Saturday, June 26, 2010


Is there anyone on this planet who finds the 'noise' made by the vuvuzelas anything but annoying? (for the unenlightened - a vuvuzela is a horn that is blown constantly throughout a soccer match - 90+minutes - which sounds like a zillion bees attacking. One has to discipline oneself to follow the play and not be distracted by the noise.

When you think about it - doesn't this happen in all aspects of life -- you need to figure out what is the 'background noise', put it in its place and focus on what is important. As with the world cup - focusing on the vuvuzelas takes away from the enjoyment of the game -- and focusing on the background noise of life diminishes experiencing what really matters.

It comes down to surrounding yourself with people who care, who are uplifting and part of 'your village.' To paraphrase my neighbor from Chappaqua - it takes a village - not just to raise a child, but to help you cope during times of adversity as well as joining in the celebrations of the good times.

It didn't get better than to have Dr. C join me at the gym - experience the special bond that brings people together at 4:45 am and join my best buddy and me doing the elliptical, pumping and a spin class -- all before 7:00 am.

It was great golfing with my brother from a different mother, wishing our triplet could have joined us as we experienced the new and improved Saxon Woods, instead of chasing cows down the streets of Bombay. What made it a perfect day was the warm greeting I got from Dom - (regular readers of the blog will know who he is) - and sharing a round with a real good guy who is a neophyte, but will soon be scoring in double figures.

Most important - I treasure the friendship, caring and concern of all the important people in my life -- during this challenging time as my father once again is doing battle in the ring. I have every confidence that he'll beat this latest opponent as he has the others.

- and the moral of today's blog Crusader Rabbit is to see beyond the 'noise' of the every day vuvuzelas and appreciate the real game on the field.

I'll be chasing grizzlies and staring down moose for the next few days - but have every confidence that our Captain will keep us on course, my gym buddy will succeed in getting this awful spin policy changed and CKP will put this org review document to bed.


(btw - there are times that we could all use a vuvuzela ... please submit a situation where you wish you had one --- and our editorial board will vote on the best one. Prize to be announced.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Support is Fleeting

Moses was a reluctant leader - appointed by the highest authority - and inflicted with a disability that made him self-conscious. As he went up Mount (biblical scholars please fill in) to receive the 10 Commandments, his followers lost their faith. They went back to worshipping the golden idols. Moses returned with the 10 Commandments and was so upset with what he saw - that his supporters deserted him at the first sign of trouble - he threw the 10 Commandments down and they broke.

While the only similarity I have with Moses is a disability, mine has prevented me from using the top locker - I do know what it is like to lose the support of the followers. I was a reluctant leader in this fight against the oppressive Sports Club, organizing e-mail campaigns, hunger strikes and smear campaigns about those members too lazy to come to the gym at 5 am and yet had the audacity to complain when they were locked out of class. I felt energized by the early support - which I know discover that their support is fleeting: My 'spin group' is losing faith. They have been co opted by the "Man" (or in this case the General Manager (woman), and lulled into thinking that this new policy isn't so bad. Even my gym buddy seems to be accepting of this change - as she determined it was no longer worthwhile to distribute the sample e-mail that needed to be sent to Corporate. I am alone in this quest - having lost the confidence of the 'spin community.' Speaking of community - the Captain of our golf team felt the solution was for me to 'give up my spinning' in the morning and appear 20 minutes before class at night. A simple, outcome oriented solution that totally disregarded the notion of 'caring community' that I thought existed amongst us 4:45 am gym rats. My hope is that a 'burning bush' or talking spin bike will proved the motivation that is needed to once again rally the rats.

For those who are tired of my whining about spin class - our golf game was 'record-breaking' today. We played the round in under 4 1/2 hours ... mostly thanks to Michael (club in the tree - see last year's blog) who ran up to the tee - took no practice swings - and no prisoners - as he hit the ball 250 yards ...... Les, who has a patten pending on the between the legs, backward putt, also doesn't believe in practice swings. He had a great round, as did our Captain (the result oriented person he is) who demonstrated excellent golf course management. I am proud to state that I did not lose a ball all round -- hard to do so when I averaged about 50 feet a swing.

While I didn't accomplish much with my clubs, I did with my feet. In an example of thinking ahead to a hiking trip 2 weeks from now, I utilized my time management and multi-tasking skills by wearing my hiking boots instead of golf shoes. I wanted to see if my feet hurt while wearing them without orthotics. What better time to try than on a golf course, where the average round is approximately 8 miles. While I may not have been a fashion Deva - golf shirt, shorts and hiking shoes with knee high socks - I determined hiking shoes without orthodox was just fine.

