biking expedition, I received an e-mail from my gym buddy -- so apologetic for forgetting to sign us up to spin on Monday. She was so distraught that I made a conscious decision not to share the extent of my disappointment. What was even more disturbing is that my bike wasn't even 'cold' before my 'good buddy' Neil grabbed it. (see prior blog about his 'take no prisoners attitude' when it comes to spinning.) So at 5:50 am - my 'buddies' go into the spin room - Neil grabs my bike - and the door closes. I looked through the window of the spin room, a tear trickling down my cheek - realizing that I was not going to spin today. I turned and slowly walked away --- only to have the door open and my gym buddy yell - get in here - there is an extra bike. The empty bike was in the first row - dead center of the room. I told her I couldn't take that bike -- and Neil did NOT offer to switch with me -- but she insisted - saying it was the only way she would forgive herself. So I did it for her - I took the center bike in the first row - right in front of the spin instructor whose bike is on a stage facing mine. This presented a number of problems -- first was that I have no rhythm and whenever the instructor would say 'jump' - I was always a beat behind. It's fine when I'm in the back row - out of sight - but not when I'm dead center. I also felt so vulnerable - there are celebrities in the front row, including the self proclaimed 'gym whore' whose flowing red hair and her grunts of pure excitement are legendary. I was too close to the instructor - I like to worship her from afar - not be directly in front of her - close enough to have her sweat dripping on me. But I survived - and while it's not quite the same as getting a PhD - I'd say I was probably as nervous as Dr. C was when defending her dissertation.

and as I started this blog with a phenomenal Major Accomplishment, I'd like to end with another 'real' major accomplishment. I had the privilege of seeing Daniel's "Celebration" program last night -- where 150 children were recognized for their accomplishments at Student U over the past 6 weeks. The highlight of the evening was the 'special mention' given to the 8th graders - who were the inaugural class of Student U 3 years ago. It's amazing that 45 of the original 48 students in this grade 'stayed' with the program. There were many speeches given that sang the 'well deserved' praises of Daniel and his staff -- including the Mayor of Durham - but none so special as to hear 2 8th grade boys talking about what this past 3 years mean to them. These 'street wise' kids acknowledged how they have grown and changed thanks to the program. For these kids - and the other 148 middle school students - we salute you and the 38 teachers for your accomplishments over the past three years.

THANKFULLY - THE FAB FOUR WILL BE TOGETHER THIS SUNDAY FOR A ROUND OF GOLF....and that will be a Major Accomplishment given everyone's schedules.

chipster out

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