Saturday, June 26, 2010


Is there anyone on this planet who finds the 'noise' made by the vuvuzelas anything but annoying? (for the unenlightened - a vuvuzela is a horn that is blown constantly throughout a soccer match - 90+minutes - which sounds like a zillion bees attacking. One has to discipline oneself to follow the play and not be distracted by the noise.

When you think about it - doesn't this happen in all aspects of life -- you need to figure out what is the 'background noise', put it in its place and focus on what is important. As with the world cup - focusing on the vuvuzelas takes away from the enjoyment of the game -- and focusing on the background noise of life diminishes experiencing what really matters.

It comes down to surrounding yourself with people who care, who are uplifting and part of 'your village.' To paraphrase my neighbor from Chappaqua - it takes a village - not just to raise a child, but to help you cope during times of adversity as well as joining in the celebrations of the good times.

It didn't get better than to have Dr. C join me at the gym - experience the special bond that brings people together at 4:45 am and join my best buddy and me doing the elliptical, pumping and a spin class -- all before 7:00 am.

It was great golfing with my brother from a different mother, wishing our triplet could have joined us as we experienced the new and improved Saxon Woods, instead of chasing cows down the streets of Bombay. What made it a perfect day was the warm greeting I got from Dom - (regular readers of the blog will know who he is) - and sharing a round with a real good guy who is a neophyte, but will soon be scoring in double figures.

Most important - I treasure the friendship, caring and concern of all the important people in my life -- during this challenging time as my father once again is doing battle in the ring. I have every confidence that he'll beat this latest opponent as he has the others.

- and the moral of today's blog Crusader Rabbit is to see beyond the 'noise' of the every day vuvuzelas and appreciate the real game on the field.

I'll be chasing grizzlies and staring down moose for the next few days - but have every confidence that our Captain will keep us on course, my gym buddy will succeed in getting this awful spin policy changed and CKP will put this org review document to bed.


(btw - there are times that we could all use a vuvuzela ... please submit a situation where you wish you had one --- and our editorial board will vote on the best one. Prize to be announced.

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