It was a sad farewell we bid to John - the starter at Maple Moore - as this is the last round we will play on this unforgiving course. Saxon Woods - which has been under repair since forever, is scheduled to open tomorrow. As Moses wasn't allowed to lead his people into the promised land, our Captain is also not able to lead us onto Saxon Woods, as he is traveling to India, in search of the perfect curry. Our ability to get to the new course at the appropriate time (8:09) will be severely tested without the reminder e-mail that I hope Captain R. will remember to send.

Who knows - a new course - perhaps a new outcome .... hope springs eternal when it comes to golf --- even as the movement to modify the spin policy is fading into the abyss.

Travel safe "O'Captain, My captain" .... (can someone tell us the name of the poet?)

An added feature of this blog will be restaurant tips: I'd like to give a special shout out to a restaurant in Williamsburg (Brooklyn, not Virginia) called "Thighs and Pies." It has been noted in all the papers and blogs as the new "in place' to eat -- and has been voted as one of the 10 best places to have fried chicken. The chicken was indeed excellent, the biscuit melts in your mouth and the pies we sampled (lemon meringue, chocolate, and apple), lived up to their reputation. I suggest getting there at 4:45 PM - as the restaurant is closed from 4-5 to turn over from brunch to dinner. The line forms quickly so be early .... although it is certainly worth the wait. This tip is offered in honor of my most loyal reader who won't believe that I left the confines of Westchester, travelled to Manhattan to pick up another couple and set off for the wilds of Williamsburg.

Good luck to the Amandas (and Daniel) on their recent and ongoing moves into their new homes and a get well wish goes to our favorite 'Big Guy'.

Peace Out - Max

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn

and it was DARK this morning .... dark when I got out of bed at 4 am ... after a fitful night's sleep and even DARKER when I go to the gym at 4:40 am and met up with the rest of the spin community. The friendly atmosphere, the catching up since we didn't see each other since Sunday morning gym, the usual community atmosphere was missing. Instead there was the quiet whispers of what lay ahead -- separated by the two glass doors and the wave to come into the gym. The trepidation we felt was palpable.

and then the doors opened and we were greeted by the 'usually smiling' young women who work the front desk. My heart went out to these 'kids' for it was clear that they didn't like the role they were in .... the need to be the 'corporate messenger' as we were instructed NOT to enter the spin room. Fortunately, I was able to control a few of the hot heads in the spin community who were ready to make these young women (the same people who would sign us up without our asking) into the 'enemy.' It wasn't easy - and took all my professional training to talk these activists down and help them to redirect their anger to "THE MAN" -- or in this case the General Manager - who is this very attractive blonde - a former body builder and is a very intimidating figure in her black work out outfit with the words "MASTER TRAINER" emblazoned on her jacket.

We dispersed and went on our various machines --- keeping one eye on the clock and one eye on the line that started forming by the sign in desk (not the spin room) at 5:30 am for a 5:40 registration. My gym buddy and I dispensed with our small talk as we had to make a strategic decision whether or leave our machines even earlier to get on the line. We chose NOT to -- and as a result - at 5:40 am - we were in the back of a long line -- having cut our exercise short by 10 minutes. Some of you may not think this is a big deal - but do you realize that in 10 minutes we can burn on average 150 calories. Multiply that by 7 and during the course of the year we are talking about close to 18.5 lbs of fat not burned. (Research provided by our newly appointed Director of Research - CKP - determined that it takes approximately 3,000 calories to burn 1 lb of fat.)

My buddy and I got on the end of the line and they marched us - single file - passed the front desk to the spin room - where we had to give our name to a NEW staff member. It was reminiscent of being back in second grade - there was no talking on line - and the only difference was there wasn't a wall we had to walk next to (and the fact that there were some sweaty people on line.) Name by Name was taken and people proceeded into the spin room.

And then it was our turn. My buddy went in quietly - but I had to open my mouth - voice quavering - and told the General Manager that I had to cut my work out short - and she as a "MASTER TRAINER" can understand the downside of doing that. She gave me a nod of her head and I proceeded into the room only to discover ........ and you know what happened next ...

SOMEONE HAD TAKEN MY BIKE. He was a stranger - not a regular - that would have been given unforgivable. As I walked into the room - a strange silence descended - as I walked past my bike - past the back row where I have sat forever - onto a new bike - I felt the collective sense of defeat.

