Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 21, 2008

Week #2 .... anticipation builds -- come Wednesday we are watching the weather, remembering last week's outing and making decisions -- do I hit a 5 wood off the first tee or an iron. Passover played a role (not roll) in this week's outing. Overeating during the first seder, drinking 4 cups of wine, getting home late -- or staying up late cleaning up .... all variables that could impact on the game.

Some Housekeeping items: I will be doing the 'color commentary' - as far as the game itself - Richie is our play by play person. (Because of his modesty - let state out front that he had the shot of the day -- a 100+ shot from the rough that hit the pin on the 10th hole and landed a few inches from the hole.)

If indeed the foursome who is in front of us reads this blog -- guess what guys -- I know what players who should be hitting from the blue tees look like -- and you are not them. Richie is also peturbed that you don't 'play by the rules of Saxon Park' -- when one guy is hitting the others are already setting up for their shots ... none of this waiting for the other person to go before you begin to get ready for your own shot. And let me add -- Barry and I needed to me reminded of the cardinal rule -- hit another ball - then look for the ball you lost.

Sunday turns out to be cold, dreary and a threat of rain. It didn't stop Richie from wearing shorts - while the rest of us longed for sweatshirts. Thankfully, the sun came out - after we finished but before the Pope led Mass at Yankee Stadium. After all if the weather was going to improve - - even we know what has a greater impact on humanity ... although golf vs. Pope was a closer vote that I expected.

Dan had some cart trouble - get loosing his front wheel - but AAA came to the rescue. In addition to the usual catching up about the week - work, family, golf instruction, a ethical question was raised. One of our foursome - who shall remain nameless - discussed his intention to return folding chairs to Costco that he had purchased and used for the seder last night. Another member of the group raised the issue of whether this was ethical - or not - This is a chance for our vast readership to 'chime in' by clicking on Comments and letting us know how you feel .... Would you purchase something with the explicit intent to return the item after you used it?

Dan left after 10 holes -- and let us take a moment to wish Linda and Joan a 'Bon Voyage' and 'viva La France'.

Remember -- this being Passover - the question on everyone's mind -- would Barry share his Matzah with Andrew? (for first time readers - some random guy who Barry shared his bagel with last year.) Guess what folks -- no Matzah -- a banana instead. Dan and Richie stuck with their gorp ... I went to an old favorite - Carrots. I also won the prize for most use of the golf course as an outdoor bathroom.

As I said at the last (and the first) blog -- Golf is a metaphor for life. This week's lesson is more in the form of a question.

After hitting a 'poor shot' that ended up on the green -- a wise man - and an expert philosopher on golf -- (also serving as our blog statistician) said ... "it doesn't matter how you got there -- it only matters where the ball ended up." Is this another way of saying that the "ends always justifies the means." I think not -- but want to hear what you have to say.

So remember -- comment early and often -- and remember you are one swing away from a great recovery shot.

Peace Out.

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