Monday, August 31, 2009

The Way We Were ....

How many of us have made a decision that has had a dramatic impact on others - - that we wished we could have the opportunity to 'do over'? Mostly, we can't --- the decisions we make have lasting consequences that we and others have to live with. Hopefully most of these decisions have long term positive effects and hope that those resulting in negative consequences are truly not life altering.

Saxon Woods Golf Course made a decision at the start of the season to make the front 9 the back 9 and vice versa. (read the past blogs that go into great description about the confusion caused by this decision and how it altered the way we approached the game.) Well - the Golf Powers that Be determined that this decision could be reversed and now we are back to the WAY WE WERE --- the front 9 will always be the front 9. We will be able to think about the club selection and whether we want to go over the trees or lay up in the center of the fairway all week. Dom (our buddy the Starter) is happy - because he has greater control of the tee box. Fortunately, this was a decision whose negative consequences will not have a lasting impact on the life of the golfers.

The day was overcast - and the torrential downpours of the night and days before had rendered the course into one big quagmire (SAT word). We needed to put 'water wings' on our golf balls and the ball retriever was the 'club of the day.' B's friend Arthur joined us - (Les was attending the dedication of a theater in a family member's memory) and he was as good/bad as the rest of us. The most exciting time on the course was when 'Cart Girl' -- in prior blogs referred to as "Banana girl" made an appearance. (For the record - it was quite an appearance - somewhat like a mermaid with flowing blond hair, big beautiful 'eyes' and a smile that made you feel that her desire to quench your thirst or satisfy your hunger was the most important thing in the world - and something she was put on this golf course to do.)

Another vision of loveliness was captured on the 4th hole -- a par 3. There was a golf cart stopped and watched as 3 of us place our tee shots in the center of the green. It was a moment to remember - made better when the golf cart approached us - and driving was the course's GOLF PRO. His comment was that our balls looked like 'Orion's Belt' - who knew that the Golf Pro was also an astronomer. More important -- we were 'caught' doing something right. Not peeing in the woods, looking for errant shots, or any other typical behavior --- we were caught by the Golf Pro hitting three drives that landed on the green. This once again reinforces the value of positive praise and that timing is everything.

Our Captain could learn a thing or two about 'positive praise' as he was determined to underscore just how poor we were all putting. His negative assessment did nothing to improve our outcome.

B's commitment to a friend (Arthur) was tested as he was tempted to leave the course early on a number of occasions. And I was happy not being in a car .......

A number of readers have commented that there hasn't been much about Spin Class. Jodi and I still have each other's backs -- although she is playing it a bit dangerously -- waiting until 7:04 on Sunday morning to call for Monday class to find that we were 1&2 on the waiting list. I'm much more relaxed now that I have my 'home' spin bike. Amortized - to date it's only cost me $25 per ride.

So - to those of you who wish you could go back to the "Way We Were" - hopefully you can ... and if not - let's hope the 'new normal' won't be as disruptive as the attempt to re-make the holes on Saxon Woods was for the first 5 months of this short season.

Hoping your drives are long and your putts are short .... and Cart Girl is there when you need her.

Chipster out.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

as stated by the commercials for the upcoming Season of the Biggest Loser. Golf epitomizes this slogan --- Everyone Deserves a Second Chance. In golf, every errant shot provides an opportunity for an outstanding recovery shot. Our Captain Rich demonstrated that repeatedly this past Sunday. On the 11th whole - which is now the 2nd hole - Rich hit the ball into the other fairway. The next shot required the Captain to hit it low to avoid a hanging tree branch, but far enough to cross a wide marsh. Like when Casey was up --- 'the outlook wasn't brilliant ...." Rich took a 5 iron and lined up the shot .... he wasn't going to play it safe and just punch it out into the fairway .... not our Captain ..... He swung and silenced the crowd (basically the four golfers on the other hole's fairway where Rich's ball landed). His shot was perfect -- not good -- but perfect and landed on the green. Captain, My Captain beat the odds, took advantage of his 'second chance' and succeeded where most others would have failed. Rich repeated this many times over the first 11 holes (I wasn't there for the last 8 holes - but more on that later) ..... hitting a less than satisfactory shot only to be followed by a great one.

In golf we get second chances all the life it's a bit more complicated....

The Sunday saw the reunion of the original 4 (that is like the Beatles - they soon forgot about Peter Best when Ringo joined and we forgot about Dan Forman when Les joined). The day was overcast - some light showers - and a tad humid. The course could have been declared a flood zone -- standing water everywhere thanks to a torrential downpour the day before. I was hoping to see the Banana girl (read last week's blog) but she wasn't to be found. The game progressed well -- I hit more good than bad shots and was putting well. (I had practiced while playing Mini Golf at the Cape. It was a close contest between Daniel and Josh - until Daniel chocked and got a six and I left my ball balancing on the cup for a hole in one. Rather than tap it in - I wanted to 'risk it all' and see if someone would hit my ball in. Josh was up - hit the ball and it DID hit mine ---- away from the cup and his went in for a hole in one. From there on - Josh dominated. The real contest was the play for third place between the good doctor and me. It came down to the last hole and with great confidence, I followed Cara -- who took a six on the hole. All I needed was a 5 and I would BEAT her. In this case, I like Mighty Casey, did strike out - by flubbing a 'gimmee' and ending up in dead heat for 3rd.