After the class - I was working at the chest press machine when the General Manager came over. (I certainly wish I was pumping more weight that the 5 lbs that I was struggling to lift.) She told me she couldn't talk to me when I was on line - but that she certainly understood and was sympathetic to my situation. She said that corporate is insisting that she try this for 30 days - but implied she may re-evaluate sooner than that. I asked if there was any way we could influence her decision -- probably not the best choice of words given how that can be construed -- but she answered very professionally and said that she is collecting e-mails and will share that with Corporate.

Tomorrow is another decision day - I used to go to the gym - drop off my stuff and run the streets of Dobbs - getting back in time for class. I can't do that - and be guaranteed a spot - since there is no saving bikes. My plan is to get up at 3:30 am and go for a run prior to getting to the gym at 4:45 and mobilizing the troops to engage in another rounds of e-mails.

I'm beaten down but not BEAT. As long as there is a modicum of hope for changing this blatantly discriminatory policy (discrimination against the 5 am gym rats) I will persevere.

Your ongoing concern and support is my lifeline - please keep those comments coming.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

T minus 10

Exactly 10 hours and the 'new' sign in policy for spin class takes effect. The anxiety was palpable on line this morning (Sunday) as we tried to scam the system by taking advantage of a 'new kid' behind the desk and asking her to sign us in for tomorrow (Monday) saying the policy doesn't take place until tomorrow .... no luck.

I know those in the military must feel this way before going into battle and I am certainly not comparing the ordeal we are about to confront with armed combat; nor do I necessarily equate the tightness in my chest, the flip flops my stomach is doing with the feelings one may have just prior to surgery ..... but never the less .... this is quite anxiety provoking. What piece of equipment do I use - knowing that the latest I can stay on the machine is 5:40 am? Do I pick the equipment based on the best location to keep an eye on the sign up line?

Can I mobilize my fellow 5:45 am spinners to engage in a serious e-mail campaign on Monday afternoon --- and enlist the support of their friends and families? I am hopeful I'll be able to maintain my composure and not do anything that will embarrass myself and my family. Stay tuned.

As far as golf -- last week our Captain played an outstanding round -- with his putter being 'on fire' - he shot a 'true' 94 ..... not one tainted by mulligans, lost balls that didn't count as strokes or the occasional foot strike.

I had a break through and went out on the course as a - the person who can't go to a diner and have breakfast by myself for fear of looking like a 'lonely old man.' I played well enough not to embarrass myself - and only occasionally failed to respond to my name (MAX).

Assuming I'm not in jail - I'm looking forward to joining our foursome next Sunday. Tomorrow will be a pivotal day for the rest of my life.

Max (but hopefully not Maximum Security) Out.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


BE PREPARED TO HANDLE THE SNAKES .... and that is what's happening at the gym. There are multiple pronged approaches to fight the oppression of the 'suits' and we won't stop until the unjust policy of spin sign ups 20 minutes before class is repealed. After hearing my credentials - I was a Marshall at a Grateful Dead Concert at Harpur College - (who knows what university this is part of?) and I did participate in numerous anti-war demonstrations back in the late 60's/70's, mostly to get out of school and try to meet caring, sensitive like minded 'hippie girls' in Tye died tee shirts ..... and yes I'm not proud of this behavior but at least I'm not claiming to be a Vietnam veteran, as an elected official in a neighboring state - 5 points for naming the state, 10 points for giving his name, and 25 points if you know the branch of the military he did serve along with the correct answers to the other two questions.

We started an e-mail campaign -and to the manager's credit - she responds to each e-mail with the same 'corporate speak' claiming this is a pilot project. Concurrently, an attorney crafted a proposal - in typical legalese, taking 6 paragraphs instead of three sentences to get our point across. There is rumblings of the need for civil disobedience - everything from sit ins to putting gum in the gears of the spin bike. I'm going to do my best to keep things peaceful, but with tempers flaring, anything is possible. If we don't take a stand now - who knows what the next step the corporation will take .... pay toilets, which is nothing more than a tax on a G-d given right. Stay tuned ... showdown is June 7th. The gym staff - trainers, front desk, management are stockpiling weapons and the early morning spinners are learning the words to We Shall Overcome. It's going to get allot uglier.

For those readers who complained that there wasn't enough golf in last week's blog, my apologies. I'm trying to shorten the blogs in preparation for starting to tweet. We faced a predicament this week since Barry, Richie and I were involved in a charity race, one which we wished never had to happen. We did find an alternative time to play on Saturday at 2 PM , without affecting anyone's personal preference to attend services, so please don't send the Shabbot police to close down the blog. We played at Sprain, which is a bit like playing in the wild kingdom. There are geese and baby geese (geeselings?) all over. Just as the title of this blog indicates - don't shake the bushes or else ...... don't hit a golf ball into a family of geese, unless you want to anger a mom/dad goose who will flap his wings and start hissing at you. There were also birds, muskrats, squirrels, chipmunks all mocking us as we traipse after this little white ball.

