Monday, June 7, 2010

It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn

and it was DARK this morning .... dark when I got out of bed at 4 am ... after a fitful night's sleep and even DARKER when I go to the gym at 4:40 am and met up with the rest of the spin community. The friendly atmosphere, the catching up since we didn't see each other since Sunday morning gym, the usual community atmosphere was missing. Instead there was the quiet whispers of what lay ahead -- separated by the two glass doors and the wave to come into the gym. The trepidation we felt was palpable.

and then the doors opened and we were greeted by the 'usually smiling' young women who work the front desk. My heart went out to these 'kids' for it was clear that they didn't like the role they were in .... the need to be the 'corporate messenger' as we were instructed NOT to enter the spin room. Fortunately, I was able to control a few of the hot heads in the spin community who were ready to make these young women (the same people who would sign us up without our asking) into the 'enemy.' It wasn't easy - and took all my professional training to talk these activists down and help them to redirect their anger to "THE MAN" -- or in this case the General Manager - who is this very attractive blonde - a former body builder and is a very intimidating figure in her black work out outfit with the words "MASTER TRAINER" emblazoned on her jacket.

We dispersed and went on our various machines --- keeping one eye on the clock and one eye on the line that started forming by the sign in desk (not the spin room) at 5:30 am for a 5:40 registration. My gym buddy and I dispensed with our small talk as we had to make a strategic decision whether or leave our machines even earlier to get on the line. We chose NOT to -- and as a result - at 5:40 am - we were in the back of a long line -- having cut our exercise short by 10 minutes. Some of you may not think this is a big deal - but do you realize that in 10 minutes we can burn on average 150 calories. Multiply that by 7 and during the course of the year we are talking about close to 18.5 lbs of fat not burned. (Research provided by our newly appointed Director of Research - CKP - determined that it takes approximately 3,000 calories to burn 1 lb of fat.)

My buddy and I got on the end of the line and they marched us - single file - passed the front desk to the spin room - where we had to give our name to a NEW staff member. It was reminiscent of being back in second grade - there was no talking on line - and the only difference was there wasn't a wall we had to walk next to (and the fact that there were some sweaty people on line.) Name by Name was taken and people proceeded into the spin room.

And then it was our turn. My buddy went in quietly - but I had to open my mouth - voice quavering - and told the General Manager that I had to cut my work out short - and she as a "MASTER TRAINER" can understand the downside of doing that. She gave me a nod of her head and I proceeded into the room only to discover ........ and you know what happened next ...

SOMEONE HAD TAKEN MY BIKE. He was a stranger - not a regular - that would have been given unforgivable. As I walked into the room - a strange silence descended - as I walked past my bike - past the back row where I have sat forever - onto a new bike - I felt the collective sense of defeat.

After the class - I was working at the chest press machine when the General Manager came over. (I certainly wish I was pumping more weight that the 5 lbs that I was struggling to lift.) She told me she couldn't talk to me when I was on line - but that she certainly understood and was sympathetic to my situation. She said that corporate is insisting that she try this for 30 days - but implied she may re-evaluate sooner than that. I asked if there was any way we could influence her decision -- probably not the best choice of words given how that can be construed -- but she answered very professionally and said that she is collecting e-mails and will share that with Corporate.

Tomorrow is another decision day - I used to go to the gym - drop off my stuff and run the streets of Dobbs - getting back in time for class. I can't do that - and be guaranteed a spot - since there is no saving bikes. My plan is to get up at 3:30 am and go for a run prior to getting to the gym at 4:45 and mobilizing the troops to engage in another rounds of e-mails.

I'm beaten down but not BEAT. As long as there is a modicum of hope for changing this blatantly discriminatory policy (discrimination against the 5 am gym rats) I will persevere.

Your ongoing concern and support is my lifeline - please keep those comments coming.


1 comment:

barry said...

If you are now planning to get up at 3:30 a.m., at what point do you decide it's not worth going to sleep at all?