Sunday, June 6, 2010

T minus 10

Exactly 10 hours and the 'new' sign in policy for spin class takes effect. The anxiety was palpable on line this morning (Sunday) as we tried to scam the system by taking advantage of a 'new kid' behind the desk and asking her to sign us in for tomorrow (Monday) saying the policy doesn't take place until tomorrow .... no luck.

I know those in the military must feel this way before going into battle and I am certainly not comparing the ordeal we are about to confront with armed combat; nor do I necessarily equate the tightness in my chest, the flip flops my stomach is doing with the feelings one may have just prior to surgery ..... but never the less .... this is quite anxiety provoking. What piece of equipment do I use - knowing that the latest I can stay on the machine is 5:40 am? Do I pick the equipment based on the best location to keep an eye on the sign up line?

Can I mobilize my fellow 5:45 am spinners to engage in a serious e-mail campaign on Monday afternoon --- and enlist the support of their friends and families? I am hopeful I'll be able to maintain my composure and not do anything that will embarrass myself and my family. Stay tuned.

As far as golf -- last week our Captain played an outstanding round -- with his putter being 'on fire' - he shot a 'true' 94 ..... not one tainted by mulligans, lost balls that didn't count as strokes or the occasional foot strike.

I had a break through and went out on the course as a - the person who can't go to a diner and have breakfast by myself for fear of looking like a 'lonely old man.' I played well enough not to embarrass myself - and only occasionally failed to respond to my name (MAX).

Assuming I'm not in jail - I'm looking forward to joining our foursome next Sunday. Tomorrow will be a pivotal day for the rest of my life.

Max (but hopefully not Maximum Security) Out.

1 comment:

barry said...


Of all the many causes you have taken up in a life dedicated to public service and helping the needy, none rivals this. Your passion is reminds me of what I saw when you walked arm in arm with Rosa Parks in Selma. Stay safe my friend.