Sunday, April 27, 2008

I have to admit that I am not much for Stats today. The good news was playing in 4 hours and 25 minutes and the bad news was about 2 1/2 hours of that was in a steady drizzle. Definitely a more enjoyable game when the sun is shining.
Our illustrious blogmeister left out anecdote that could pose a moral dilemma of sorts. On the 14th hole our hero asked a question of another member of the foursome as to what he was doing with his ball when lining up his putts. When the answer came back that there is writing on the ball that forms a straight line and the object is to point the line towards the hole and stroke the ball with the center of the putter hitting the line, sending it straight to the hole - he asked if all balls had that line. Upon closely examining his ball the line was found but 2 other interesting facts surfaced.
1. the ball was a Pro V-1 - (which of course was found not purchased) They cost about $58 a dozen
2. The ball had the word "Lady" on it.

What to do? A ball that has been in play for 14 holes is discovered to be an expensive ball, but designed for a women.

What would our hero do? Continue playing with the ball or take out another one?
What would you do?
I won't spoil it by telling you what happened next.
But I will add to drama by saying that our hero's next hole was one of the best of his day. Long tee shot, rescue club close to the green. pitch on in 3.

But which ball did he use????

April 28th, 2008

To my loyal readership --- I'd like to start with just a sampling of the comments I've received about BK Golf and More:

A noted actor in NYC said that "this is the funniest stuff I've seen." and this from a professional who has appeared off Broadway, in videos - ( ... see episode 4), commercials and will be in the new Robert Dinero (you talkin to me.... that Dinero) movie. When BK Golf and more is picked up for a TV pilot --- this actor has already 'pitched' to play the role of Barry.

A renowned psychologist from Chappaqua, NY said: "this should be required reading for anyone who wants to know about human behavior and group dynamics."

From a loyal reader in Gainesville, Florida we hear: "your last blog was outstanding. The bar has been raised to new heights. Please don't dissapoing."

A new member of our blog from Miami, Florida said: "very funny, entertaining ... I want more!"

And from our person in Durham, North Carolina: "I woke up Sunday smiling because I knew there would be a new blog to read."

A number of people have asked -- can I send these blogs to my parents, my friends, my colleagues .... to those people I say --- this blog is not like a 'favorite restaurant' that you found and your conflicted -- you want to tell people how great it is -- yet you are afraid if you do - the word will get out and there will be lines to get in, the service will suffer ..... Tell everyone about this blog. We are already the fastest growing blog on Sherbrooke Rd. The more hits we get, the more likely we will attract the type of advertisers we want. So I say: "Go Forth and Multiply our Readership!"

Every blog has it's detractors -- To my Houston reader who wants to know why there aren't pictures and videos on the blog -- talk to my IT expert.

Apologies in advance to the critic from Ardsley, NY who wants to know why there are so many typos and grammatical errors .... very simple -- I skipped 8th grade when they taught that stuff.

and now to Today's Blog: We woke to a beatiful sunrise, temperatures expected to be in the low 70's, no humidity -----NOT ---- it was a rainy, dreary morning. Barry was not able to make it today -- last day of Passover and a memorial service is recited. (What other golf blog gives you Jewish religious practice.) We drafted a good community friend, Les, to take his place. Les and I go back 15+ years when we coached the Nets -- a championship soccer team in the 5 yr. old division. We coached many a soccer and basketball team together over the years (our boys remain 'best buds' today) and Les -- always wanted to confess -- "I still don't understand the wheel that you were trying to teach the kids on our basketball team."

A request was made to broaden the blog to include a fashion commentary. (Martha Stewart - beware). Dan came dressed in a very stylish orange nike jacket - with black trim that matched his black shirt, white dockers and golf shoes. Not to be outdone - Richie was well coordinated, dressed in an olive motif -- matching jacket, pants, shirt and wearing golf shoes. Embarrasing the group was Les in a NY Mets jacket and hiking shoes and me -- wearing my son's windpants from middle school with a bright yellow stripe down each leg -- and also hiking shoes. One of our group was very proud of his 'spiritual retreat' (his words, not mine) to Woodberry Commons where he took great pride in his purchase of a cashmere sweater that originally cost $600 to less than $100.