I've been playing golf for a long time and NEVER left early .... always played the full 18 ... so what happened now? Ella Frank was to be liberated. She was being taken from the attic where she had been living and hiding for the past 3 months. But on this Sunday, Ella Frank left the attic - hid in a cat carrier and made it to Philadelphia where she was traded for a Blue Honda CRV. We can now answer the question that kept the Captain up at night -- Where's Ella? She was released after her mother signed the papers
and the big guy witnessed them, that she was alive and breathing at the time of the transfer. Ella is now roaming the 3 floors of an apartment in Coconut Grove, in the wittiness protection program, since her life was threatened by the actions of the diabolical BK. (ask the Dr. if you want more details.)

Much could be said about the logistical challenges that were encountered over the past month as various members of our 'crew' went through numerous states -- North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Arkansas, Florida, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, Connecticut, Massachusetts; Illinois, .... A, C, D, J and J - did I miss any? All worked out and "little J" was the happiest camper being with her 'little ducklings.'

Second Chances -- we all deserve them and frankly - at some point - whether it's the golf course or in life - all need them.

keep your drives long and straight and your putts short and true.

Chipster Out.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Canned Heat

This weekend is the 40th anniversary of the Woodstock festival and those of us that were there (which is none of us - sorry Bernie), or who saw the movie will remember fondly all that great music and all that rain. The way things have been going for us golfers, we fully expected a repeat of every other Sunday for the past few weeks. Would we have Woodstock like rain one more time? We wished for just one weekend without any rain. Be careful what you wish for, because the Sun was beating down on Saxon Woods. Our starting time had moved back 1/2 hour to 8 o'clock which just meant that we played into the afternoon. Like the group that sang "Going up the country" we felt like we were in the middle of canned heat. But at least it was not raining. This week our favorite blogger took off for Cape Cod in search of the perfect spin class. His substitute was supplied courtesy of Barry. Barry's friend Bob joined us. Bob usually plays at the Rye Country Club, so I'm sure he was not prepared for meticulously manicured fairways of Saxon Woods. I think the course proved challenging as usual, mainly because if you hit the ball 6 inches off the fairway you in deep rough. Bob had played with us before, so he was prepared for the conditions that he would face. As a bonus, the guys who usually play behind us were nowhere to be seen when we started. As we mentioned in previous blogs the guys behind us play faster then we do and are constantly waiting for us. They also are a bit grumpy and seem to be annoyed that their golf game takes an extra 5 or 10 minutes because of us. On the third hole I hit a wicked slice which went into the adjoining fairway of hole number 6. When I go to find my ball who do I see, but the foursome that usual plays behind us (now in front of us). I try to strike up a conversation with them, but they become grumpy (or maybe they never stop) and they yell at me to hit the ball out of their way already. Nice guys! The rest of the round was hot, but uneventful. No clubs were lost in any trees and we ended up finishing in 4 hours and 45 minutes. Les left early to send his son Michael off to college.
To make it more interesting for those of you that are actually reading this blog I leave you with three mysteries that you can take a guess at solving

1. Barry's friend Bob can be heard on a commercial on TV- what is it for?
2. A somewhat attractive women on the course had a conversation with Barry about his banana - what happened?
3. A good friend of ours is selling his place and moving in with his girlfriend. Who are they?

Next week the Chipster will be back - Thank goodness!

Monday, August 10, 2009

It Just Doesn't Get Better Than This

For the readership who is 'only interested' in the Golfing news -- read no more. Captain Rich will be giving us the 'review' in a soon to be written blog.

This is under the "And More" category and I'd like to give you the choice of learning more about the three MAJOR occurrences that took place within the week: (in alphabetical order)

1. BK is buying his own spinning bike --- is this the first step to disengaging from the gym? Did the fact that his bike (#28) broke and they removed it without telling him?

2. CK is now DR. CK --- coming back from a fantastic week-end where CK was 'hooded' and officially was proclaimed Dr. Kimberly by the University of Florida. It's been a 7 or 8 year journey that she did in 5 years, replete with a near death experience, living in a box like a 'veal' -- (which behavioral psychologist raised veals in a box?), and unpleasant memories of being an indentured servant in a renowned institution. Major disappointment was not playing a staring role in the TV documentary that was filmed in Hopkins. (My major disappointment was not getting JH scrubs). CONGRATULATIONS and WHAT'S UP_____? (courtesy of JH) !!!!

