Sunday, June 13, 2010

Support is Fleeting

Moses was a reluctant leader - appointed by the highest authority - and inflicted with a disability that made him self-conscious. As he went up Mount (biblical scholars please fill in) to receive the 10 Commandments, his followers lost their faith. They went back to worshipping the golden idols. Moses returned with the 10 Commandments and was so upset with what he saw - that his supporters deserted him at the first sign of trouble - he threw the 10 Commandments down and they broke.

While the only similarity I have with Moses is a disability, mine has prevented me from using the top locker - I do know what it is like to lose the support of the followers. I was a reluctant leader in this fight against the oppressive Sports Club, organizing e-mail campaigns, hunger strikes and smear campaigns about those members too lazy to come to the gym at 5 am and yet had the audacity to complain when they were locked out of class. I felt energized by the early support - which I know discover that their support is fleeting: My 'spin group' is losing faith. They have been co opted by the "Man" (or in this case the General Manager (woman), and lulled into thinking that this new policy isn't so bad. Even my gym buddy seems to be accepting of this change - as she determined it was no longer worthwhile to distribute the sample e-mail that needed to be sent to Corporate. I am alone in this quest - having lost the confidence of the 'spin community.' Speaking of community - the Captain of our golf team felt the solution was for me to 'give up my spinning' in the morning and appear 20 minutes before class at night. A simple, outcome oriented solution that totally disregarded the notion of 'caring community' that I thought existed amongst us 4:45 am gym rats. My hope is that a 'burning bush' or talking spin bike will proved the motivation that is needed to once again rally the rats.

For those who are tired of my whining about spin class - our golf game was 'record-breaking' today. We played the round in under 4 1/2 hours ... mostly thanks to Michael (club in the tree - see last year's blog) who ran up to the tee - took no practice swings - and no prisoners - as he hit the ball 250 yards ...... Les, who has a patten pending on the between the legs, backward putt, also doesn't believe in practice swings. He had a great round, as did our Captain (the result oriented person he is) who demonstrated excellent golf course management. I am proud to state that I did not lose a ball all round -- hard to do so when I averaged about 50 feet a swing.

While I didn't accomplish much with my clubs, I did with my feet. In an example of thinking ahead to a hiking trip 2 weeks from now, I utilized my time management and multi-tasking skills by wearing my hiking boots instead of golf shoes. I wanted to see if my feet hurt while wearing them without orthotics. What better time to try than on a golf course, where the average round is approximately 8 miles. While I may not have been a fashion Deva - golf shirt, shorts and hiking shoes with knee high socks - I determined hiking shoes without orthodox was just fine.

It was a sad farewell we bid to John - the starter at Maple Moore - as this is the last round we will play on this unforgiving course. Saxon Woods - which has been under repair since forever, is scheduled to open tomorrow. As Moses wasn't allowed to lead his people into the promised land, our Captain is also not able to lead us onto Saxon Woods, as he is traveling to India, in search of the perfect curry. Our ability to get to the new course at the appropriate time (8:09) will be severely tested without the reminder e-mail that I hope Captain R. will remember to send.

Who knows - a new course - perhaps a new outcome .... hope springs eternal when it comes to golf --- even as the movement to modify the spin policy is fading into the abyss.

Travel safe "O'Captain, My captain" .... (can someone tell us the name of the poet?)

An added feature of this blog will be restaurant tips: I'd like to give a special shout out to a restaurant in Williamsburg (Brooklyn, not Virginia) called "Thighs and Pies." It has been noted in all the papers and blogs as the new "in place' to eat -- and has been voted as one of the 10 best places to have fried chicken. The chicken was indeed excellent, the biscuit melts in your mouth and the pies we sampled (lemon meringue, chocolate, and apple), lived up to their reputation. I suggest getting there at 4:45 PM - as the restaurant is closed from 4-5 to turn over from brunch to dinner. The line forms quickly so be early .... although it is certainly worth the wait. This tip is offered in honor of my most loyal reader who won't believe that I left the confines of Westchester, travelled to Manhattan to pick up another couple and set off for the wilds of Williamsburg.

Good luck to the Amandas (and Daniel) on their recent and ongoing moves into their new homes and a get well wish goes to our favorite 'Big Guy'.

Peace Out - Max


Unknown said...

"Let my people spin."

What is worse, playing golf with orthotics on Sunday or playing golf with an orthodox on Saturday?

Remember, those who stand for nothing fall for anything. Stay strong on your quest to reach the promise land. It took Moses 40 years...the fight has just begun.

Just yesterday your most loyal son referenced the same poetry. Captain, my captain, as our friend Lance taught us, it's about more than just the bike.

Little Max signing off...

Unknown said...

The poet is the great Walt Whitman. I don't know what is more shocking about your weekend - that you went to Brooklyn for dinner or that you ordered dessert. For both of those, I'm very proud of you - if you can expand your horizons beyond Pumpernickels, who knows, you might yet be able to chill out at the Gym. Much too much stress, which can only counteract any good that comes from exercise.