The foursome in front of us -- the regular group - not Tony's crew (for first time readers - scroll down to Thursday's blog) must have read Richie's rules because we didn't have to wait. Also - there was no group on our heels - so other than the rain -- which kept coming until the 12th hole -- there were no problems.

Golf is a game of rules -- and Les broke the cardinal rule of "practice makes perfect" by hitting his first tee shot after not playing for a year - not warming up and not even taking a practice shot - perfectly in the fairway. Les continued that style of play - no practice - get up and hit for most of the course, doing at least as well, if not better than the rest of us.

As we say on BK Golf and More --- golf is a metaphor for life. There are variables that are out of your control - and as much as you try to adjust -- some days are rougher than others. The rain made today a tough one to play the course. Bounces and rolls that you can expect to get on a good day - just weren't there -- Tougher to get the ball in the air and get any distance. (although in fairness to Richie -- he did a good job of 'tree trimming' today.) And if Richie was in the trees - Less was at the beach a good part of the day. The one good thing I can say about my game was that I didn't lose a ball -- because they are hard to lose when you constantly dribble it a few feet at a time. Dan's game was quick -- he left after 9 .... to do a food shop and take a sauna. Dan's concern about his Country Club potentially being sold and what to do about the initiation fee generated much sympathy. Anyone with any advice should feel free to direct it to Dan.

Allow me to digress --- the fifth hole appears to inspire serious discussions. Quite a number of you responded with an overwhelming "NO" to the survey in an earlier blog -- where one of the players contimplated returning chairs to costco after using them once. Some even threatened to call the store and alert them to this impending fraud. As often happens - this golfer had a change of heart - and upon the threat of bodily harm from his wife - did NOT return the chairs. We are proud that this blog played a part in helping this golfer from straying ....If he would have returned chairs what would have stopped him from dipping into the tzedukah box ....

The question posed to the group was: "Who does the food shopping in your house?" Why this was brought up now concerns me a bit .... but that's the beauty of the blog ... the question could easily have been -- "What do you think of the Sean Bell Verdict?" but we like to get 'personal.' The answers were across the board from - I do 95% of the food shopping to 'what food shopping?'

Our IT person will provide you with the vital statistics on today's game.

Life's lesson for today -- "sometimes you just hit the ball from one trap to the next ... but you got to keep playing."

-- hoping you hit them long and straight.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Lesson learned - April 24th

It was a Thursday afternoon -- sun shining, temperature hovering around 80. I had been diligently working since 7:30 am (other than having lunch with a favorite Board member at his Country Club) ... and then the 'itch'. I had put my clubs in the trunk the night before -- just in case this Board member said - too bad you didn't bring your clubs - great day to play golf - and I would have responded -- what a coincidence .....

So I "scratched" and left work - never having done this before - to play 'walk on golf' -- alone. Got to the parking lot -- jammed -- changed and went to the pro shop to 'sign in'. Ahead of me was a young man - 20's - and ahead of him was a mother and two children - ages approximately 9 and 11. She was signing up to play golf. I got to admit -- as much of a 'nice guy' people think I am, and no-one can question my 'family values' - better they be doing something together - as a family - outdoors - and not watching TV .... but do they have to golf in front of me. My 'pain' only increased as the kid bought 3 balls and the mom asked if there were clubs they could borrow.

Decision point - do I go out -- or go back to work ... The 'golf mantra' - a bad day on the course is better than a good day in the office - came to mind and I decided to 'gut it out. The young man in front of me asked if I wanted to team up with him -- no problem. (His name is Matt -- I introduced myself as Bud.)

Go the the first hole -- mom and the kids have 'teed off' - and for those familiar with the course -- they were on their third stroke - having not gotten to the tree line yet (less than 150 yds from the tees.) The little girl had resorted to throwing the ball - which means hers were going further than her brother's and certainly further than her mothers. Shoot me know.

So I called out -- 'mind if we play through?' --- and they said yes -- going to stand by the cart path - near the trees .... (once again - sorry to my readership who are not familiar with the course - but this is exactly where most of us hit our balls.)