3. DK is now a fiance of AD. Since DK was starring for the NETS only a few years ago - it's hard to believe that he is engaged. He has found in AD the best person who compliments him (and I don't mean only telling him how great he is) in every way. AD and XAG - couldn't be happier for you and us. What a wonderful time for the two of them, and all who love them. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

So I'll leave it to the readership to vote on which of these items should be made into an HBO special.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

you are not going to believe this but ....

Sunday -- according to the weather forecasters - showers in the afternoon - starting around 2. Since our tee time is now a 'lazy' 7:30 am .... no problem ... unless the weather men/women are wrong and it's raining hard for the first 9 holes. It gets so that it's impossible to get a firm grasp on your club (an important factor in today's blog.)

It was to the the original four -- until Barry hurt his back and Michael (the son, not the friend) substituted. The course was under water .... not surprising since this is monsoon season in NY. The vital statistics -- we played in a very reasonable 4 hrs and 25 minutes and the only thing worse than the weather was my game. I was hooking every shot -- to the point that I yearned for my slice. The best part about today was that my $10 golf shoes (purchased on our trip last week-end at a garage sale) kept my feet dry.

On the fifth hole, Michael accomplished something that I'd bet money no other golfer - including the professionals have done. He was about 90 yards away from the pin -- far enough off the fairway that there was a line of trees that he'd have to contend with. Remembering the weather conditions -- it's pouring, the golf club grip is wet, your hands are wet, and just when you think you've seen it all .... Michael takes a swing with a pitching wedge and the club flies out of his hand. Nothing surprising about this -- how many times do you see a baseball batter lose his grip and send the bat flying. Michael is behind the tree line, takes a full swing and the club flies out of his hand. And if this was mad libs - I'd ask you to fill in what happened next. Since it's not - I'll give you 3 guesses:

1. the club hits another golfer
2. the club goes through the windshield of the golf cart
3. the club gets stuck in a tree - approximately 20 feet from the ground.

YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE THIS BUT .... the answer is #3. The club gets caught in a high branch and won't come down. Michael being very innovative took off his sneaker and started throwing it up to dislodge the club. And guess what happened .... YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE THIS BUT ... the sneaker got stuck in the same tree, but slightly below his club. It's one thing to play without a pitching wedge -- quite another to play wearing only one sneaker. By standing on the cart and using a ball retrieve and a bit of luck - Les was able to get Michael's sneaker down from the tree. However, the club was significantly higher up in the tree and wasn't budging.

It's almost irrelevant what happened for the rest of the round .... Michael's club was stuck in the high branches of a tree. A few holes later, Les being the type of Dad that would do anything for his boys realized that he too was missing his pitching wedge. Les figures he left it at the hole that Michael 'treed his club.'

All's well that end's well -- except my golf game - which ended considerably better than it started, but that didn't stop me from having second thoughts about my continuation with this game. The HAPPY ENDING occured when Michael took a suggestion from Captain rich and while we were on the 2nd hole, (really the 11th hole) took Richie's ball retriever which extends to about 25 feet - went back to the hole - with the pitching wedge looking very much like a weather vane firmly in hand. And not to be undone -- Les was reacquainted with his pitching wedge after our round .... some good sole handed it to the starter.

Michael --- this feat of yours places you in the annals of Saxon woods lore and certainly the newscasters, who all read this blog, will be inviting you to appear on their morning shows .

and one more YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS BUT .... Saturday mornings at the gym -- my favorite instructor teaches (Ellen), it's at a normal time - 8 am ... not the UGLY 6am start time like on the week-days. I signed up for Barry and me ... called Barry that morning only to find out that he was paying a visit to Dean - self proclaimed King of Chiropractors. I got there early - saved two bikes (one for by gym buddy) - and went off to do some lifting. I saw Jodi and told her that I saved a bike for her --- I'm always looking for ways to 'pay back' Jodi for all she does for me -- but she informed me that she had a tennis game. Jodi is a serious and quite accomplished golfer. It's 8:05 ... we are getting restless ... not like Ellen -- someone knew she was going on vacation - but the expectation was that she got a sub. It's 8:20 and people are leaving ... not me - I still had faith. And just like Michael's club wouldn't come down -- either would a substitute teacher -- and we were left feeling double d'd .... depressed and devastated.

I am scheduled to play with my HR director and her husband on Tuesday. A bit concerned that if I play on Tuesday the way I played today --- I'll be the butt of a few jokes. Next week is the Dr's graduation which we will be going to -- so Captain R will ably do the blog.

Hope you can do what I can't -- hit your drives long and straight and keep your putts short and true. (and watch for falling clubs from the tree - can be hazardous to your health.)

Chipster OUT!