We all showed continued improvement on the course. Lost our fourth (Joe) after 9 and Barry after 12. Captain Rich navigated the course expertly (not unlike Sully) and had us play holes 7, 8, and 9 rather than 16, 17, and 18, given the slow moving foursome in front of us. (For us to complain about another group playing too slow is quite unusual.) Dan - if you are surreptitiously, (good SAT word), reading this blog to see if you are mentioned, I want you to know the Captain is using a weighted glove to help his swing. He'd be happy to share the dvd and instruction book with you. We figure you could buy the glove, use it this season and then return it for a full refund. (See reference to previous year's blog - passover table and chairs.)

Speaking of which - do you know this is my third year of blogging - close to 75 entries and I still DON'T HAVE A TV SITCOM. Can you believe some nothing tweets about the grousing of an old man is being turned into a show .... and this material that rivals anything that you've seen on Mash, Seinfeld, The Office, or Channel 5 news .... Well I can't and I'm not going to take it anymore. Be advised - unless I get feedback that leads to greater interest on the part of advertisers and then my own show, then I can't guarantee that you'll have this blogger around to kick too much longer. (another political reference - tell us whom this is referring to.)

Since my drives are now consistently longer than my putts, my next task is to stop killing so many worms with shots from the fairway. (Honest injun - that's probably not PC is it? - I had a worm on my ball that I was putting last week - and was not allowed to remove it without taking a stroke.

Savor this blog - it may be the last.

Max OUT.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dobbs Ferry Gym RATS RALLY

If you think the Tea Party was a phenomena created because of the disgruntled populace banding together to speak out against big government, or that the riots in Bangkok where the " have nots" are rioting against the "haves"are is newsworthy (front page of the NY Times), you haven't seen anything yet. There is a groundswell of opposition against the announced change in policy to take place effective June 7th at the Dobbs Ferry gym. The management must be in bed with those 'la de da' pseudo gym people who come to the gym right before spin and think they have the G-d Given, unalienable right to get a bike and have proclaimed that there will be NO MORE signing up one day in advance, and EVEN WORSE ... you can only sign up 20 minutes in advance for a spin class. That means that the hard working gym grunts that line up at 4:45 am every morning to get in their 58 minutes of exercise before spin class (there is a ridiculous rule that you have to be on your bike 2 minutes before the start of a class -- and can't leave the room for any reason - including going to the bathroom with getting a pass from the spin instructor (see previous blog) will have to stop their exercising 20 minutes earlier to stand on line to sign up for a class. Those 20 minutes of exercise time is precious to us working class stiffs .... remember the days of Max who would open the door at 5:50 am because he was 'one of us.' Remember what they did to him? And needless to say - this will be the end of the nascent running club --- whose members would arrive 15 minutes before the gym opened, wait on line, deposit their belongings in their favorite lockers - (remember we are the working class who are not 'gymming at leisure and going out to Starbucks for our morning coffee after our workout), put a towel on our bikes (always the same one) and then go for our run -- which was carefully timed to get us back to the gym in time for the 2 minute class warning bell to ring.

This is a carefully constructed plot by the gym elite - those with the matching tops and shorts - those who never really sweat, but glisten to stick it to the proletariat. We've been pushed before - we've accepted the nonsensical changing around all the gym equipment for no reason other than for management to flex their muscles .... but they have gone too far.

I have proudly participated in civil rights marches in the early 60's when I was barely old enough to walk, protested against the war in Vietnam, even if it meant missing classes, stopped consuming tons of red meat - because cows are our brothers - but nothing like the actions I'm prepared to take if this ill-begotten policy is not changed.

To my faithful readers I make this pledge -- if come June 7th - I am NOT allowed to pursue my rights guaranteed to my under the Constitution of this fine Country and work out without stopping 20 minutes early for fear of not spinning .... then I declare to all my readers around the world that I will join the other great leaders - Max Fielding and the news anchor who prefers that I not use his name - but his cry of "I'm fed up and I won't take this anymore" - and promise to do the following, without regard to the consequences .....


BTW - golf was fine - Neil didn't get into any altercations, Les had the shot of the day - chipping in from off the green, Rich played his usual solid game and on most holes, my drives were longer than my putts.