My 'partner' Matt -- he's approx. 5'6 and weighs in at 260 lbs -- and it's not muscle - hits first. As I found out -- he has two speeds -- he hits fast and swings as hard as he could. He lands well beyond the fairway - but straight. I get up - very aware where the family (let's call them the Partridges) were standing. Took my 5 wood and swung... I didn't know that I could yell "Four" (or is it Fore?) so loud - as my shot went straight for the trees. Luckily for me (they didn't move) for the first time in my illustrious career - I cleared the trees. (I gave them 4 balls and more tees as compensation.)

Thinking we were 'home free' and in for a stressless afternoon of golf -- proceeded to do well on the hole. It was only then that I looked up and saw that Tony Soprano and his crew were playing in front of us. Four 'big guys' - in golf carts - smoking stogies and drinking beer. There was clearly Tony - appeared to be in his mid 40's and the crew were deferential - in their 30's.

Worse yet -- there was a Foursome in front of them -- so the course was backed up. When Tony teed off (remember - we are only on the second hole and already the Partridges had caught up) I knew I was being punished by the WJCS G-d ... He swung 2x missing everything - finally dribbled a ball and then took a mulligan .... which I discovered was his way of playing. And of course - they were playing from the Blues.

When it was finally our turn to hit -- I teed off - and hit the best drive of my life -- (I think I'll ask my technical advisor to put a map of the course on this blog) -- clearing the sand trap on the right and almost hitting Tony and crew. We made up at the third hole - when I apologized and Tony offered me a beer - which I took - because not too may have insulted him.

A word about my partner Matt, or let's call him Manic Matt. He just keeps up a steady stream of chatter - so during our waits I learned that he was a Junior at Iona College - majoring in Marketting - manager of the Men's Basketball team, taking a break from studying for finals, only child, freshman roommate got him into the game - then the roommate left college to turn pro -- giving him a set of clubs. Manic Matt didn't stop talking and following me to my ball. What made it a bit worse -- and long time followers of my golf exploits will understand this -- he kept referring to me as "Bud" and thought he needed to 'yell' when I didn't respond. Manic Mike also had the habit of saying 'Great Shot' - almost before I hit the ball. When one of our regulars does this - it's endearing - with Matt - it was distracting. Making matters worse was when he asked what I did -- I should have said 'law enforcement' - but I said social work. Who would have known that his mother is a social worker - who is in the process of getting her doctorate - and looking for a job. So for three more holes -- and remember there was a wait for each hole - he vacilated between telling me how great his mother was -- and asking me about my job. (I did give him my business card - since his mother is bi-lingual - and said that I couldn't talk about my work on the course - was too distracting -- as though his 'verbal diahhreah wasn't.)

Allow me to digress -in case you think that Manic Matt wasn't irritating enough - at the 4th hole there is a jug of water. I teed off - hitting it just to the right of the green - and turned around -- Manic Matt was there holding a cup of water for me .... and that continued at every water stop.

We finally get to the 9th hole -- once again a topographic map is so necessary - There is a modest incline after you hit the ball. Manic Matt - who doesn't stop talking - is gasping for breath as he's walking up this hill. Remember his physical desciption ... (We had hit the ball to the same spot so I couldn't help but comment - asking him if he's allright.) I'm thinking if he has a heart attack - am I responsible to give CPR and stay around until help comes - or can I play on?

So the first Nine took an intolerable 2 hrs and 45 minutes's 6:45 and the sun is getting lower in the sky. Tony and the crew are having a grand old time. We continue to have to wait at every hole for them to take on the average 6 tee shots (remember there are only 4 of them playing). I've taken to staying on the putting green of the previous hole - practicing getting out of sand traps, etc.

Manic Matt didn't really recover from the 9th hole 'hike' -- He played two more -- the sun was setting -- I played on ... and by the 11th hole - Tony and crew were out of beer and cigars - they headed back -- with a wave and a 'see ya again'.

I played until 8 PM -- if I had a flashlight I would have gone longer. (We have a miner's hat with a lamp but who thought to bring that.)

Would I do it again -- go out myself -- Nope -- because my lesson learned was that for me - Golf is merely an 'outlet', a vehicle for spending quality time with people I like.

