Sunday, April 13, 2008

Opening Day

April 13th .... opening day at Saxon Woods Golf Course. The five of us -- Richie, Barry, Dan and his twin Cesar and I stayed overnight(s) in the parking lot to guarantee tee time for this year, and it's finally here.

Tee Time is 7:42am ... Richie had sent numerous e-mail reminders to us ... but that didn't stop Dan from calling me to ask what the tee time was. Game plan was to meet in the parking lot at 7:15 am ... The night before the game is always a tough one. Judi and I went out with friends -- and got home at the ung-dly hour of 11:30 PM ... The way to deal with the anxiety of 'oversleeping' was not to sleep at all ... and it worked ... I was up and watching the golf channel at 6:00 AM. Deciding what to wear took on a new meaning. Last week, Barry and I played a 'practice round' -- and much to my chagrin -- I was chastised by the starter for wearing Sweats. I was embarrassed -- I actually chose the sweats without the torn knees -- and still I was almost denied access. (Let's remember that this is a public golf course and I'm thinking discrimination against slovenly dressed middle age white men still exists after all these years.) I wouldn't embarrass myself again -- and chose a pair of pants -- that still had a drawstring but could pass.

Finally - Barry, Dan and I were at the course -- starter wanted us to go off early - 7:28 - but we were missing Richie. Calls to his cell went unanswered. He had just flown in from a week's vacation in Florida -- getting a head start on the season by going to golf school -- could he possibly be late? As the debate raged -- do we start without him (you know who said 'no') Richie showed and with a quick $29 payment (up $1 from last year) -- we were off.

Traditions are important in life and in Golf. Our tradition is for Dan to always tee off first - and he did. I followed and once more 'embarrassed myself.' The one hole that you want to get off a decent drive is the first hole. The starter is watching, the foursome behind you is watching -- all wondering about the quality of play of the people ahead of them. As did mighty Casey -- I got up, flexed my New York Sports Club muscles and proceeded to dribble the ball off the tee. Someone yelled our Mulligan - and my second shot - not very good - but at least it was further than I could throw it. Barry got the drive of the day -- purposely hitting the golf cart path and having the ball end up closer to the green that anyone has been on that hole.

The next 17 holes were played in a reasonable 4 hrs and 25 minutes --- with outstanding shots, a birdie by B on the most difficult 3rd hole and some shanks. Other important facts to point out --"Bathroom was disgusting" - Bidie man's opinion and he would know. What most important is the learning that has taken place from last year. While Dan and I use the great outdoors as a bathroom, Barry was once 'chastised' by Richie for pulling his pants down to his ankles - showing his tidy whites while doing his business. What we didn't know was that this would be enough to tramatize him into never going 'outside' again.

Richie's new 'square clubs' stumped Dan -- with Rich just adding to his confusion by talking about MOI's (?) Traditions continued -- Dan has his coffee and his 'watering hole' - the fourth one - Richie has his trailmix and Barry has his Bagel after 9 holes. We saw friends that we haven't seen since last season -- like the guy who took barry up on his offer for a bite of his bagel -- while the 3 of us never would.

Mostly, it was a great way to spend 4+ hours with guys I care about ... exchanging stories about kids, jobs, congratulating good shots -- Dan is the greatest cheerleader -- although it doesn't carry much weight since he's yelling 'great shot' as the ball slices into the woods, and realizing that golf is but a metaphor for life:

This week's lesson: Whenever you flub a shot - there is always a chance for a great recovery shot.

Until next week - Peace Out -- hit them long and straight.

(BTW - I shot under 100 )


Richard said...

Bernie - you did it! started the blog. This is now the place to come for all the pertinent information about our golf lives. Some noteworthy statistics -
We started at 7:40 and ended at 12:05
Barry left after 15 holes.
The foursome in front of us shot from the blue tees, even though they had not business playing from there. We were playing up on them almost every hole. What a drastic change from last year.
Notable shots of the day.
3rd hole - Barry's approach shot landing nearing the cup.
4th hole - Bernie 10 feet from the pin while Barry and Dan are both on the green too.
Bernie's monster drive on 10
Barry's drives on 11, 12 and 13 and 15.
Bernie's drive on 17 that hugged the left side and ended up past the 150 pole.

BK said...

richard is being modest. For posterity sake - note Richie using his 3 wood (square) and irons very efficiently.

Richard said...

The schedule for the next few weeks

Sunday 4/20 - Tee Time 7:42
Not Playing

Sunday 4/27 - Tee Time 7:42
Not Playing
Barry ?

Sunday 5/4 - Tee Time 7:42
Not Playing

Sunday 5/11 - Tee Time moves to 6:52
Not Playing

Sunday 5/18 - Tee Time 6:52
Not Playing

barry said...

What's the over-under on Dan getting a new putter now that he sees we all got new ones? I'm guessing by Shavuot. By the way, Dan did tell me he would take us out to the Canyon Club. Let's make sure he does. Lastly, I only wish I had a camera phone so that I could have taken a picture of the bathroom stall. Richie, I'll bet you never saw anything like it in your three years at DeWitt Clinton

dan said...

Very impressed with blog. Wow. More than our golf game. My view was it was too cold last Sunday and just like the Yankees, we will continue to do better when it gets warmer. Dan

BK said...

it is not my authority to give - only to share