I will be selling tee shirts and organizing marches on the Dobbs Ferry gym if indeed the Secretary of State - who obviously has a personal interest in the injustices happening in her home state - doesn't get the tyrants who run the gym to listen to the 'little guy' - the hard working, sweat producing drones who tirelessly come to the gym and look the other way at the dust balls that are now larger than the basketballs. We cannot afford to be silent any longer.


a very angry but determined Max - out.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I would hire someone to ghost write my blog .... I apologize for not blogging for 2 weeks ..... truth be told - not much to say.

The two prior Sundays were polar opposites in terms of weather. Two weeks ago it was 90 and humid, last week it was in the 40's with wind gusts equalling the temperature. The only thing that was consistent for the past two weeks was my game .... which was so bad that if I knew how to - I would have put my clubs up for sale on E-Bay. Perhaps the most noteworthy thing is that Les is slowly but surely being outfitted by the Maple Moore golf shop .... having bought a black Maple Moore golf hat one week (the hot day) and a new black golf glove the next week (when it was snowing.) Other than Neil almost getting beat up because he had the audacity to pick up a golf ball on our fairway - and not seeing anyone around - pocket it. A couple of thugs playing on the fairway next to ours wanted his head because they were playing for money and it was one of their balls that Neil 'stole.' Fortunately, the fourth guy we were playing with was 'big' and wearing shorts despite the single digit temperatures .... The thugs had second thoughts about starting with us - after seeing him.

Although my game has been less than stellar -- I accepted an invitation to play at the Trump National Golf Course today. My host was a 6 figure donor to WJCS who is a sports enthusiast. We've made multiple bets during the course of the year - He's a Philly's fan - I'm a Yankees fan so I won a lunch; He operates a hedge fund so he's a gambler by nature and hates to lose. At the start of the big dance we bet which team (Georgetown - he's an alum, on the Board of Directors and 3 of his kids have gone to the school and of course I have jogged on east campus numerous times and have spent 7 years on the campus which almost makes me a Duke alum) would advance further. The bet was a round of golf -- Trump vs. Saxon Woods.

IF I WERE A RICH MAN, I'd be comfortable with the trappings of a country club - and Trump puts the others to shame. It starts off with the valet parking your car and making sure your clubs are brought to the driving range. It ends with the valet bringing your car, which they washed - with your clubs in it. In between there are people who do everything from putting the tee in the ground for you - why should you bend - to polishing your golf shoes and changing the laces because they were starting to fray. We had a caddy who carried two bags - and of course I don't have a light 'stand up' one and managed to always appear with the correct club to use. He virtually drew a line on the green for you to follow when putting. He wipes your clubs down after every swing and would iron your shirt between holes if you asked.

and for the record - let me state emphatically that I did NOT piss in the woods. The caddy carried a urinal for this purpose.

So why am I so neurotic that I can't just play the role of a 'rich man.' I dressed the part today - dressed in work slacks, a white collared golf shirt and a grey golf sweater. I wore a new Titlest golf hat and didn't blow my nose in the cloth napkin at lunch.

Who amongst my readership would be able to 'tolerate' being king/queen for a day. I'm like Cinderella - although she was able to enjoy the ball - and I didn't lose my shoe (just got them back a lot cleaner.) How would you handle this culture shock for the day ... IF YOU WERE A RICH (WO)MAN?

Status quo at the gym -- The two young women at the front desk sign Jodi and me up for spin without asking; no-one is stealing our bikes, and the ellipticals seem to have lost their popularity. Another way of saying -- no GYM STORIES.

I'm boring myself with this blog entry ..... any suggestions for future blogs? How about a section of "Ask the Blogger".... you write in questions and I'll answer them.

Until then - How do you sell things on E-Bay?

Wish my drives were as long as my putts -

Max out

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's the 'little things' that make life special

Like finding that when they added 5 bikes to the spin room - bringing the total number of bikes to 30 - cramped into a small room ---- my bike is angled so I don't have someone's butt in my nose and I actually have more room than I had before.

or playing golf with Mr. Benjamin Lew ..... son of one of our regulars - Les - Ben has always been 'special.' Perhaps it stems back to the sleep over he had with Daniel - both were probably 5 years old and Ben was a tad 'upset.' Rather than call his parents in the middle of the night - we stayed up and watched TV --- great shows are on between 1 and 4 am. Ben and Daniel shared so many great athletic moments - from starring on their kindergarten soccer team - the NETS - to co-captaining the HS soccer team that was 'cheated' out of a league championship by Eastchester HS .... to this day - they speak of that travesty of justice. So playing with Ben was another one of 'life's little things' that is special.