And now my faithful readership -- I am thinking of making this a mulit-media experience. I'm told that I can have my own radio blog -- with a call in number -- so if there is a 'demand' - I can free up Sunday evening: 8 - 9:00 PM for an interactive opportunity for us to explore 'BK Golf and More." Let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week 2 stats

First things first, the timekeeping. Even though our tee time is 7:42, we got off at 7:35. An early tee of means nothing unless we can manage to tee off before the regular foursome that is playing in front of us. We finished the front nine at 10 (2 hours and 25 minutes) and finished the back nine in about 2 hours and 15 minutes - total time 4:45 not terrible, but could have been better.
Recapping the action - notable hits.
1st hole - everyone in the fairway!!
2nd hole - Bernie and Dan right in the center of the fairway. Barry with a monster drive almost at the green.
3rd hole - Dan's up and down from over 50 yards out - pitch to the green 12 foot putt
Barry recalled his youth and opted to play in the sand a while.
4th hole - I'll take my par as a highlight
5th hole - Bernie's drive dead center
6th hole - Dan and Barry nice approach shots
7th hole - My sand shot that I hit a mile, fortunately a tree stopped it from going to the 8th tee
8th hole - don't remember anything special
9th hole - Several good pitch shots by all
10th hole - my shot that hit the flag from 75 yards out
11th hole - Bernie's tee shot as close as you can get to the pin without being in the water
12th hole - Bernie and I went over the hill
13th hole - we really split up with Barry going across the stream on the left and me going down the other fairway on the right
14th hole - Bernie blasting out of the in between bunker
15th hole - Barry made a tough shot from way below the green
16th hole - tricky green - a whole lot of putting and a lot of back and forth
17th hole - I thought my drive was good, but then Barry hit further in the fairway
18th hole - Barry's drive down the left side ended up going over 200 yards.

April 21, 2008

Week #2 .... anticipation builds -- come Wednesday we are watching the weather, remembering last week's outing and making decisions -- do I hit a 5 wood off the first tee or an iron. Passover played a role (not roll) in this week's outing. Overeating during the first seder, drinking 4 cups of wine, getting home late -- or staying up late cleaning up .... all variables that could impact on the game.

Some Housekeeping items: I will be doing the 'color commentary' - as far as the game itself - Richie is our play by play person. (Because of his modesty - let state out front that he had the shot of the day -- a 100+ shot from the rough that hit the pin on the 10th hole and landed a few inches from the hole.)

If indeed the foursome who is in front of us reads this blog -- guess what guys -- I know what players who should be hitting from the blue tees look like -- and you are not them. Richie is also peturbed that you don't 'play by the rules of Saxon Park' -- when one guy is hitting the others are already setting up for their shots ... none of this waiting for the other person to go before you begin to get ready for your own shot. And let me add -- Barry and I needed to me reminded of the cardinal rule -- hit another ball - then look for the ball you lost.

Sunday turns out to be cold, dreary and a threat of rain. It didn't stop Richie from wearing shorts - while the rest of us longed for sweatshirts. Thankfully, the sun came out - after we finished but before the Pope led Mass at Yankee Stadium. After all if the weather was going to improve - - even we know what has a greater impact on humanity ... although golf vs. Pope was a closer vote that I expected.

Dan had some cart trouble - get loosing his front wheel - but AAA came to the rescue. In addition to the usual catching up about the week - work, family, golf instruction, a ethical question was raised. One of our foursome - who shall remain nameless - discussed his intention to return folding chairs to Costco that he had purchased and used for the seder last night. Another member of the group raised the issue of whether this was ethical - or not - This is a chance for our vast readership to 'chime in' by clicking on Comments and letting us know how you feel .... Would you purchase something with the explicit intent to return the item after you used it?

Dan left after 10 holes -- and let us take a moment to wish Linda and Joan a 'Bon Voyage' and 'viva La France'.

Remember -- this being Passover - the question on everyone's mind -- would Barry share his Matzah with Andrew? (for first time readers - some random guy who Barry shared his bagel with last year.) Guess what folks -- no Matzah -- a banana instead. Dan and Richie stuck with their gorp ... I went to an old favorite - Carrots. I also won the prize for most use of the golf course as an outdoor bathroom.

As I said at the last (and the first) blog -- Golf is a metaphor for life. This week's lesson is more in the form of a question.

After hitting a 'poor shot' that ended up on the green -- a wise man - and an expert philosopher on golf -- (also serving as our blog statistician) said ... "it doesn't matter how you got there -- it only matters where the ball ended up." Is this another way of saying that the "ends always justifies the means." I think not -- but want to hear what you have to say.

So remember -- comment early and often -- and remember you are one swing away from a great recovery shot.

Peace Out.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I am testing the new authority that Bernie gave me to directly write to the blog instead of writing a comment.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Opening Day

April 13th .... opening day at Saxon Woods Golf Course. The five of us -- Richie, Barry, Dan and his twin Cesar and I stayed overnight(s) in the parking lot to guarantee tee time for this year, and it's finally here.

Tee Time is 7:42am ... Richie had sent numerous e-mail reminders to us ... but that didn't stop Dan from calling me to ask what the tee time was. Game plan was to meet in the parking lot at 7:15 am ... The night before the game is always a tough one. Judi and I went out with friends -- and got home at the ung-dly hour of 11:30 PM ... The way to deal with the anxiety of 'oversleeping' was not to sleep at all ... and it worked ... I was up and watching the golf channel at 6:00 AM. Deciding what to wear took on a new meaning. Last week, Barry and I played a 'practice round' -- and much to my chagrin -- I was chastised by the starter for wearing Sweats. I was embarrassed -- I actually chose the sweats without the torn knees -- and still I was almost denied access. (Let's remember that this is a public golf course and I'm thinking discrimination against slovenly dressed middle age white men still exists after all these years.) I wouldn't embarrass myself again -- and chose a pair of pants -- that still had a drawstring but could pass.

Finally - Barry, Dan and I were at the course -- starter wanted us to go off early - 7:28 - but we were missing Richie. Calls to his cell went unanswered. He had just flown in from a week's vacation in Florida -- getting a head start on the season by going to golf school -- could he possibly be late? As the debate raged -- do we start without him (you know who said 'no') Richie showed and with a quick $29 payment (up $1 from last year) -- we were off.

Traditions are important in life and in Golf. Our tradition is for Dan to always tee off first - and he did. I followed and once more 'embarrassed myself.' The one hole that you want to get off a decent drive is the first hole. The starter is watching, the foursome behind you is watching -- all wondering about the quality of play of the people ahead of them. As did mighty Casey -- I got up, flexed my New York Sports Club muscles and proceeded to dribble the ball off the tee. Someone yelled our Mulligan - and my second shot - not very good - but at least it was further than I could throw it. Barry got the drive of the day -- purposely hitting the golf cart path and having the ball end up closer to the green that anyone has been on that hole.

The next 17 holes were played in a reasonable 4 hrs and 25 minutes --- with outstanding shots, a birdie by B on the most difficult 3rd hole and some shanks. Other important facts to point out --"Bathroom was disgusting" - Bidie man's opinion and he would know. What most important is the learning that has taken place from last year. While Dan and I use the great outdoors as a bathroom, Barry was once 'chastised' by Richie for pulling his pants down to his ankles - showing his tidy whites while doing his business. What we didn't know was that this would be enough to tramatize him into never going 'outside' again.

Richie's new 'square clubs' stumped Dan -- with Rich just adding to his confusion by talking about MOI's (?) Traditions continued -- Dan has his coffee and his 'watering hole' - the fourth one - Richie has his trailmix and Barry has his Bagel after 9 holes. We saw friends that we haven't seen since last season -- like the guy who took barry up on his offer for a bite of his bagel -- while the 3 of us never would.

Mostly, it was a great way to spend 4+ hours with guys I care about ... exchanging stories about kids, jobs, congratulating good shots -- Dan is the greatest cheerleader -- although it doesn't carry much weight since he's yelling 'great shot' as the ball slices into the woods, and realizing that golf is but a metaphor for life:

This week's lesson: Whenever you flub a shot - there is always a chance for a great recovery shot.

Until next week - Peace Out -- hit them long and straight.

(BTW - I shot under 100 )