Captain Rich is communing with his golf guru in Ft. Lauderdale and Barry chose to delve into the inner meanings of Annie Hall .... while Neil, Les, Ben and I spent a manageable 4hr and 50 minutes enjoying another Sunday at Maple Moor. For those readers who are wondering when Saxon Woods will re-open .... it's conceivable not before the coming of the Messiah. (Our divinity students will explain this statement.)

Ben emerged from his dad's (Les') car and already made my day. He was wearing a lumberjack's red cap with ear flaps down, brown plaid pants and apparently got a large contract to endorse a prominent Westchester law firm (PMT) and was wearing their blue jacket. We had our usual warm up --- none --- and were out on the course ahead of schedule. The best part of my game was without a doubt - successfully putting air in my push cart's tires. Besides that -- I was as unpredictable as a Toyota .... as a side note - I'm so pleased that we 'encouraged' both of our kids to buy Corollas given their 'reputation' for safety.

Ben hit some real boomers, Les worked hard on his backwards, between the legs putting, and Neil continues to rack up the points for Ms. Congeniality with his good humor, especially when one drive didn't quite make the lady's tee -- which in our rules is an automatic mulligan.

Next week's lineup has the return of the Captain, the Rabbi, the Mayor and your truly.
So until then --- hope you hit your drives long, your putts short (putting on these greens is as difficult as being the PR person for the venerable investment bank that everyone loves to 'hate.')

Peace Out - Max

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Opening Day

So many firsts --- the first time Tiger competed after his publicized dalliances, the first time the Yankees received their world series rings in the 'new' stadium and our first official time out on the course this year.

If you recall - and how can you not, being true devotees of this blog - Saxon Woods is under repair - but that didn't stop us from sleeping in the parking lot, paying $1,000 to reserve Sunday tee time. The course did not open - and it was only because of the persistence of Captain Rich - that we found out we had been given time at Maple Moore - a course up the road - at an earlier start time, which is what we wanted all along.

Thankfully - the crowds following us were diminished because of the 'other firsts' and the original foursome (the Captain, Barry, Les and me) ..... just like Pete Best - Dan Forman is no longer remembered ..... audience participate - who is Pete Best? (Only people under the age of 40 are allowed to answer) started the season. It was a cool morning - but Barry being the forward thinker of the group wore shorts. We all should have worn 'waders' -- the fishing crowd knows what these are -- given how muddy sections of the course were. We finished in a reasonable 4 hrs and 40 minutes .... and played our usual game of 'advancing the ball' - with an occasional good shot thrown in. The greens were multi-tiered and lightening fast. It didn't stop Les from attempting his behind the back, between the legs putting that he has mastered.

Since I pride myself on 'complete disclosure' - on the first tee - on a course we never played on - in front of people who would be following us for an extended period of time, until Saxon Woods opened - which some believe will be in time for the Rosh Hashana Open - second day - I dribbled my tee shot and barely made the women's tee. I didn't take a mulligan - ran to the ball and took another 'huge swing', topped it and had it roll the length of the club .... maybe. The people behind us were starting to mutter --- and use the name of our Lord in vain .... so I hightailed it out of there - pushing my cart - only to get stuck in the mud and just about needed to call for a ranger to give me a tow. Not the best of beginnings.

For those of you who requested an update on the scatological challenges on the course --- the 'official' restrooms were closed, the natural ones (read the woods) are always available, and at one hole there were porter pottys. Three of us went to the bathroom at that time. How many used the porter potty and how many used the woods right behind them? For an added bonus - give names and what they did.

At the end of the round there wasn't the same emotional response that Phil demonstrated - but there was a sense of calm and normality because Golf Season is back.

Quick snapshot of what's happening at the gym --- without any notice - management took out 14 of 26 spin bikes for 'maintenance'. That didn't sit well since 26 people had signed up for the bikes and there was the potential for civil unrest. They were smart enough to put the two biggest trainers - in sleeveless shirts - outside the door - and take the first 14 registrants. Naturally, I was one of the 14 - given that I get on line at mid-night the day before to secure my position of being in the top 5. The notion of 'maintenance' is suspect - since my bike was removed - and my long time readers will remember that I switched my old bike for a brand new one.

The fruits of my professional 'labor' are starting to pay off - with 'promises' from donors and board members to take me to their country club - as their guest. With a bit of luck - I'll have played on four different country club courses within the month. It's a tough job - but someone has to make nice and fortunately my boss sees himself as a basketball/softball player. If anyone is starting a pick up game - please let him know.

Looking forward to this Sunday when we switch it up ... Captain R is in golf camp down in the sunshine state, Barry is leading the Jewish world in an in-depth look at the importance of Jews in film over the years and stepping up is our Mayor - Neil and the best car sitter we have (pictures can be seen on a prior blog), Ben.

So until then -- Hoping that I can get my drives longer and straighter, my putts shorter and truer, and my spin bike back .....

Max out!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Passover Open

Not all the excitement can be found in Augusta ..... The two day Passover Open created quite a buzz in this part of golf town, USA.

Captain Rich and I had tee time at the jewel of the County courses - Mohansic - noted for its hilly terrain, long walks between holes and its racing fast greens. While most of the noted journalists were waiting to catch 'the eye of the Tiger' .... Rich and I were paired with the Executive Producer of ABC Sports and a former Sports Anchorman who hung up the microphone and is now a MD practicing sports medicine. This was not a chance coupling - rather one strategically arranged by my spin buddy. As an avid reader and commentator on the blog, she realized the potential to create a show like Entourage - it has all the ingredients: young, cool guys having fun playing a rich man's game .... with their Bronx roots showing. I understand that she enjoys a special relationship with the Executive Producer and willing to do whatever it takes to get this blog onto the small screen.

The producer and anchor were a well coordinated unit --- the producer directing the anchor - setting up the shots, reading the greens and providing 'gentle but firm directions' --- which more often than note resulted in bone crushing drives and a number of 'birdies.' The Executive Producer is not only a 'behind the scenes' guy - he was out front making two long putts that will be remembered at future Passover Opens.

It all comes down to business .... The ABC TV sports gurus acknowledged that better than Seinfeld - who had a show about 'nothing' - we had a show about Golf and Life. What they need to see is that the number of people commenting continues to increase ... that there is a buzz about this blog and that we are on ready to go BIG TIME.

The second half of the Passover Open was played with a different mix of characters. The Captain had to return to work and turn orders into GOLD. The TV moguls were focusing on admittedly less important things -- the Yankees first loss and the Mets first victory of the season; the Masters tournament and Tiger's return, and the NCAA's - David and Goliath .... Bulldogs vs. Blue Devils.

Taking their places was Frank the Hammer, and a golf psychologist and a clinical social worker whose love of God was reflected in his continuous repeating his morning prayers .... "Oh God, Oh Jesus .... or when he was moved by some internal calling ... Pastor Bill would exclaim - Jesus Christ. The venue was changed to Maple Moore -- where the mud was thick enough to suck your shoes off your feet. The day went well - with the Hammer crushing the ball and the shrinks analyzing every shot. I played as well as I would hope - Drives that were purposely placed to give me maximum exposure to every part of the course.

The Passover Open came to close with the Hammer asking for the closest fast food place and my giving him my last box of chocolate matzah. Frank's parting words -- 'until the Shevout Open' - were uttered with the heartfelt prayer - 'Baruch HaShem' ......

a few personal shout outs -- the world is a much BETTER place as we welcomed the newest reader of the blog .. Lila Ray Endick; April birthdays including Dr. C., josh, Amanda, anonymous whose expertise in car and house repair are always in need, and one of our car sitters - Ben.

Opening Day of the E-Z reserve system is this Sunday. Saxon Woods - our home course - is not available and we'll be given the opportunity to play at the Mud Bowl ....

Until then - keeps your drives long and straight and your putts short and true.

Peace out - Max

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where Have You Gone Joe Dimagio ....

I'm Back and I'm Energized to bring you a Better and Bigger Blog than ever Before ..... KUDOS to Captain Rich .... check the prior blog --- Rich not only captured the overnights in the Parking Lot leading up to our registration -- but also has introduced Colored Pictures ..... which brings 'words to life' and very helpful to our small but growing illiterate readership who have been asking for PICTURES. Thanks Captain!

It was a challenging Winter --- fraught with intrigue and challenges. For instance - unknown to us 'gymers' .... we walked into the spin room one morning - 5 am - to learn that overnight 5 new bikes were added -- and placed in the front of a small room - now containing 32 spin bikes .... crammed in a room not nearly large enough. There were the usual 4 of us who went to save our bikes - only to be confronted by an ethical dilemma. None of us were slated to get one of the new bikes - if we wanted to keep to our self-designated spots. Did we re-arrange the bikes --- so we would benefit by having the new bikes? Did we accept that unless we wanted to change our seats, someone else would get the brand new, shiny bikes? A split second decision needed to be made --- before others would come into the room. We are a group comprised of a social worker, an accountant, a teacher and a businessman.

We did a survey of our readership over the winter and an overwhelming percentage of respondents indicated that they liked the audience participation part of the blog best..... and since I live to satisfy the requests of my loyal following - I ask you --- what did we do at 5 am in the spin room that day we discovered the new bikes? and what would you deem the 'right thing to do?' This was brought to the ethics committee of this blog and I'll share their response in our next blog.

and then there was Opening Week-End --- which was scheduled for last week .... but nature had a mind of her own and this area was devestated by a NorEaster that delayed the opening. Just one week earlier - the course was under 2 ft. of snow. So imagine how delighted Neil (our newest member of the band) and I were when we broke out the clubs and played a quick 18 holes (at Sprain) this past Sunday. (remember Rich's pictures of Saxon Woods -- we figure we may get to play it sometime in July.) We picked up as though we never took a hiatus --- far more good shots than bad .... The weather was ideal --- sunny in the 60's .... course was in unbelieveable shape --- green, clear of debris, and not very wet.

and most importantly -- what was re-enforced was that the values of life are practiced on the golf course daily. There is a respect for rules - while maintaining a certain degree of flexibility in how they are interpretted. There is an honest desire to see your fellow golfer (human being) succeed, you help each other out (ie: looking for each other's lost golf balls) ---- even strangers become friends when you meet for the first time at the tee box. There is always the opportunity to do better and your success can change from shot to shot - so one never gets too cocky on the course. Everyone gets a turn and everyone is patient. No-one mocks you for making a bad shot - while everyone praises you for a good effort. At the end of the round - no-one really cares if you did well - or not .... people judge themselves on their own individual performance. If only more people played golf - this world would be a better place.

So now that we're back .... we need to hear from you ... I'm in negotiations with some major companies who are looking for a new golf 'idol' to back .... their previous star had some personal issues that necessitated them disassociating with him.

Another new component of the blog that you asked for was 'birthday shoutouts' .... so in Feb and March we have shouts going to Jill, Sam, Irene/Rena, Jenna, Judi and Neil .... for a combined total of 368 years ... anyone who can break this out will win an autographed picture of yours truly as I emerged from this New Year's day swim in the Sound. For those whose birthdays were celebrated -- in the words of the poet Dylan Thomas -- "May You Stay Forever Young."

Peace out --- (I've decided no more 'cute nicknames like Bud o Chipster, no more making up names - like Bob or Steve ..... I'm going to use the name that was given to me at birth ... )


Saturday, March 6, 2010

It all begins in the Parking lot

Another year, and another parking lot adventure. This year as in previous years we performed the parking lot sleepover to get our tee time. This is not your average slumber party, but a carefully orchestrated tag team event in which a constant vigil occurs in the Saxon Woods parking lot. This year we were joined by three new participants. Jill started us off on Thursday morning giving up some of her work time to hold onto a precious spot on line. Neil sent Ed in his place to maintain the flow. Finally, Ben Lew did the final leg of the relay and was there asleep in the parking lot when Bernie arrived to claim our prize. Here are some photos capturing the scene


Whereas this situation was similar to last year, the same cannot be said for the course. Saxon Woods is undergoing major renovation to fix the drainage and generally improve the course. Here are some more photos of the changes to the course. The first is hole number 3 where the stream that runs along the right side as been significantly widened. This scene is looking from the bottom of the green back toward the fairway

This change was followed with one that will make the course slightly easier. On the 4th hole they have cleared away most of the trees on the left hand side. Les in particular will like this change, because he seemed to frequent the woods on the left side. Now he and other will be able to hit our from that area. Here is a picture of the new cleaned out area looking from the fairway.

The next change is the most radical and some might say puzzling. The 6th hole which used to be one of the easiest holes on the course is now being changed to one of the most challenging. They have cleared out the entire right side of the hole and elevated the green to a huge hill, which invites you to miss and have the ball roll down to your feet. We expect some high scores on this hole. In addition to this change, they have moved the tee box for the next hole over about 20 yards making it slightly easier. Here are some pictures, that don't really do the scene justice.

Another change occurs on the 13th and 14th holes (and to some extent the 8th). The stream that runs along the 13th hole has been significantly widened. This was the scene of a previous encounter where the hand cart ended up in the marshy swamp. It is not longer a marshy swamp but is now a full fledged water hazard. Here it is, picture taken while standing on the bridge.

The final pictures show the 11th hole where again they have taken an ugly marsh and turned into an attractive, but imposing water hazard. As Barry observed, it seems like to solve the water problem on the course, they have added more legitimate water to the course. Who would have imagined that was the solution to the problem. Here are 2 photos looking from the 11th green.

The course is more challenging, but the question remains "Will it be ready by opening day, April 11th?" Stay tuned.